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Penis Enlargement pills & methods

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Started by virgo at 09,Oct,14 12:30  other posts of virgo
Does these penis enlargement pills work and if so which pills does work?? Or are there other home remedies or methods that work??

Similar topics: 1.what is ur penis enlargement methods ?   2.Penis Enlargement   3.Dose any one know penis enlargement exercisers   4.Penis enlargement   5.Real Penis Enlargement (PE)  

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By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 03:21
if there was a pill to make them bigger, jeans would be made with one leg bigger, you'd get a left or right fit *lix*

By spermkiss at 09,Oct,14 17:22 other posts of spermkiss 
Scam, scam, scam! For starters, see the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

So what DOES work?

Penis pumps can cause a temporary increase in penis size, but the operant word here is TEMPORARY. After a few hours or at most a few days the penis returns to its original size. And they are more than a little risky. They can cause a loss of sensitivity or even worse rupture a b-l-o-o-d vessel necessitating a trip to a hospital emergency room.

Surgery can also work, but it, too, has a serious down side. One is that it is very expensive and it is virtually never covered by insurance. Two is that it has mixed results. Yes, the penis is larger, but it is grotesquely deformed and it usually will not stand up when erect, but continue to hang down.

So the bottom line is that the penis you've got is the penis you're always gonna have. Learn to live with it and be happy with it.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Since posting the above note I went to your page. Yes, your penis is on the small end of average, but it is definitely NOT a micro penis. It's big enough to get the job done so be happy with it. And even if it were a micro, so what? There are a LOT of people out there who like micros. Now matter what size you have, from a micro all the way up to a jumbo and everywhere in between, you can be sure that there are a lot of people who like that size.
By cazzoduro69 at 04,Jan,15 12:35 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By #479114 at 06,Jan,15 07:19
spermkiss you seem pretty well informed but this one I'm afraid you need to do some more research on my friend
By spermkiss at 08,Jan,15 06:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Your point is well taken and I like to think that I'm always ready to learn something new. Indeed, I cannot begin to count the number of things I have learned from other SYD members. What we members learn from each other is one of the most rewarding aspects of the site.

So I had a look at what I could find on jelquing on the internet, as per your comment on December 30. It turns out this technique is for real and it has more than a little credibility with medical experts. Now it ain't gonna turn a micro penis into a jumbo, but it seems that it can give a modest increase in size. Your claim to have gained 1/3 inch is totally believable.

I thank you. It's always great to learn something new.
--------------------------------------- added after 117 seconds

By the way, the correct spelling is jelqing.
By winnie at 08,Jan,15 09:07 other posts of winnie 
If it realy works maybe i would try, how much bigger can i get?
By spermkiss at 08,Jan,15 16:28 other posts of spermkiss 
First have a look at 8inch dd's comment on December 30 and Ahhhhhh's comment on December 29. Then do an internet search of "jelqing" yourself and read some of the material there and draw your own conclusions.

My own personal thoughts are that 8inch dd's claim to have gained a third of an inch is believable, while Ahhhhhh's claim to have more than doubled his size from 8 cm to 18 cm is a tad hard to believe.

By #460523 at 07,Jan,15 02:44
nicely said

By cazzoduro69 at 07,Jan,15 15:35 other posts of cazzoduro69 
just an illusion

By john12 at 06,Jan,15 23:59 other posts of john12 
Do not use any kind of pill they will kill your kidneys ! I was stupid to use them and now have kidney problems because of them . and didn't make my dick any bigger or thicker or harder !
By #472683 at 07,Jan,15 00:21
I'm so sorry you have kidney problems now. I have them for another reason.
By john12 at 07,Jan,15 10:07 other posts of john12 

By Moench at 06,Jan,15 23:33 other posts of Moench 
i am happy with my small penis and no need entlargment

By #467154 at 29,Dec,14 11:14
There is method that works and it been proven by medical study done in the UK. There is exercises that a man can do that work. I had a small dick and after n year of exercise I am proud to say to have a 18cm dick, from 8cm. And even if I stop I only go back to 15cm. So I am still happy with that size.

By slipper at 10,Oct,14 04:32 other posts of slipper 
Just another scam!!!

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