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Started by #257244 at 17,May,12 13:27
Wow thats hella sad when you have no life and have to be all chicken hawking on other peoples pics because you can't get points of your own. Just because no one wants to see your crap, doesn't mean you have to go around burning others points and being the pic category po po. Im not naming you because you already know who you are, you little nozzle.
We need a pics-that-give-you-nightmares category to move some of your pics into
By #257244 at 19,May,12 00:58
well not my new ones anyway right?
By #88520 at 19,May,12 05:04
The new ones would go into the too-grainy and too-much-clothes category
Armpit lady is some real nightmare material though.
By #257244 at 19,May,12 20:04
You just want me naked
By #88520 at 19,May,12 21:00
Naked and with your lips around my dick would be great!
By #70814 at 18,May,12 11:43
You mad?
What are those pictures on your profile? I mean, seriously ?
By #257244 at 18,May,12 13:52
Hell im hella pissed. Those are just jokes between me and friends. At least I'm not photoshopping the fuck out of my self or stealing pics like some loser. The pics I have of of me are private for a reason and none of my friends complain. I don't have to go point trolling like im the popo. And to burn my points that's done straight up high school school crap. But I guess shouldnt expect more from underdeveloped embroyos.
By #219847 at 18,May,12 14:43
Sounds like you're mad bro for not getting the joke
By #257244 at 18,May,12 19:31
I thought I was being pretty funny myself, but guess some people dont like it. Oh well good way of weeding out all the world of warcraft losers in mommys basement.
Armpit lady is some real nightmare material though.
What are those pictures on your profile? I mean, seriously ?