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jacking off outside?

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Started by #224696 at 25,Oct,12 22:22
Who likes jacking off outside or in public? Where? Did u get caught? Tell me your story?

Similar topics: 1.Jack off   2.Need help!!! I want to know how to make jacking off better   3.Who else likes sniffing their asshole while jacking?   4.Jacking off to yourself?   5.Anyone else jack off to videos/pics of themselves naked/jacking off?  

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By wycowboy at 20,Jan,23 15:11 other posts of wycowboy 
Sex in my marraige has been lacking for the most part for a few years now and since I broke my ankle last May has been non-existent. I was pretty horny yesterday and it was warm outside in the sunshine so I took advantage of it and went out on my porch in some shorts and tshirt to soak up some rays. I started playing my with my cock through the leg of my shorts and after getting some precum running took them off and started wanking. Since I was in full view of anyone driving or walking by it didn't take long to shoot some cum on to the deck boards and my feet. What a great cum it was. Did anyone see me? I don't know, don't care either.

By Mynakedcock at 20,Jan,23 01:33 other posts of Mynakedcock 
I love going to the New Forest and walking naked and having a wank. I like finding a semi hidden place and stand there totally naked rubbing my cock, I have been caught a few times by people who have walked quietly and come across me by surprise, but have always found this the biggest thrill of wanking outdoors and always had the best cums when I’ve been caught.

By jimbo111949 at 22,Dec,22 22:14 other posts of jimbo111949 
I used to live in the country and would go up on the hill behind our house and jack off. Sometimes several times a day.
By wycowboy at 24,Dec,22 19:55 other posts of wycowboy 
I love in a small Wyoming town at the edge of the Big Horn mountain range so there are plenty of places with a lot of room for me to wander around naked and erect. I get some really awesome orgasms that way.

By Ozmen666 at 24,Dec,22 16:07 other posts of Ozmen666 

By #667243 at 15,Apr,22 17:34
absolutely love jerking it outside. i live in a rv resort and take late night walks and jerk off during them. i will go out during the day wearing little to nothing and jerk off standing in the sun behind my rv and take pics. it just feels so nice to be naked in the sun.i dont think anyone has ever seen me and dont really try to be seen but of course the thought that someone may see me is exciting.

By knewbi at 15,Apr,22 15:30 other posts of knewbi 
Jerked off many times in my car while driving. Also have a long winter coat that has a pocket with no lining that lets me reach all the way into my pants pocket. I wear this coat with a pants that also has no pocket lining. The pants are very loose so that I can have access to my cock. I wear no underwear when doing this. I then can walk around, slowly stroke my cock and have fun. My only problem cums when I am cumming. I must try not to show it on my face.

By #664956 at 12,Apr,22 21:39
When I use to smoke Crack (not a good thing to get into)
I would take my car to areas around the city; private for the most part. Well I would start getting high then off with all my clothing.
I would be in area's that had few people but people none the less.
I would sit there playing with myself, masturbating and hoping to get caught and caught I got.
One time I was caught playing with myself at night 100 am or so. Did not think any one was about so I had my interior lights on. I did not realize two guy in the bushes, they were watching me jacking off. I was being a bit loud with the thinks I was saying.(like how much I love sucking cocks, things like that. I did that most of the time. Crack will make you do a lot of weird shit.) Suddenly they were just outside my driver's door window looking down and watching me go at it. Me not being able to see outside if anyone could be there and frankly I did not give a shit. Well maybe I should have. Suddenly there was a knock of on the window, I stopped quietly turned off the lights th3n I heard one sayand if I had a lite. I said yes. Gave them my liter, then they asked me what was I up to?
I said sitting here getting high. That is it one of them said. I did not respond. They asked what I was smoking, I told them, just some crack. Them one of them ask if I could share a toke. I said not know what I was thinking. One asked if the could hop inside for the toke, I said yeah sure. Sort of forgetting that I was butt naked and was pleasuring myself with the lights on, knowing very well that they saw me. Well, the both hopped in, one in the front passenger seat one behind him. I did try to get some of my clothes on but the guy beside me said " no worries we already saw what you were doing.
Well, to make this story short er I gave them both a good hit each. I was going to lend then my pipe, but they had their own.
We all had a toke together. Me sitting with a semi,they say they were watching me for 10 minutes and then watched me through the window for a bit before they knocked. So I said you must have heard what I was repeating to myself while I was, you know....Jacking off one said. Then the other one said, sounds like you are a little faggot. I did say anything. After a bit the guy who sat beside me told me to suck his cock, I said I do not know man. He said you really do not have a choice you are going to blow us both or we will beat the shit out of you. I said come on guys and the guy beside me slugged me in the chest. It did what I was told. Was scared as hell. After finishing both of them they sat there for a while, told me to keep my mouth shut..
It did of course. Sadly, to this day it really turns me on thing about it. I stopped smoking Crack soon after that.
Never happened again.

First time I really have ever told.
Sorry for the lengthy story. Thank you for the forum.

By kmichaelp at 12,Apr,22 16:10 other posts of kmichaelp 
I mow my yard naked and jerk off while doing it!

By Funtoy at 12,Apr,22 15:24 other posts of Funtoy 
Love anything with high risk, please check out my profile pics and videos, need a cameramen for some great videos here in the Fresno Ca. area, let me know, 🙂

By #667181 at 12,Apr,22 08:24
Anywhere I can.

By Lvphose at 07,Jan,22 03:58 other posts of Lvphose 
Outside on the landing at top of the stairs to my Apartment.

By Gulpereel at 31,Dec,21 21:14 other posts of Gulpereel 
I do on my deck.

By Dagobert at 30,Dec,21 14:24 other posts of Dagobert 
i like to go naked in the woods and to look for mushrooms in hot summer days, while i wander my cock usually goes erected. sometimes girls saw me, but i went passing them. they looked and nothing else happened...

By tinypenissaggyballs at 29,Dec,21 23:54 other posts of tinypenissaggyballs 
I'm laying naked playing with my cock in my motel room right now . Ground floor back of motel with the curtain wide open lights off hoping somebody walks by! Very hard not to cum all over, want to wait until somebody can watch!

By #655976 at 04,Dec,21 10:55
Jacked off at a nude beach while being watched

By #654799 at 04,Dec,21 08:33
There was a known dogging spot near where I used to live, with the sand dunes particularly known for men hooking up.

Extremely horny one day walking home, I walked into the local supermarket and straight to the women's clothes section picking out a red lace thong, black French knickers and a pair of white cotton panties.

I headed off the path towards the dunes and found a picnic table in the middle of a secluded patch.

Sitting on the grass I took my top off and then my trousers, opened my bag and took out the black French knickers, as I pulled them up there I was stood in the middle of the field wearing nothing but panties.

Horny as hell I cum in minutes. 20mins later I still hadn't seen anyone else, changing from the cum soaked knickers into the red thong and putting my clothes back on I followed the path towards a little wooded area. Passing a few men on the way I stopped by a fallen tree, removing my top again and undoing the button on my trousers so they dropped to reveal the top of the thong.

Pretending to exercise, stretching and bending I noticed I was being watched. Then another guy stopped near by. Turning to make sure both had their eyes fixed on me.

Now I was really horny, I dropped my trousers, lace tickling my ass n balls bent over the tree before turning around sat legs open facing them as I pull my cock out and wank as they watch.

One came closer to see me cum playing with himself. Massive orgasm has my legs trembling, heart racing, lace still turning me back on.

Continued stroking myself as the one guy carried on wanking and staring at me. Then got dressed and walked home to my gf and kids

By #652988 at 22,Nov,21 05:39
I sit under my carport and jack off sometime

By #625826 at 30,Oct,21 00:05
Nake ,late at night -by the campfire...

By #463848 at 26,Oct,21 12:19
I like doing it outside and never been caught.
By #64328 at 26,Oct,21 20:06
I have done it in countless risky and semi public places and have never actually been caught in the act. But I have had many close calls where someone may have suspected what I was doing or had just done. The risk always seem to add to it.

By #652988 at 16,Oct,21 21:40
I set outside and jackoff all the time

By cigarman at 12,Mar,21 18:22 other posts of cigarman 
I like laying out in the sun, tanning, completely naked. And when the mood strikes, slowly jerking off, until I finally cum all over my chest.
By german_guy at 13,Mar,21 20:15 other posts of german_guy 
same here, me too

By #600792 at 12,Mar,21 16:46
often.....i have pictures xx

By Bobby95 at 11,Mar,21 15:23 other posts of Bobby95 
On my back porch once on a hot summer day.

By #462599 at 10,Mar,21 20:57
I love to play with my cock in Mountain Beach River desert anywhere outside

By #632553 at 05,Jan,21 20:11
I'm jacking off in front of an open widow.

By german_guy at 13,Oct,20 18:19 other posts of german_guy 
I do a lot of biking and when ever I take a break I play with my cock and do a littel edging, waiting for the next break...till I finally shoot a big load
By Blade at 27,Oct,20 03:35 other posts of Blade 
I do the same thing. I like to get going again with my dick hanging out the pant leg of my shorts. I have a couple favorite spots to stop and shoot my cum.
By german_guy at 28,Oct,20 20:12 other posts of german_guy 
sounds great I do the same lot of times

By #626775 at 28,Oct,20 19:12
I like sun tanning outside and having a long jerk

By #64328 at 27,Oct,20 16:52
I have always got a thrill out of secretly masturbating in odd, risky and semi public places. I've been doing this ever since I was a young boy and have never actually been caught in the act. Though I have had many close calls where someone may have suspected what I was doing or had just done. I have just always been excited that other are close by and have no clue that I'm masturbating

By #523015 at 19,Oct,20 09:18
I love playing with myself either in the living room or bathroom and sometimes even on my bed with the door open and wait for my roommates to walk in and I act like it was an accident but it's happened dozens of times now
By #463848 at 20,Oct,20 09:01
I wish you were in my room areas when I was your age. I tried to get hold of a few but no one seemed that way inclined.
By #523015 at 20,Oct,20 11:20
All boys are horny and most will gladly let you suck them off as long as they don't think anyone will find out and I think seducing straight boys is wayyy hotter

By #463848 at 20,Oct,20 08:59
Often done it but never been caught

By Bobby95 at 19,Oct,20 22:46 other posts of Bobby95 
I’ve always wanted to try jerking off outdoors naked , but sadly have never had the guts to try it.

By #623341 at 13,Oct,20 17:01
I regularly do it in my yard naked just wearing my converse hi tops I sit back in my chair apply some lube and just slowly wank my self off. Sometimes I cum pretty quick but most times I edge myself with plenty of lube

By wycowboy at 13,Oct,20 14:05 other posts of wycowboy 
I jack off outside very often. Sometimes just my cock is out, sometime totally nude, it just depends on where. The thrill of maybe getting caught makes it very worthwhile. I started when about 12 and am now 57 so have been doing it for 45 years now. I'm sure that I have been seen doing it at least once in all those years.

By #627604 at 12,Oct,20 18:32
My first cum was out in the woods and I was a totally naked 11 year old. Now I'm 86 and still loke masturbaating outdooors, totally naked of course. I a voyeur wanders by, I'm happy to be seen.....

By Rudeboy1977 at 12,Oct,20 09:12 other posts of Rudeboy1977 
I spent a long weekend on Martha's Vineyard (MA, USA) a few years ago, and when I got to the beach on Saturday morning, I realized that the tide was high and so there was almost no beach. Apparently I was the only one who didn't check the tides, so I was alone for more than an hour on a beach that has hundreds of people at low tide. Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a little fun, so, after I stripped off, I got out my camera and took a few shots. After that, being a guy, I thought, "Hey, I could jack off right here". I stood there, looking out at the surf (a hurricane was just passing to the south of the island, and the waves were huge), stroking my dick and taking pictures. I even got a shot of myself cumming, complete with the cum flying onto the beach.

By leopoldij at 07,Oct,20 21:57 other posts of leopoldij 
It's great, especially when you do it with a partner

By earthy at 05,Oct,20 15:13 other posts of earthy 
When I eas a kid me and a friend would jerk off by the pool at my house, sometimes while skinnydipping. We did that quite a few times. Dont think anyone ever saw us though.

By tixHH at 05,Oct,20 09:41 other posts of tixHH 

By doedeldi at 04,Oct,20 11:20 other posts of doedeldi 
Wank outsite yes, but not naked.

By #1102 at 03,Oct,20 10:05
me get drunk and take pics naked at night never been caught yet

By #586354 at 02,Oct,20 15:32
Got way too drunk late a night and went skinny dipping with a couple friends. There was some mutual stroking in the water. After that and a naked walk on the beach, we walked back to the car, still naked. I had to piss and pissed facing the road. Started jerking off in full view of the road near a street light while my friends continued to the car to dry off and dress. 5 cars drove past while I beat off and some slowed but the last one stopped and my logical side gave my a slap and I ran away from the road into the cover of darkness before going back to the car.

Was the riskiest thing I've ever done. Took me weeks to get over the horror when i thought about dash cams and people recording lol. I dont really regret it though.

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a pic from the night, thats the road the cars were driving on I'm standing in the middle of ^

By #625864 at 17,Sep,20 08:01
I am honestly still very nervous about jerking outdoors but it’s usually worth it because it’s so fucking hot

I usually do it in my backyard (which is extremely close to other houses and does not have a fence of any type). So it is pretty risky and it’s incredibly hot to be completely naked and vulnerable like that.

The best time I jacked outdoors was when I was on a farm in a different country while on vacation. The risk of not only jacking outdoors, but of jacking somewhere that is unfamiliar to you is so hot to me.
By #1102 at 17,Sep,20 09:28

By #64328 at 07,Sep,18 18:42
As a young teen I would lay down in a field of tall grass and get totally naked and jack off within 100 feet of a walking trail. Being naked and jacking off while people walked by totally unaware was such an incredible rush.

By #566722 at 07,Sep,18 18:13
One time I jacked trough my trouser's pocket while standing near a river. I want to try jacking outside in some park, while watching other ladies in mini skirts and maybe get caught by some ladie while masturbating,

By tinypenissaggyballs at 07,Sep,18 18:03 other posts of tinypenissaggyballs 
theres a place by me that has a picnic spot by a river with walk in restrooms (no doors) i go in take my clothes off and step out the door waiting for a car to go buy, feels great standing out in the open naked with a hard on! some of the best orgasms I've ever had.when i was younger 14 i would ride my bike out in the hay field get naked and kack off 3 or 4 cumloads

By brian2 at 15,Mar,18 15:47 other posts of brian2 
Wank in the woods. Can't beat it.

By #532851 at 10,Mar,18 10:06
I jack off in my back yard often. I sit where people can see my upper body but can't tell I'm nude from the waist down and jacking off. I like to wave at them as they walk by on the road. I almost got caught a few times but slipped my shorts on just in time.

By #489480 at 09,Mar,18 21:47
I love wanking outside! The best is doing it completely naked & I have been lucky to have been able to do it naked in the woods, in a nudist park & at regular & nudist beaches. It's so exciting to me that I came a few times without being hard.

By #463848 at 09,Mar,18 07:43
Love to sit in my secluded garden on a hot summers day and pull up the leg of my shorts and work up a nice thrilling feeling before fertilising the grass!

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By #514663 at 25,Oct,16 00:16
Masturbating outside has always been something that really intrigues me, mainly for the rush it gives it. I'll never forget my first time I must of been around 15 or 16 I was swimming in a lake at night when I got the idea to strip out of my trunks and swim around nude. The rush had me so worked up I couldn't help myself and I masturbated in the water. That was my only real experience until a few years ago when I moved to a new house in a smaller rural town. There was enough seclusion for me to play out by the back yard. I stripped completely naked and layed in the grass and masturbated under the stars it was amazing. I've also masturbated in the woods on occasion. I've never been caught I'm always very careful, but still the rush of it is almost addicting
By #551465 at 09,Mar,18 05:25
Sounds great. I remember beating off on my roof when I was around 12-13, and some dude walking a dog looks up and sees me from about 70-80 feet. Naturally, I tried to play it off like I was vigorously removing crumbs from my lap, or something. And never jacked off outside again
By #1102 at 09,Mar,18 07:04
I did it on the roof too same age luved it I did it at night where no one caught me

By qhaos at 30,Jun,17 06:12 other posts of qhaos 
[deleted image]

I really love to jerk outside, i love to feel the air and the sun on my cock.

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