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Jacking off to yourself?

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Started by #628819 at 31,Oct,20 11:15
Does anyone else jack off to their own pics/vids? I can’t describe it. I don’t even think of myself as very sexy, but some of my best loads come from jacking off to my own material.

Similar topics: 1.Jack off   2.Need help!!! I want to know how to make jacking off better   3.jacking off outside?   4.Who else likes sniffing their asshole while jacking?   5.Anyone else jack off to videos/pics of themselves naked/jacking off?  

New Comment

By Ads123 at 22,Mar,25 19:03 other posts of Ads123 
Yeah I can't help getting hard and turned on over my own pics and videos

By bostonspdo at 22,Mar,25 18:46 other posts of bostonspdo 
Sometimes I like to jack off to my own pics/vids.

By #705311 at 01,Jan,24 14:41
I have pics of me with a former female lover and videos of me giving head to a couple different guys that I sometimes jack off to as I mentally relive the experiences.

By Lvphose at 31,Dec,23 20:41 other posts of Lvphose 
I jack off to my videos an ex-gf and I made!

By #682523 at 25,Dec,23 18:27
It happened to me recently, and I admit that it was quite an unusual experience. Very exciting

By routemaster at 25,Dec,23 11:35 other posts of routemaster 
Very occasionally I will jack off to my own pics, its quite horny and exciting knowing that, through the pics I've posted on this site, others might well have jacked off to them too while ogling my dick, balls and arse. If they do, that is the greatest compliment of all.

By geboza at 25,Dec,23 08:56 other posts of geboza 
Szia ! - Jу hallani a hozzбm hasonlуkrуl !
Йn is lefйnykйpezem, videуzom magam, aztбn mint kнvьlбllу nйzzem a kйpeket !
Ez megint beindit йs nagyon sokszor erre a sajбt kйpeimre йlveztem el !
Lefйnykйpezem magam, йs бllуkйpszerűen megmutatom a gйpnek,a faszkiverйs йlvezetes pillanatait.
Kezem izgatottan markolбssza,hъzgбlja a gyцnyцrű faszt.Most ъgy бllнtom a gйpet,hogy lбtszon az is,
ahogy nйzem magam a tьkцrbe.A kйt tьkцr se rossz,az eggyikben lбtom magam szemből,a mбsikban azt,
ahogy izgatottan lesem magam jбtйk kцzbe.
Mбr nagyon sok kйpem gyьlt цssze. Kb 5000 db van mбr a merevlemezen, nem is lehet egyszerre бtnйzni őket.
Mindeggyiken йlveteg faszos jбtйkom, gerjedelmemtől hevьlt testem, szemйrmetlenьl,bujбn kitбrt mindenem
mutatom a gйpnek.
Hevűlten mutatom magamnak - magam, vбgyakozу, gerjedt mindenem, hogy amikor majd megnйzem,
akkor ismйt йrezzem a csodбs kйjt.
Йs, нgy is van ! - ha időnkйnt pergetem a kйpeket, akkor a kis pцcsцm йledni kezd,
megint kнvбnja a simogatбst, - йn meg markolбszom, buzgуn huzigбlom, йs nйzem tovбbb a szйp faszos,
segges felvйteleket. Lihegve, йlvezkedve izgatom magam, faszom gyorsan kemйnyedik,pompбszsan бll,
йs ismйt kнvбnja az elragadtatott, csodбs lelkes rejszolбst, йdes цnbaszбst!
Mindig ъgy йrzem, mintha belesбpadnйk a vбgyba, feszengek, йs nagyon kнvбnom az izgatу jбtйkot,
egйsz testem, nagy faszom, йs seggem simogatбsбt, kйjelgő, цrцmteli vonaglбsбt.
Mindig vбrom az йlvezйs előtti elragadtatott pillanatot, amikor a testem minden porcikбjaa kitцrni kйszьlő,
lьktetve gyцngyцző vбgyra figyel, majd nyilalva, forrуn kilцvelli csodбs nedьjйt!
Igy, hбt rejszolom magam, megbaszom magam - йlvezem...йs megint...megint!
Megint ъj kйpeket csinбlok, йlveteg faszos vбgyam, цnbaszуs kнvбnalmam sokszoros

By bostonspdo at 07,Apr,23 20:08 other posts of bostonspdo 
Yes,I enjoy jacking off to my own photos and vids. I do it frequently. I find it very exciting to watch myself masturbate and cum.
By geboza at 24,Sep,23 07:37 other posts of geboza 
Szia ! Йn is lefйnykйpezem, videуzom magam, hogy aztбn mint kнvьlбllу nйzzem a kйpeket ! Ez megint beindit йs nagyon sokszor erre / sajбt magamra / йlveztem el !
Fйnykйpezem magam!
Izgulok ! .....
Megvettem a gйpet, йs szeretnйk magamrуl csodбs meztelen kйpeket csinбlni.Szeretnйm lekapni azt amit a tьkцrbe lбtok,amikor csinбlom,jбtszok magammal, amikor kнvбnatos,mutatуs pуzaimba gyцnyцrkцdцm.Kicsit remeg a belsőm az izgalomtуl,jу ......
Csinбlom! - Vetkőzцk a gйp előtt.Letolom a nadrбgom,kis faszom kibuggyan,a vбrakozбstуl mбr бll is. Lьktetve mocorog,mutatja magбt! Mindent ledobok,йs csнpőmet előretolva,testem нvbe hбtrahajolva megmutatom a szйp merdő faszom! Lefйnykйpezem magam, йs a szйp bunkуs faszom,elцről,oldalrуl,йs hбtulrуl,йs alulrуl is.Aztбn,hбttal szйtvetett lбbbakkal előrehajolok,hogy mindenem lбtszon Szйp,seggem kerek domborai,tцkцm,йs бllу faszom.Mindkйt kйzzel belemarkolok a,szйp kerek seggembe,simogatom,aztбn az egyik ujjam a seggem szűk lukбba csъsztatom,йs megmarkolom a faszom.Ez is jу! Visszafordulok,йs бllуkйpszerűen megmutatom a gйpnek,a faszkiverйs йlvezetes pillanatait. Kezem izgatottan
markolбssza,hъzgбlja a gyцnyцrű faszt.Most ъgy бllнtom a gйpet,hogy lбtszon az is,ahogy nйzem magam a tьkцrbe.A kйt tьkцr se rossz,az eggyikben lбtom magam szemből,a mбsikban azt,ahogy izgatottan lesem magam jбtйk kцzbe. - Most a seggem jцn! Megsimogatom,megmarkolбszom,aztбn a műfasz vйgit odadцrgцlцm a kerek kis segglyukamhoz.Beleborzongok,ahogy hozzбйr! Уvatossan beljebb dugom,йrzem ahogy feszнti szйt a csodбs lukat.Nйzem a tьkцrbe,йs veszem a gйppel,csodбs lбtvбny! - Imбdom! Leteszem,йs fцlй gugolok.Finoman rбhъzуdok,rбьlцk.Elkezdek rъgуzni rajta,йs a műfьtyi hol eltűnik,hol előjцn.Mozgatom rajta a szйp valagam, le fel.SEGGEM VONAGLIK! Ritmikussan csъszkбlok a faszon,meredt faszom himbбlodzik a seggembe jбrу fasz ьtemйre. Nйzem,йs nйha fйnykйpezem.Megmarad a kйpeken ez a csodбs műbaszбs! Fйszkelődцk, jбr a seggem a műfaszon,a kezem is jбr a faszomon,йs nem is bнrom tovбbb!- Kilцvelek,előbb a seggembe dugattyъzу rъd miatt,aztбn rбrбntok,rбhъzok egy pбrat az уriбsira nőtt faszomra йs mйg eggyszer elйlvezek! Csodбs!!!
Mбr nagyon sok kйpem gyьlt цssze. Kb 5000 db van mбr a merevlemezen, nem is lehet egyszerre бtnйzni őket.

Mindeggyiken йlveteg faszos jбtйkom, gerjedelmemtől hevьlt testem, szemйrmetlenьl,bujбn kitбrt mindenem mutatom a gйpnek. Szйttбrt combjaim kцzцtt, meredten бllу faszom, vagy szйthъzott seggem, йs majdnem mindig a farkammal jбtszу kezemmel lбtszуdom a buja kйpeimen. - Lekaptam a vбgyamtуl gerjedt vonaglбsom sok-sok йlveteg pillanatбt, йs a rejszolбsba gцrnyedt testem xexis tartбsбt.
Lбtszik, hogy szeretem magam,szeretem, imбdom a meredten бllу szйp faszom,
kerek, formбs seggem. Lбtszik, hogy mennyire йlvezem a faszom rejszolбsбt, seggem megba- szбsбt. - Sok kйpen mutatom a kipucsнtott seggemből, nagy valagambуl kiбllу műfaszt.
Izgatottan dugom magam, йs szйp faszom бrbуca mйg magasabbra hбg! Feszűl, duzzad, lьktetve sajog, йs ahogy egy ьtemre jбratom a seggembe a faszt vele eggyьtt rejszolom a drбga kйjrudam - mindezt megцrцkнtem.
Hevűlten mutatom magamnak - magam, vбgyakozу, gerjedt mindenem, hogy amikor majd megnйzem, akkor ismйt йrezzem a csodбs kйjt.-
- йs, нgy is van ! - ha időnkйnt pergetem a kйpeket, akkor a kis pцcsцm йledni kezd,
megint kнvбnja a simogatбst, - йn meg markolбszom, buzgуn huzigбlom, йs nйzem tovбbb a szйp faszos, segges felvйteleket. Lihegve, йlvezkedve izgatom magam, faszom gyorsan kemйnyedik,pompбssan бll, йs ismйt kнvбnja az elragadtatott, csodбs lelkes rejszolбst, йdes цnbaszбst!
Mindig ъgy йrzem, mintha belesбpadnйk a vбgyba, feszengek, йs nagyon kнvбnom
az izgatу jбtйkot, egйsz testem, nagy faszom, йs seggem simogatбsбt, kйjelgő, цrцmteli vonaglбsбt. - Mindig vбrom az йlvezйs előtti elragadtatott pillanatot, amikor a testem minden porcikбjaa kitцrni kйszьlő, lьktetve gyцngyцző vбgyra figyel, majd nyilalva, forrуn kilцvelli csodбs nedьjйt!
Igy, hбt rejszolom magam, megbaszom magam - йlvezem...йs megint...megint!
Megint ъj kйpeket csinбlok, йlveteg faszos vбgyam, цnbaszуs kнvбnalmam sokszoros
By shakedown at 24,Dec,23 02:41 other posts of shakedown 
Yes most interesting

By hairypussywife at 23,Dec,23 23:59 other posts of hairypussywife 
Yeah I jack off to videos of me fucking all the time

By dragonsegg at 19,Dec,23 11:38 other posts of dragonsegg 
I love to film myself wanking and then replaying it and wanking all over again

By HelmetHead at 18,Dec,23 08:54 other posts of HelmetHead 
I love jacking off to my own pics:

Do it often

By Lvphose at 09,Dec,23 19:46 other posts of Lvphose 
I’m getting ready to hear!

By LGA6969 at 24,Sep,23 13:26 other posts of LGA6969 
yes quite often especially in front of a mirror. I have white washed many a mirrors.

By #544883 at 25,Nov,20 09:41
If they ever invent cloning for humans I think a lot of guys will first copy them selfs just so they can screw them selfs.
By geboza at 24,Sep,23 07:40 other posts of geboza 
Igen ! Akkor vйgre leszophatnбm йs seggbe baszhatnбm sajбt magam !

By iluvcox at 09,Apr,23 16:48 other posts of iluvcox 
I can jack off to my own feet.

By #688512 at 09,Apr,23 11:53
Yeah, of course!! I'm autosexual.

(What's that, you say? /blogs/53190.html I wrote a blog about it)

By yellowman at 07,Apr,23 12:16 other posts of yellowman 
Yes I do, often....

By #677384 at 26,Mar,23 02:29
I must admit my own naked body and hard cock kinda turns me on hehe. I am not sure why hehe. I don't consider the things and images I share "Porn"...or those of others. I would call it porn if we were making money right?

By thickswingercock at 26,Mar,23 01:44 other posts of thickswingercock 
i make milf and gilf porn i sell but i jerk off to it alot, nothing gets me harder than watching me serve up this longlasting thick swinger cock

By BigDaddy132 at 06,Mar,23 14:54 other posts of BigDaddy132 
I’m not an attractive guy but I get unbelievably horny seeing pictures/videos of me naked and jacking off. Can’t explain it

By #667453 at 29,May,22 20:04

By Strongmember# at 25,Nov,20 11:01 other posts of Strongmember# 
I've tried the mirror on occasion but I only got excited about seeing my dick from a farther away angle and either approving or disliking it. Self love and self loathing both can send some bloodflow down there..

Tho also, when it comes to my bi preferences, my taste finds me with people who don't look like me or have bodies like me. More of an opposites attract person that way. However I've seen same-sex couples who look very similar.

I don't know if how much you enjoy your partner to look like you correlates to how much you enjoy watching yourself..

By dopeHO at 19,Nov,20 21:43 other posts of dopeHO 
i record myself when i do dope and fuck my ass. i turn into a fucin crazy sex freak when i slam and i do very nasty things and when i watch the videos when im sober i cant believe its me
By #551147 at 19,Nov,20 21:57
Here's a fellow junkie ---> DtGiver You should hit him up, could be a DAMN good time!

By #489480 at 19,Nov,20 21:31
I have on occasion

By #616434 at 16,Nov,20 18:32
As a boy I often masturbated in front of the mirror because I was very excited to see my balls and the spasms of the perineum when I ejaculated. I sometimes masturbate even when I look at my photos or take new ones.
By Wipperman at 18,Nov,20 13:12 other posts of Wipperman 
Same for me used to love masturbating in front of the mirror real turn on
By #551147 at 19,Nov,20 02:03
I still do!

By #625826 at 19,Nov,20 02:09
Still do watch myself cum in mirror

By Jagtstein at 31,Oct,20 13:38 other posts of Jagtstein 
I am naked at the masturbation from the belt, so I can see the penis well.
Occasionally masturbate even before a shaving mirror. There I can see my penis magnificently enlarged. Stimulating it for me when I see my foreskin glide over the glans. Also I can then change the angle of view, and thus observe the penis times from a very different perspective. Of course, I have also made many pictures of my penis. Looking at these pictures excited me a lot.

By Louis at 31,Oct,20 11:44 other posts of Louis 
Yes, I do.

By Abrat at 31,Oct,20 11:41 other posts of Abrat 

By #523015 at 31,Oct,20 11:25
Sometimes while critiquing a video before I send it to someone I have gotten turned on by myself before several times especially when I have on some cute little panties

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