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Im done fighting with monted*

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Started by #263218 at 08,Jun,12 23:38
Its is wht it is! I guess monted* has earned his place on this site, so i wont challenge his reign no more . My whole premise was to have seperate kings ,domination king and syd king but guess thats not going to happen, so i apologize to all that got so upset over this thanks

Similar topics: 1.more trouble than hes worth   2.Cya LOST SOULS from Shooter   3.Why some people have influence on this website, I will never understand.   4.words of wisdom   5.Horror in France  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 08,Jan,23 15:02 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A graveyard of retards here for sure!!

Fuzza, MattSWife et al... Matt's wife had a huge cock!
By #275407 at 09,Jan,23 00:31
By Dev01 at 09,Jan,23 07:00 other posts of Dev01 
Forgot about it

By tecsan at 09,Jan,23 02:54 other posts of tecsan 
Just remember, I have been accused of being monted. Am I?
By Jamie at 09,Jan,23 03:08 other posts of Jamie 
May not but his son.
By tecsan at 09,Jan,23 05:29 other posts of tecsan 
You should introduce us sometime. Hell, you know if he is my dad and all.

By #164428 at 09,Jun,12 03:19
It takes a big man (or woman) to apologize, and to do so publicly. I admire you for that, Honey. And I love you and Monted both!

We all make mistakes. Let's all enjoy the site and each other!

Big hugs and kisses to all!
By #172995 at 13,Jun,12 03:46

By #59855 at 09,Jun,12 01:27
From Matt's Wife: Actually you messeged many people and called alot of are an asshole! Fuck off and die!
By #263218 at 09,Jun,12 19:04
I respect ur rite to say wht u want. I was wrong i admit it,but ur no better than me uve also said some nasty things to people u shouldnt throw stones im showing my stones in stead of throwing them! Lol have a good day
By #166469 at 10,Jun,12 00:59
Wow hey there matt52, I don't agree with what lover did or said but fuck off and die is a little strong...I am glad that sillyness has ended though
By #59855 at 10,Jun,12 06:49
From Matt's Wife: Well Fuzza, Men don't talk to me like that and then take it back.
By #166469 at 10,Jun,12 11:01
sorry i dont know what he said to you via private message, but dont tell people to go die. It crosses the line from simple retaliation into...oh well...not a jive at you i just dont think you should tell people to go die thats all.
By #68656 at 10,Jun,12 12:55
Hello Matt`s Wife.
It would seem that Fuzza has closed his account, no great loss generally.
Perhaps the bleetling bug devoured him on the Yorkeshire moors.??
By #59855 at 10,Jun,12 19:56
From Matt's Wife:Agreed
By #271521 at 10,Jun,12 22:53
nothing wrong with an opinion
By #59855 at 11,Jun,12 20:22
From Matt's Wife: Your opinion doesn't make you right. You were right about one thing, you don't know what the asshole said to me. I am not required to be nice or forgive him
By #271521 at 12,Jun,12 00:59
Offcoarse an opnion dosnt make me right that is the nature of an opinion. I am definetley not saying that you have to like or be nice to the dude , I actually think he's a bit of a scumbag in my opinion. But I just do not think (in my opinion ) that it is sensible or moral to wish death upon another person.
By #59855 at 12,Jun,12 14:45
From Matt's Wife: Well then he would not like meeting me in person after speaking to me that way. I am well trained to protect myself against asshats like him. I am always ready.

By #202354 at 09,Jun,12 01:23
I've been too busy looking at cocks to know what the hell you're talking about . Just the same if you're at peace maybe the feeling will propagate.
By *kmadeau* at 10,Jun,12 01:40 other posts of *kmadeau* 
ha ha ha! How good you say that: "been too busy looking at cocks to know..."

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