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cock up or down in SPEEDOS ??

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Started by #215570 at 06,Jun,12 15:50
How do you position your cock in speedos: up, down or to the side - and why your choice feels great for you?

Similar topics: 1.men in speedos   2.Speedos   3.speedos in new zealand   4.best places and countries to wear speedos   5.who likes to wear speedos?  

New Comment

By #463848 at 05,Jul,19 12:03
Probably depends upon size of speedos and length of cock. So, to be seen in outline only - 45degs down, either side; or horizontal if he wears a completely unstitched front.

By #589799 at 04,Jul,19 19:51
To the side, mmmm

By #584883 at 06,May,19 05:47
[deleted image] Love how my penis and balls look in my wet speedo!
By #472252 at 08,May,19 12:43
That pic definitely shows the package

By #342127 at 09,May,19 20:24
Love it. I swim for exercise pretty regularly and wear a Speedo jammer, which isn’t quite the same but is form-fitting.

By #518391 at 14,May,19 14:20
There's certainly no doubt as to your circ stayus in this pic..looks good and hope you get comments on it!
By #584883 at 15,May,19 10:46
I do get lots of comments, everyone says "I see you cut the lining out" but I haven't, the lining is still there! this is what happens when you shove a thick penis into a snug wet speedo!
By spermkiss at 15,May,19 16:40 other posts of spermkiss 
Then cut that lining out RIGHT NOW. If your glans outline shows this well with the lining in place, think about how well it will show without it.
By #584883 at 15,May,19 22:38
I just might, now that you put it that way!![deleted image]
By spermkiss at 16,May,19 15:49 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it, man. I can tell from the photos and videos you have posted on your page that you get real pleasure and satisfaction from showing off your body, your genitals and your sexuality. My kinda guy. So push the limit of what you can get away with. I know you want to.
By #584883 at 03,Jul,19 12:30
[deleted image] Thanks! I do love having a masculine hairy body, and showing it off, to both guys and girls!!

By onthelose at 15,May,19 01:03 other posts of onthelose 
When I was vacationing in Mexico with my family I wore a speedo. I was forty then and 60 pounds lighter but they gave me so much grief that I went back to my boxer style trunks. I would have preferred to be nude but that would have been the end of the world, if I even suggested that. Out by the way. If you are short and cold it only sticks out!!

By #275407 at 14,May,19 23:32

By #588701 at 14,May,19 23:26
foreskin pulled back cock up to show the shaft and bell end

By #199710 at 07,Jun,12 06:58
I put it down
By #199710 at 07,Jun,12 06:58
Check out my pics I have a few
By #215570 at 16,Jun,12 23:35
[deleted image]

wow what an impressive bulge!!!!
By #199710 at 17,Jun,12 05:33

By #537175 at 08,May,19 13:02
I love your bulge , im sure you get lots of envious looks in that

By #588701 at 14,May,19 23:07

By #518391 at 14,May,19 09:48
Down is better, especially if you're circumcised with a big helmet and the outline shows clearly

By #537175 at 08,May,19 13:00
don't often wear speedos as my cock is quite thick and shows clearly , I push it to side as that feels comfortable . I usually wear boxer briefs and like the feeling of my cock upwards against my body , and it makes it easier for my bf to stroke from outside my jeans

By #234610 at 15,Sep,12 06:50
I don't personally wear speedos but boxer briefs on occassion and I always position my cock up...more comfy that way...plus my girl like to pull them down just enough to expose the head when I get hard and lick it and suck it in public...

By #176420 at 16,Jun,12 23:46
Who the fuck wears speedos.
By #187578 at 17,Jun,12 09:57
Lol apparently european guys

By #222660 at 13,Sep,12 23:54
Here's something that may shock you "brnwkboots" ... the USA is not the only place in the world ... and you are FAR from the top of the "Fashion tree". (You apparently wear "brown work boots" for instance ... what's THAT all about??)

Many other countries (yes ... there ARE other countries) wear all manner of different styles of swimwear. Most of them are a lot more form-fitting than your baggy swim shorts. Move on!

By #299804 at 13,Sep,12 14:25
true, a guy wearing pair of speedo @ beach or pool in USA is rare... oddly enough it is totally acceptable for even the most "unfit" woman to walk around in skimpy bikini leaving nothing to the imagination (including camel toe!) , yet the moment a guy in a speedo appears, it is like the whole beach/pool has become contaminated by his presence....

pooh on that I say... women can wear bikini, so therefore men can too! Equal rights!

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 13,Sep,12 16:02 other posts of spermkiss 
Right on! When it comes to swim attire, less is more.

By #156138 at 02,Jul,12 10:56
[deleted image]
By doedeldi at 13,Sep,12 15:30 other posts of doedeldi 
that is a good idea

By #265678 at 08,Jul,12 22:14
[deleted image]

By X5TANNED at 08,Jul,12 17:36 other posts of X5TANNED 

By jocstfr at 08,Jul,12 12:54 other posts of jocstfr 
I usually position to the left but I'm cut so my cockhead tends to protude

By spermkiss at 06,Jun,12 16:37 other posts of spermkiss 
Wearing speedos is all about showing off your equipment, right? It's as close to being nude as you can be without being nude. Therefore a guy should wear his cock in the position that shows it best. Generally that's up or turned to one side. That way the outline shows best thru the thin fabric and if he's cut, the shape of the glans shows thru. It's especially nice when a guy is getting out of the water and the wet fabric really clings.
By #176420 at 16,Jun,12 23:49
Guys in the USA wear trunks. not speedos.
By spermkiss at 17,Jun,12 00:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, and isn't that depressing. The whole point of going to a pool or beach is to expose as much skin as possible and those knee length trunks are dreadful. I keep telling myself that this, too, will pass. It wasn't all that long ago that a bikini on men was de riguer and I'm sure that will come back in style.
By #222882 at 02,Jul,12 13:42
yes, those "shorts that aren't" are just awful. I think men look great in short shorts and panties. however it never really has been very well accepted in the US. But I wear what I like, regardless of what is "in style". Have occasionally been ridiculed, but often people tell me that they like my skimpy swimwear. Well, I like my cock down, but that's an individual choice.
By #280672 at 08,Jul,12 02:28
I believe speedos are a guilty pleasure for women in the US hehe

By #224219 at 27,Jun,12 01:01

By slipper at 26,Jun,12 06:48 other posts of slipper 
Down, or it would stick out the top.

By #273677 at 25,Jun,12 11:30
i like seeing them sideways it shows the size and shape best
By spermkiss at 25,Jun,12 19:05 other posts of spermkiss 
It sure does, especially when wet. And if the guy is circumcised you get to see a nice glans outline.

By #254338 at 25,Jun,12 16:20
to the side...

By #217865 at 06,Jun,12 19:30
I preferr nude batting, but in Speedos I like to show off. So I position mine as visboer as possible.

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