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best places and countries to wear speedos

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Started by #519886 at 24,Feb,19 05:44
Which countries or particular locations are most speedo friendly in your experience? Any places where women appreciate, or at least are used to, guys in speedos? I’ve noticed that some mature women seem to take an interest when I’ve worn my speedo.

Similar topics: 1.speedos in speedos   3.Speedos   4.speedos in new zealand   5.who likes to wear speedos?  

New Comment

By knewbi at 16,Nov,24 18:45 other posts of knewbi 
Lots on places I would think. But... I found that during the hotter months that going to bike races is great for watching. The guys wear those tight outfits that show it all. Best at the end when they are all sweaty and you can see every bit of their privates through the tight clothing.

By casado at 11,Nov,24 15:54 other posts of casado 
Aqui no Brasil a maioria usa.

By nekekal at 25,Feb,19 18:54 other posts of nekekal 
Europe. The continent. I dont know that anyone ever gets the chance to take their clothes off in the UK. But the rest of europe seems to be clothing optional at lakes and rivers. Speedos are very accepted.

By decatur212 at 24,Feb,19 10:18 other posts of decatur212 
Nice Topic, I have a underwear and swimwear fetish!
I think in my experiences that European counties are the most speedo and nude sun bating is more popular. However I believe that the US is becoming more excepting of seeing Guys in them now. I bet you do get lots of attention when you wear yours? YUM

Adult Discussion Forum