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In the shower

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Started by #274809 at 21,Jun,12 16:42
Who else likes to wank or squirt in the shower? Post some pics of what you like to do in the shower

Similar topics: 1.In the shower   2.Shower pics   3.Do some forum topics make you feel like you need a shower?   4.pee while in shower   5.Beach indoor gang shower  

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By #485312 at 16,Nov,16 07:06
only registered users can see external links
saving some water and sharing *lix*
By #610414 at 20,Dec,22 01:50

By #662360 at 19,Dec,22 22:26
I use the gym at work. I often have a good hard soap lubed masturbation in the shower. The shower cubicles have translucent glass doors. They show just enough that anyone really interested might guess I’m pumping my cock but the casual observer sees nothing. On several occasions I’ve come out of the shower naked with my cock still half erect after a wank and it’s been obvious another guy was watching me. I’m sure I’ve also seen guys jerking one through the glass.

By #518816 at 17,Oct,16 06:14
The same thing as most, I suppose.
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 15,Nov,16 15:17 other posts of 3fdfd 
You dick looks good wet

By #514663 at 18,Oct,16 21:30
Just spent a few nights at a friend's house who had a shower wand massager hooked up. That thing gave me a number of orgasms the last few days

By #455846 at 17,Oct,16 12:37
this is in the shower but after, often when I towel off I get hard like this ....

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By kebmo at 16,Oct,16 04:56 other posts of kebmo 
I must be one of the very few guys that doesn't. I like to jerk off when I'm talking to my friend Judy. We talk daily on the phone. She knows I do it but I don't tell her when I am. I put the phone near my cock and I think she can hear and I think she likes it but never says so. She's married so there's nothing between us.

By spermkiss at 15,Oct,16 17:06 other posts of spermkiss 
It's best of all in the shower of a swimming pool or gym with others around.

By #519017 at 15,Oct,16 06:52
I sometimes jack one off in the shower cubicle in the changing room at the gym. The cubicle has a frosted glass door so none of the other guys could see clearly what I was doing - but they can see enough to guess if they were really interested!
By spermkiss at 15,Oct,16 17:05 other posts of spermkiss 

By #285354 at 19,Feb,14 10:54
[deleted image]
It's an easy cleanup!
By #497509 at 09,Sep,15 23:11

By 3fdfd at 10,Jul,16 02:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
I love the contrast - hood or no hood

By #416899 at 10,Sep,15 23:11
[deleted image]
Me masturbating in the shower room.

By chub39 at 11,Mar,14 01:25 other posts of chub39 
The cumshot

By chub39 at 11,Mar,14 01:25 other posts of chub39 
Adult Photo from chub39

By *kmadeau* at 19,Feb,14 18:56 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #122507 at 22,Jun,12 16:11
Here's video of me squirting in the shower. It's not often I'm taking a shower without ending it with a wank...

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