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Trimmed, Shaved or Bushy?

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Started by #92900 at 22,Jun,12 14:40
I usually trim and sometime shave completely. Generally my own preference but what to you prefer or think is attractive for a man or woman?

Similar topics: 1.Shaved or not shaved   2."Young Bushy Pubic Hair"   3.BodyHar... Natural?Trimmed?Shaved   4.Shaved vs Trimmed, guys vs girls.   5.Do you prefer shaved, trimmed or all natural for pubic hair?  

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By #561720 at 10,Jul,18 00:17
Trimmed short with shaves balls I think is most sexy followed by totally shaved. You get to see everything really good and don't have to worry about pubic hair getting in your teeth.
By #552510 at 10,Jul,18 04:23
Yeah, that's how I like to keep mine. Trimmed, and shaved balls.

By #518391 at 26,Jun,18 13:47
Bushy is best...looks much more manly too...
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 10,Jul,18 03:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
I agree

By #539358 at 08,Jul,18 08:46
I like to keep mine trimmed short. I had a tidy up yesterday with the clippers. A really short one this time, number one all over.

By SluttySarah069 at 06,Jul,18 16:21 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I'm a Bi Cross Dresser so I shave my underarms, legs, hands and trim my bush.

By PoloFields at 06,Jul,18 07:06 other posts of PoloFields 
Bushy. Shaving takes too much of my time. Also a weird contrast with the rest of my body.

By #423426 at 05,Jul,18 23:17
All off. We use a lot of massage oil and gel during sex, and the feeling you get when both shaved clean can't be compared.

By knewbi at 26,Jun,18 21:38 other posts of knewbi 
Personally i prefer shaved. mine and his. but i will grow mine to fit his desires.

By Odin_york_pa at 01,Dec,13 21:47 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I like a little bit of both shaved and trimmed. Usually just keep everything trimmed, but time to time I will shave it all. Sometimes I do both at the same time like in this pic:
[deleted image]

By hornycock420 at 01,Dec,13 19:45 other posts of hornycock420 
totally smooth

By #428350 at 01,Dec,13 15:15
[deleted image] my cock is in this ways because when shaved it, it seems a ****'s cock. What do you think, it is true or not?

By #7976 at 24,Jun,12 00:50
This 21st. Century trend to denude the human body is ridiculous; that goes for men as well as women. I a woman shaving her legs or abnormally abundant or dark facial hair but anything else is frankly a turn off. Show me a woman with a full, non-trimed bush and even underarm air and that's a woman that is sexy to the nth. degree. Men shouldn't shave anything but their beard. All body shaving accomplishes is to make one look per-pubescent and absolutely not sexually mature.

By #220845 at 23,Jun,12 02:17
right now I trim and shape. I like to shave and trim

By #188697 at 22,Jun,12 15:58
I like pubes! Either bushy or trimmed. I don't like totally shaved cocks

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 22,Jun,12 16:44 other posts of spermkiss 
You red pubic bush is indeed really hot and sexy, however, in my opinion it would look even better if you'd use a razor to tidy up the edges and shave your scrotum hairless. Of course it's your hair and your body and you can do whatever you want with it.

By spermkiss at 22,Jun,12 16:40 other posts of spermkiss 
In your case I'd say shaved completely hairless. When pubic hair is not very dense and is light in color it looks better gone. This is also the kind of hair that is very easy to shave off. For other men the answer could be different.

For men who have a nice tight dark color pubic bush with a nice clean edge and little or no hair on the lower abdomen, scrotum or legs, I'd say leave it alone except perhaps tidy up the edges. This is especially true for Asian/Pacific Islander men and many Latinos.

For men with ultra thick black hair, I'd say leave it grow natural. It's exciting to go down on a really hairy guy and come up for air with his black pubic hairs caught in my teeth.

Mr hotbot's red pubic bush above looks really hot.

By Ray10754 at 22,Jun,12 16:10 other posts of Ray10754 
Shaved is a much better look as far as Im concerned
But that is completly up to you and what your comfortable with! I myself am a shaver from way back and love it!

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