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So many UGLY dicks on this site!

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #278616 at 03,Jul,12 15:24

Similar topics: 1.Ugly cocks   2.What % of cock pics here do you think are ugly?   3.Ugly dicks   4.Suddenly I realized what the problem with this site is   5.🚨 FAT UGLY VILE CUNTS 🚨  

New Comment

By #42017 at 06,Jul,12 16:30
I think this one is quite ugly
[deleted image]
By #280672 at 06,Jul,12 23:24
I actually your pictures, you got some really good ones:O
By #42017 at 07,Jul,12 12:18
tell me more, tell me more, tell me more, tell me more
By #280672 at 08,Jul,12 02:22
Well my favs are the ones where u see your cum dripping as youre getting ass fucked. You have mean ass photoshop skills for some though lol. Btw do you like humiliation?

By #6568 at 03,Jul,12 15:53
Well that's a bit tricky becasue there's no published set of criteria on what constitutes a "nice cock",...there's very little uncoverage given to the penis in our society, in fact it's kept hidden. That's probably a large part of this sites appeal since the vast majority of people coming here are anxious to know what others think of their penis and if it's 'OK' or not,, who decides?

Then theres the people who are besotted with their own penis and think it's nice or even beautiful,.....don't laugh, your mother probably thinks YOU are nice too! You may have heard of the saying; "a face that only a mother could love",......well many people have a cock that only the owner could like.......

......Just have a think about it and try to be a little more understanding......I realise that's going to be challenging for you since you have posted about your "perfect dick",..but just try!....and have a little kindness for those of us who don't have such perfection.
By #218130 at 03,Jul,12 17:20
Very well said.
By bella! at 03,Jul,12 17:31 other posts of bella! 
To oldbugle; you answered and addressed soni201 in an appropriate and kind way. From reading your different posts you're firm in your responses but deliver them in a diplomatic manner. Thumbs up to you, sir!
By #89828 at 03,Jul,12 17:36
bella!--sorry to have disappointed you...
Sometimes, the sarcasm monster slips out of the box.
You are on the money about oldbugle. He does tend to be fair and diplomatic in his forum posts.
By bella! at 03,Jul,12 17:40 other posts of bella! 
justlookin, I liked your response too! In reality, my thoughts/words lean towards being sarcastic.......

By #280672 at 06,Jul,12 23:18
Oooh, shuddup grandpadick -_-

By #239339 at 04,Jul,12 20:51
well IAN RAND once said the one of the ugliest things she had ever seen was a man with no clothes on,,but the ugliest thing was a man with clothes on

By #68656 at 03,Jul,12 17:01
Just so we can fully appreciate what the poster thinks of a large percentage of members of this group, here is the original text of his message before he edited it.
You can form your own opinions.

Started by soni201 at 03,Jul,12 11:24 other posts
Now I love this site.. but wtf makes people think that others wanna see their ugly tiny lil' wrinkly ass penises? We wanna see nice cocks so please people, keep the ugly ones away..
By #218130 at 03,Jul,12 17:24

By #89828 at 03,Jul,12 21:53
Kind of unfair to post a topic, wait for a few responses and then edit the original statement, isn't it? For example, I could start a thread with "Who likes ice cream?", wait for a bunch of people to say "I do!", and then change it to "Who wants to be buggered by a monkey?" that all of the posters look like depraved sickos...
By #68656 at 04,Jul,12 08:35
Hello dreamer and justlooking.
We exposed the bigot, he did not like being exposed, turned nasty and closed his account. No great loss.
By #218130 at 04,Jul,12 15:35

By #68656 at 04,Jul,12 08:32
We do not have to worry about about the sonic hedgehog any more as he has closed his account and burrowed back into his bigotted cess-pit.
His departure is no great loss.
We exposed him, he turned nasty and now is no more.
By *kmadeau* at 04,Jul,12 14:37 other posts of *kmadeau* 
John, I think that when someone closed his account, so to delete and his topic! I do not like when the author is silent on its own theme.

By bella! at 04,Jul,12 06:12 other posts of bella! 
Buh-bye soni201! I guess you decided to leave, I wonder why.......

By slipper at 04,Jul,12 05:13 other posts of slipper 
...and, I usually end up liking the ones others consider ugly.

By *kmadeau* at 04,Jul,12 02:24 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I'm just trying to see SONI201 Beautiful Dick, but he has not pics??? No comment!
By #89828 at 04,Jul,12 02:34
It is so beautiful that we mere mortals can not gaze upon it!
(Actually, he had pics up earlier today. Must have taken them down.)
By *kmadeau* at 04,Jul,12 02:41 other posts of *kmadeau* 
i believe you, Justlookin!

By #278616 at 03,Jul,12 23:00
Thanks ya'll but I honest don't give a shit about what any of you think about what I said. I have the right to post whatever I want just like you have the right to post on my topic.. Don't think anything ya'll say will make me feel different because it WON'T.
By bella! at 03,Jul,12 23:41 other posts of bella! 
soni201, SYD/SYC is not only an adult site but it's a social site as well. Embrace differences. You're only 18 and there's a lot of living and life experiences ahead of you. Please think about what you're saying and if you want respect, be respectful. My d a d had this saying; "beauty is only skin deep and ugly is to the core." Think about that!

By pifad at 03,Jul,12 16:36 other posts of pifad 
soni201, you are rude.

Didn't your Mother ever tell you, If you don't have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut.

Be a little respectful.
By #218130 at 03,Jul,12 17:25
Hear Hear. Well said

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