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Suddenly I realized what the problem with this site is

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by admin at 09,Dec,13 23:33  other posts of admin
Reading your posts in topics about site dying and watching activity of members on the site I suddenly realized that recent google steps were not a real problem. It all actually changed about 2 years ago, when the site dropped out of search top on the words "penis photos" and rose on the words "big dicks".

Since then the number of active members have never essentially risen. That number on the front page does not mean much. People register, see some pages and abandon their accounts. Most of those now 40'000 accounts are dummies anyway. The number of people who are online was never essentially rising behind that point, despite that number of registered members rose above 50K. Also, level of conversations in forum had fallen and a lot of ugly fights started in public chat so I had to close it eventually.

Now I get to think about all this and it seems to me that people who were looking for "penis photos" were essentially smarter than those who came here for "big dicks".

I don't know if I manage to get this site back on a track, but definitely I have made some conclusions out of that. Even promoting this site as a penis site was wrong in a first place.

Regrettably no one of you so far could tell me, what is the correct description of what people who stay long find here. But I think now it's rather friends, than penises/dicks...

If you can add something to my thoughts, please do.

Similar topics: 1.Technical question...... did you find this site?   3.Technical problem   4.300 recently registered members... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?   5.SITE ACCESS PROBLEMS  

New Comment

By #445126 at 16,Feb,14 00:10
Fairly new here. But I have been warmly welcomed by the members and admin. I haven't heard a negative or mean spirited exchange. I like that there are opportunities to discuss body parts as well as music and philosophy. I have connected with many kind people who think like me, or at least find interest in my thoughts and accept me/us. So, many thanks members and admin. I'm happy as a clam.
By admin at 16,Feb,14 03:09 other posts of admin 
The site has cleaned up a bit since the topic was created

By dickisgreat at 12,Feb,14 04:17 other posts of dickisgreat 
>>> .Members who came here before [people who were searching for 'penis' rather than 'dick'] seemed noticeably more intelligent - more polite, more thoughtful...

This is the most fascinating thing I've heard in a long time. Really! Obviously you don't just read about these things anywhere online. The connection between word choice and behavior is really interesting. You should write an article for a mainstream publication (seriously).

Also, it's surpising. I'm a native speaker and very aware of language and I would never have predicted this. I'm surprised that people search for 'penis' at all, because it's more for non-porn uses (sexual health, sex advice, anything medical, mainstream article on a celebrity whose penis is visible in a movie). Doesn't porn use 'cock' and 'dick' 98% of the time?

My only explanation is that people searching for 'penis' might be more interested in just looking and comparing and maybe discussing but not mainly for erotic purposes as such (i.e. jerking off). Is that plausible?

>>> And now to the "penis". Thinking about all that made me realize that I should have probably made not the "show you penis" site in the first place, but something more like "come here to chat with open-minded adult people about sex and everything and may be share some nude photos, find occasional hookup".

Yes, that's what I've always noticed. I always figured it was partly due to the site and partly to peoples' preferences.

For me the main obstacles to connecting with people are (1) absence of space for profile text and (2) a good location search function (search within X miles of your city or zip code). But also there seems to be a lot of members who just want to look and show off and wouldn't connect even if the site were tailored to that.

By #214409 at 14,Dec,13 07:01
Been here some years, never fighted and rather enjoyed my time
By #435506 at 14,Dec,13 22:05
Touchй! Can't say I've been here years but I enjoy it, a lot, chat, forum, new people (dicks!) and I've had a great time! I think it's great to have somewhere to share, view, comment on other dudes pics it's great to get compliments on your pics and the potential for finding friends, lovers etc is fantastic!

By dickisgreat at 14,Dec,13 05:55 other posts of dickisgreat 
Bunch of questions for Admin. I am really interested and want the site to do well:

1) Please explain the difference between "penis photos" users and "big dicks" users. This is completely fascinating but I didn't catch the distinction.

2) Likewise - really interesting but please explain: "Even promoting this site as a penis site was wrong in a first place."

3) What is the problem with people who register then soon abandon their accounts? Yes of course it's 'garbage' but does it make the site worse for loyal users?

4) How are dummy accounts or accounts that "wreak havoc" bad? Do you mean fake/stolen pics? I use the site a lot and hardly ever encounter this.
By admin at 14,Dec,13 20:28 other posts of admin 
Well, probably you should read different topics where people complain about members with no pics, members with internet pics, members who never respond, members who do not return compliments, members who are bullies and come and insult and abuse "everyone", members who "ruin the site with their behavior" and so on. I know that for everyone it's very different. I know that many people like you NEVER encounter those problems. Which probably means that you always get what you are looking for. (no surprise for me in this "revelation", really)

As for the difference between "penis" and "dick" - there is a very strong correlation between the words people use and their intelligence and culture level. This is even more true about searches people do in search engines. I knew it long ago, but the problem is that English is not my native language. I don't feel it. In my native language I know very well that changing just one word on the page I can attract more stupid teenagers or more educated over 40 men. But I never thought about difference between dick and penis in that aspect. But looking back now I think it's really big. Members who came here before site dropped on "penis" and "rose" on "dick" seems noticeably more intelligent - more polite, more thoughtful, etc. This is an average estimation, indeed. I don't want to say that absolutely everyone who came after was stupid. It's just that average level of newcomers was lower. And it's only my impression, I did not measure it in any exact way.

And now to the "penis". Thinking about all that made me realize that I should have probably made not the "show you penis" site in the first place, but something more like "come here to chat with open-minded adult people about sex and everything and may be share some nude photos, find occasional hookup". If I only could narrow down all that to some short and simple idea...

By **FlyingCum** at 13,Dec,13 23:19 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
Hi! I've really enjoyed my time here and didn't think I'd be here this long. I have enjoyed the chatting feature more on this site than others. To get more decent people to join would it be better to have the 'verification' of a member happen at sign in. It would probably create a bigger job for admin and the review panel but at least then you might be weeding out the fakes before they join. However this might only work for the fakes and not the ones that cause trouble. That's just my thought

By #202354 at 13,Dec,13 16:48
Just sayin.....If you don't want people to get the idea that the site is about penises/dicks, perhaps the name of the site should be changed to something other than "Show your dick."

Please don't attack me for this statement

By #204902 at 13,Dec,13 15:16
Admin, I understand that you want more members on the site. But for me that site is perfect. It's like a Family of People with the same interests. I found some real friends here! That is great.
The People who stay here longer are kind People, not ugly perverts. I like them! We are very polite in our Chats.

By admin at 13,Dec,13 15:27 other posts of admin 
That's the thing - I suddenly realized that I DON'T want more members. I want more "correct" members. It seems that it's better both financially and strategically if only 10 new members register every day who will like it here and stay long than 250 new daily members who only wreak havoc and leave.

But the problem is - I don't understand who are those correct members exactly and how to bring them to the site.

By #124665 at 13,Dec,13 13:33
Exhibitionism is a good key word I would think.. "Big cock" is just going to bring up a bunch of porn vid sites.. The money is in keywords such as "Justin Bieber cock" But people will find this hole in the wall one way or another if they are perverse enough and seeking something different from the mainstream. The forum here is only really good to those who often frequent it for the most part, and having a forum/porn site is kind of a division, many do one or the other when they visit.

I think that having cam chat is the way things are going now. I don't know whether that would be good or bad for this site but it could be an option. All I know, is that of everything you look at on the net, when you come here, you feel at home. Maybe more pervs will find their way home eventually, but until then, this is as much family as it can be for many of us, and it's perfect just the way it is.

By #303133 at 10,Dec,13 17:22
I've said this in many other threads in my time at SYD, but the main thing that keeps bringing me back is the Forum. I really enjoy playing here and having a laugh or two with people all over the world or just reading or commenting on the various topics presented here. I first came to the site because of the dick pics but, honestly, that grows old pretty fast. I dick is just a dick and, at the end of the day, no matter what size, shape, color or circumcision status, none of them have anything really interesting to say. The diversity of views in the Forum, though, is endless and always stimulating. It is one of the few places I've found where people can talk freely about almost anything, and there are a number of people (you know who you are!) that I look forward to exchanging thoughts and jokes with. Perhaps placing more emphasis on SYD as an Adult Discussion site would help to keep people around...
By #164428 at 10,Dec,13 19:27
By #428387 at 10,Dec,13 20:15
Well said Will. I too find I am mainly visiting the site now for the forum .To me it's fun educational yes educational I am 66 and still I have found and Learned a lot of stuff on here. Also I have made lots of genuine friends. I see the forum as a sort of chill out room where folks with tired eyes from looking at all the sexy pictures can come and set a while with friends and chew over the days fat, have a laugh at life's little quirks. I think you need to keep this site going as long as you can. As I see it to some people it is a therapy a little place to come now and again an forget for a while the troubles and woes of life .
By #23212 at 13,Dec,13 07:48
Yes, pb, a wonderful "little place".

By #23212 at 13,Dec,13 07:48
After being here more than 4 years, I strongly agree with this, JW.

By #434203 at 11,Dec,13 14:30
With my first account, I would browse the main page for a couple of weeks. Decided to check out SYC and figured why not? It was a way for me to gain confidence. I was **** my ex, and he constantly hurt me by telling me I was fat and no one would want me, etc. (Crazy). I wanted to know what someones opinion was... Without going around sleeping with people. This is my second account. I find it fun. I've only had an issue with one member, who disrespectfully harassed me and kept referencing me to his piece of meat. At one point, I made friends.. But they don't seem to be on here anymore. This site is social media with a side of naughty. It isn't limited to just one thing. I like that. It also helps me to be more open, I'm not shy.. But I am very conservative of my body. Most people wouldn't believe that I participate in such a site. So it's my way of being open with myself, I guess? If you look up I think it's called MeetMe. It's a social networking site that will not allowed any sort of sexual content. Even just sexual references. There are more idiots on that site than there are here. Definitely. This site isn't really bad when you think about the good people on here. There are bad eggs no matter where you look.

By #201583 at 10,Dec,13 00:42
I love this site. It's a little off the beaten path, but much more enjoyable. The atmosphere on adult friend finder is our worse times thousands. You have the same problems that larger sites have, but on a much smaller scale. I think that you run the site well. You are always on top of things, and you ask for our input.

People that come here for large cocks run because most of us are average. I come here for hooking up, meeting people, and sharing conversation, though one can get roughed up for starting a thread that isn't sex related.
By bella! at 10,Dec,13 01:30 other posts of bella! 
Really? Have you seen the one that was started about GREAT MUSIC/GREAT LYRICS?
By #201583 at 10,Dec,13 03:28
Sex and music go hand in hand. I'm referring to: politics, fishing, hunting, cars, motorcycles, boats, recipes. You know anything that stimulates the mind.
By bella! at 10,Dec,13 03:34 other posts of bella! 
I grabbed a great recipe for deviled eggs from a blog and a sexy ass guy sent me a private pic of him in a wet suit taken when he was scuba diving!
By #201583 at 10,Dec,13 19:16
There isn't anything sexier than a guy in a wet suit, except maybe one covered in chocolate syrup and whipped cream.
By bella! at 10,Dec,13 23:22 other posts of bella! 
If I thought you might use the chocolate in that manner, I would send you a jar of Sanders Milk Chocolate Topping. Sanders products are pure Michigan and oh, so YUMMY!
By #201583 at 11,Dec,13 01:31
You're the best !

By Gntlmn at 10,Dec,13 03:16 other posts of Gntlmn 
I think admin's summation is accurate

By kre8tor69 at 10,Dec,13 02:24 other posts of kre8tor69 
I also agree with most of what has been said. I am a hetroflexible male. I am mostly str8t but am learning to enjoy looking at and playing with cocks. I am very new to any cock play and keep serching the site for mature guys that have found they can enjoy getting or giving some oral to a guy. What I want from this site is guys of all ages and sizes that will conect and communicate about their sex life. I want to learn from the good things and any mistakes they may think they have made. Some one said the BIG COCK folks may go away or just gravitate to those here in the horse size areas. I do not want them to go away. They are fun to look at but the truth is that most of us are not hung like that. This site is fun because it allows us all to send a note to anyone and comment or ask a question. I have communicated with some nice guys all over the world. Each has given me some advise or asked me for some. I find I wish that many of them were not so far away. When free to express your desires, longings or just thought about M-M stuff we seem to enjoy each others thoughts. Personally I would love to locate some live guys near er to my home in CA USA but at the moment I am enjoying the feed back from everyone. I do want to request that a new field be added to the profile. I would like to know where people are from. Why not ask at least what state or province the person is from so when searching the membership we can use that feild and locate close cocks or pussies for that matter!

By pifad at 10,Dec,13 00:04 other posts of pifad 
I came to this site to see dick. All kinds and sizes. Being here a few years I have made some very great friendships. This is a place I come to to chat with men like myself as well as str8 and bisexual men AND women as well. We share our stories and a few laughs and it's just really nice.
By bella! at 10,Dec,13 01:28 other posts of bella! 
Yes, I would have to agree with pifad. I joined to admire the interesting penises ( and ogle some ) HOWEVER, I also stay to chat with the great members, the gay, bi and straight guys *AND* just as pifad, some women as well!

By #434617 at 10,Dec,13 00:30
I agree with the above comment.

Adult Discussion Forum