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Size Shape Color Shaved Uncut - I need help. For women, guys opinions welcome

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Started by #33503 at 24,Oct,09 22:32
I really need to know what evryone thinks about my dick. What do you like about it, or what would you preffer. I know there are a lot of these blogs, but I need to know if I'm big enough, a good shape, and if being shaved and uncut are ok. Also, I really don't like the spot on my balls that doesn't have any color. Does it matter? I really need to know if it's attractive and appealing. A question for the women; if you saw what I have would you want to have sex with me, would it be a turn on, or would you find it repulsive or unattractive?

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By #8288 at 25,Oct,09 11:52
I am straight. I don't usually go out of my way to check out other guys.

Having said that, you have a perfectly good cock. In fact, it may even be a bit larger than average. The global average cock size is approx 5.5-6inches or so. Yours also has a more rare downward curve, which might be very pleasurable when engaging in intercourse in the rear-entry/doggie-style or reverse cowgirl types of positions for some women. You also appear to be trim and in better shape (muscle tone/fat/etc) than many men.

Here at SYD, you will see cocks of all shapes and sizes, as well as some interesting/creative ways of displaying and using them. Try to not get caught-up in comparing yourself with some of the HUGE cocks that are found around here. It doesn't matter how big or small someone **else's** cock is. What is important is your own attitude towards your own body image and levels of confidence and self-esteem.

On the one hand, seeing the variety and variation of different cocks here can be a healthy experience and an eye-opener. However, if you are struggling with certain issues and don't quite have a positive mindset and outlook on some things, then seeing some of the other cocks around here might not be a healthy thing for you to do at this point in time.

You have to be comfortable with your self to best present an attractive image (no matter what your actual physical attributes and appearance might be) to the women that you seek.

Some people may have more "aesthetically" pleasing bodies and/or body parts, but NOBODY is "perfect". And what is aesthetically pleasing has different definitions in different parts of the world and in different cultures, and it even changes over time. You also have to remember that society and media try to brainwash us into believing that only "X" is "good", and anything else is "bad". Learn to be your own judge, and also accept that others may have different opinions.
By #33503 at 25,Oct,09 15:37
Thanks for the input. You and oldbugle have both given great advice. The hard part is applying it, and believing it. Hearing this from a guy, especially a straight one and least gives me hope I wouldn't be laughed out of a locker room. Locker rooms are something I've always hated being uncut and different than others. Even at work last week a discussion came up about fewer boys being circumsized. They talked about how disgusting and unclean it was. I don't know where you live, but never believe thatliving in the U.S. is a great and wonderful thing. We have a ton of jerks here and there are getting to more daily
By #6568 at 25,Oct,09 20:41
Well at least you have something a bit different to offer,...namely a foreskin! So the people at work think it's disgusting and unclean to have a foreskin????!!! Well perhaps you should spend your free time with people who are not so ignorant and backward as to think that it's 'better' to have been mutilated at birth for no real reason (other than the doctor who used it as a 'nice little earner') Just bide your time with a smile on your face and then, when the time comes (and it will) you can drop some facts into the coversation,...about 70 percent of penis senitivty is removed in circumcision,...about how the foreskin has feelings all of it's own,...about how circumcision started to try to prevent masturbation and self pleasuring,....about how the foreskin moves inside a woman,.....about how the only societies who commonly mutilate their male babies are societies with deep problems,........about how really sensual women love to play with a mans foreskin,...about the sheer sensuality of being able to protect the head and retain full sensitivity as God intended,...about how God made man in his own image and did not want man to chop bits off from misguided bigotry,........

........There are plenty of women (yes, even in the US) who have never seen a foreskin or had the chance to play with one, and they WILL enjoy the experience, even if they don't want to admit it in public......

....Just be confidant, and bide your time with a smile on your face........

By MoeJoe at 25,Oct,09 09:11 other posts of MoeJoe 
Is this question for real ?

By #6568 at 25,Oct,09 08:02
It's a perfectly OK and normal penis that many men would like to have. All it's parts are quite in proportion and no part is ugly. Also, it's normal to have a foreskin in most of the world as that was how we all came out into the world.

A much more important subject than the beauty of your penis is your attitude to it in the complex area of your sexual confidence and your relationships with women. While many women really like to see a nice penis, this is NOT the basis of a good relationship! Women that are worth the time to love and be with are interested in you as a complete package, not just 'penis holder' and see a nice penis in realtion to all your other attributes...!!

I'm guessing that you are fairly young,..once you find a nice woman with her own mind and personality, she will soon put your mind at rest when she admires your penis and handles it lovingly, for now, don't worry about it, just get on with life.

Theres nothing wrong with wanting to have a handsome penis, but the truth is that it's only a secondry sexual organ really,....our main sexual organ, and the one that makes most difference to women, is the mind. Also, for most women, the lips, fingers and tongue (and the skill to use them well) are at least as important

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