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male sex toys?

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Started by #62682 at 07,Jul,12 23:56
Anyone here have any thoughts or experience with male sex toys, just for solo relief, have tried vibrating dolls, some vibrating vaginas but never really found one not too expensive which can deliver really intense vibes to the penis. Most seem to boast that they do but can be over exaggerated. Any suggestions

Similar topics: 1.Post your Dildo/Toy pics (Male & Female)   2.male sex toys in use   3.Do you like sex toys?   4.My wife just found my bag of ‘other’ toys   5.Toys. Sex toys  

New Comment

By #208346 at 08,Jul,12 12:22
I use a fleshlight and a couple of Doc Johnson dildos,makes for lotsa solo fun.
By niceonebighead at 30,Oct,17 16:25 other posts of niceonebighead 
like 2 give u a ride on my sybain and uae my venus 2000 on u at the same time hope ur heart is good cause the venus will make eyes roll back then a rotaion cock up ur ass vibatein and they dont stopwhen u start cummin they dont skip a beat

By #166058 at 08,Jul,12 12:10
go for estim. the best hands free orgasms u will ever get
By niceonebighead at 30,Oct,17 16:06 other posts of niceonebighead 
LOOKIN ATtryin it but elec on my cock is scareie

By #6568 at 08,Jul,12 08:22
Although very expensive the 'Venus 2000' seems to be very well thought out designed and produced,'s the only one that I would like to try.
By niceonebighead at 30,Oct,17 15:56 other posts of niceonebighead 
yes it cost more but built vert well i have 1 4 the last 8yrs still use it every day many times a day irun the hell out of it edgein ive done 2hr sets on cam luv edge with it is workin on my cock now luv 2 play with my cock or yours but when u look at how many hrsive used it it is cneap there is no price for the pleasure it has given AN STILL GIVEN GET A SYBAIN VENUS 2000 EVERYONE I USE IT ON LOVES IT

By #543844 at 29,Oct,17 18:25
I've used some of the toys, and yes nothing is really as good as a real pussy for the feeling. Some of the toys you stick up your ass push on the prostate and can make pre cum pour out your penis soft or hard. That's kind of neat.

By #463848 at 29,Oct,17 10:16
I have a wand and it is better than a button vibrator. The sleeve type toys seem made for bigger penises than mine and are also expensive.

I have also watched vids of the e-stim type of masturbation and it looks interesting but I believe that there are some possible tissue damage issues.

By xxx25 at 10,Oct,17 08:18 other posts of xxx25 

By #536019 at 28,Sep,17 14:09
I really enjoy jacking/edging with a simple and inexpensive masturbation "sleeve". Amazon sells various types.

[deleted image]
By ScottsCock at 30,Sep,17 04:37 other posts of ScottsCock 
I use the same type ....

[deleted image]
By t-rex at 30,Sep,17 09:30 other posts of t-rex 
That one looks like fun

By cockbot3000 at 28,Sep,17 19:18 other posts of cockbot3000 
I love my super head honcho! It's fun and feels great!

By #102374 at 22,May,14 03:00
Here's mine I really enjoy.
By #485312 at 20,Sep,15 10:30
[deleted image]
nice should add some estims to it *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Sep,15 12:33 other posts of leopoldij 
What's an "estim"???

By shackles at 20,Sep,15 17:04 other posts of shackles 
I just recently got that same ass-gasm plug/cock ring. I really enjoy wearing it! Comfortable enough that I can wear it for several hours. I can even **** with it in! Well worth the purchase!
--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours

Really? S L E E P is a banned word? Kooky.

By #121361 at 20,Sep,15 16:25
[deleted image]

By #113443 at 21,May,14 14:24
does anyone have a nobra twincharger ?
i have one ordered and can't wait to try it out

By #447569 at 13,Jan,14 20:17
Never have had any luck with cock toys, but love a small ball vibrator in the ass next to my prostrate. When I cum it is pretty intensive, but doesn't leave me sore and I can use it more.

By #134591 at 09,Jul,12 05:53
my vote for fleshlight.

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