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Is your moms lady friend wanting your dick or just bein nice

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Started by #280836 at 10,Jul,12 14:13
My Moms lady friend asked me to dance one night and ever since she brushs her hand on my Dick when I'm around and always flirting have Yall had a experience like this. I'm not sure if. I should pursue it

Similar topics: 1.has your mom or sister or another woman close caught you naked or masterbating   2.Any lady need my dick?   3.moms hot lady friend   4.Older guys   5.Blowjob or Handjob?  

New Comment

By #579310 at 09,Feb,19 22:23
I had experience like yours. It was a party. My mom's cousin same age as she, started flirting with me.We drank, danced and at midnight I was looking for a bed with her.We lied to sleep and my hands was under her skirt. Soon and my face. I ate her pussy, we fucked and slept.

By #573046 at 25,Dec,18 19:22
Just go for it.I was like you.At a party my mom's cousin same age started flirting with me like joking.Then asked me to dance and hugged me while pushed my head in her soft tits.At night we both found an empty bed and we fucked.

By wycowboy at 15,Sep,18 21:27 other posts of wycowboy 
Go for it. My mom's friend, and our next door neighbor when I was in high school, used to brush her hand on my cock all the time. This was in the early 80's and I wore very tight jeans and no underwear. She would also make sure I saw her bending over with no bra on quite often. One night when her husband was out of town I decided to see if was play or not. It wasn't, I spent the night in her bed. My dad just smiled the next morning when I walked in but my mom looked a little pissed. Oh well, it was worth it.

By #566722 at 15,Sep,18 19:27
Just go for it

By #455846 at 12,Dec,17 20:38
what could be wrong with it ? If you feel like it and you find her attractive. To me it s wrong not to. I regret not having made the right move on a few of my moms friends. If your not related in anyway. So what

By #254338 at 11,Jul,12 14:45
I am not sure I would really want to do any of my mom's friends... It's just kinda creepy... (my buddy's mom's on the other hand... That's a different story)

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