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has your mom or sister or another woman close caught you naked or masterbating

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Started by #3003 at 12,Dec,09 15:15
So guys or girls has your mom or sister or another woman ever caught you naked or masterbating.Maybe sisters friend or moms friend too

Similar topics: 1.been caught   2.Is it wrong for my sister and i to be nudists together?   3.Has anyone been caught looking at SYD?   4.caught masterbating   5.out doors masterbation, exposing  

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By #657920 at 18,Mar,23 06:40
When I was about 13 my mom walked in on me masturbating. I have to respect her response. She said "Most people masturbate and it's nothing to be ashamed of." The next day I had a lock on my bedroom door.

By #275407 at 18,Mar,23 03:41
Yes, yes and yes

By Jamie at 17,Mar,23 02:11 other posts of Jamie 
My sister caught me fucking her friend

By #662360 at 16,Mar,23 22:44
I was having a surreptitious wank in bed next to my wife. I thought she was asleep and wouldn’t know. But she was awake and caught me mid-wank. She took over and hand jobbed me through. These days she doesn’t mind if I wank in bed nextto her if I’m in the mood and she isn’t.

By Mynakedcock at 16,Mar,23 19:46 other posts of Mynakedcock 
I’ve been caught so many times by my mum, sister, aunts and cousins it’s unbelievable, but as a teenager I wanked so much and didn’t care about being caught it’s not really a surprise.

By thickswingercock at 20,Apr,20 02:02 other posts of thickswingercock 
my mom has walked in on me fucking a girl many times when i was a teen

By liccalottapussy2 at 06,Apr,20 04:08 other posts of liccalottapussy2 
Mom caught me and my sister twice. Nothing was said.
By #606576 at 19,Apr,20 23:36
you were with your sister too! not even a speak of this to no one or a scolding?

By Maxream at 07,Apr,20 00:06 other posts of Maxream 
Yes, my mom caught me 3 times. Always in the shower and the doors were clear glass so there was no hiding it. One of those times I was just starting to cum. I'm almost positive that she saw me every time because she looked in my direction. She never said anything about it though.

By #434617 at 06,Apr,20 22:28
Yep smh... Unfortunately my bro accidentally saw me naked and cousin & sis caught me jerking..

By Joe93930 at 06,Apr,20 18:46 other posts of Joe93930 
When I was younger and horny all the time i would get erections around my sister and not hide it so she always noticed but she only caught me actually masterbating once.

By #614313 at 31,Mar,20 17:46
aunt caught me when I was in my teens just at the point where I was shooting cum

By doedeldi at 29,Mar,20 11:46 other posts of doedeldi 

By #612667 at 29,Mar,20 08:09
I had my sister inlaw staying with me for 8 months after she split from my brother dam she had bad habbit of knocking on door and walking in without waitn for awnser one day i was in romm getting changed she just bowled on in stared at my junk then made quick exit was sorta funny

By #64328 at 01,Sep,19 16:48
I had an aunt ask me about masturbating and after talking about it she ask if I would show her while I did it. She said she knew I was a horny boy and girls did it too.
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,19 22:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you show her?
By #64328 at 22,Mar,20 16:48
Yes, I did and came very quickly. Felt really awkward after I orgasmed.
By leopoldij at 22,Mar,20 17:18 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sure you enjoyed it though and surely she did too. How old were you and the aunt then?
By #64328 at 22,Mar,20 20:02
I was 14 and she was around 23 or 24
By leopoldij at 22,Mar,20 21:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Did she touch you? Or you her?

By #591921 at 22,Mar,20 03:07
This girl came to stay with my family for the summer with my sister from college. Well she was cute and had a decent body and was from Pennsylvania if I remember right. My sister got her a job for 5 weeks a job she did each summer to make money and it paid very well. So one day I woke up and it was raining very hard. I got up and looked around the house and the car was gone and I thought I was alone. Well I went to my room turned on the tv. Just anout the time I laid back tho girl came out the bathroom and only had a little towel around her. Well growing up I had sisters but my mom made them dress before they walked out the bathroom so this was new. I was around 15yo. This girl was about 19 maybe 20. She walked right by my door and her ass was hanging out the bottom of the towel. So I was still only in my underwear. So I got up and snuck down the hall until I could see in the living room. I knew she and I were the only two there because I had already looked around the house. Well she was sitting watching something on tv and her legs were open just enough to see her fresh shaved twat. It was a nice bright pink little lips very nice. So this girl had already teased me before that I was just a boy with a boy dick and didn't have a mans dick yet. So I decided I was going to go and show her I did. Well I went to my room and pulled off my underwear,grabbed a blanket from the foot of my bed and wrapped it around me. I walked into the living room and da down she closed her legs and kept com in her hair. Since I wasn't used to nearly naked girls around I was very hard. So i sat on the floor in front of the tv and kept looking at her and I caught a glimpse or two. So she out of the blue just asked why do you keep looking at me,and why do you have that blanket over you. She said I bet its because your little duck is as hard as it can be isn't it. You have that blanket on because you dint want me to see that little hard dick. Then she opened her legs and said there now I'm sure its hard isn't it let me see I bet it is. So when she said that i stood up and dropped my blanket and I was completely naked. She jumped back and her eyes got really big. She said oh my god you dont have a little boys dick oh my god its nice. She looked at it and said come her let me see that. I walked over to her and she grabbed it and I was so excited I shot my load all over her just as she was getting started. She said oh wow hair trigger huh. I told her what do you expect you've been teasing me this morning and I wake up with a hard one everyday. She said ok well you got yours and got I all over me and now I need another shower. So she went back to the shower and before she got out my mom and sister came home. But it was pretty fun.
By leopoldij at 22,Mar,20 17:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you not get a chance to touch her pussy or lick it? How about fucking her?
By #591921 at 22,Mar,20 19:33
No I only touched her breast and I was so young and excited once she touched my cock it was nearly instantaneous. She got blasted with my cum and found it funny. But it was the first time I had a woman actually grab my naked cock. I had girls feel it outside my pants before but she actually grabbed it and played with it a minute or two. So that was pretty much it but she didn't ever say I had a little bit dick ever again. But it was actually the first time I ever had a woman actually give me an orgasm completely without me doing a thing myself for it. Like I said it was fun but I would have liked more but at that age you take what you get.
By leopoldij at 22,Mar,20 21:30 other posts of leopoldij 
I understand. It must have felt incredible.

By #524919 at 21,Mar,20 18:04
My mother caught me and my brother jacking off together. She just looked at us and then walked out and never said a word about it.

By nekekal at 09,Nov,19 06:55 other posts of nekekal 
When I was young, I masturbated all the time. Morning and night, during the day on weekends and school vacations. So it was inevitable that my mother would catch me. My brother caught me all the time, but he was masturbating too. In fact we helped each other.

But mom believed that we probably shouldn't be playing with ourselves all the time. She knew we must be doing it alot or she wouldn't have caught me. So, she told dad to talk to me about it. He did, but didn't have a real good reason why I could not play with my own body. So he just told me to try to not get caught again.

We became much more sneaky. I was almost caught again but not with cock in hand and no one ever caught my brother and I together.

Of course my wife catches me all the time, but she doesn't care as long as she doesn't have to touch my cock.

By #581412 at 09,Nov,19 00:53
The ? is geared 2 a guy being caught...girls get caught as well and not by other females in her family

By Dev01 at 08,Nov,19 20:12 other posts of Dev01 
Yes... Member tecsan took this picture of my sister and I lol

[deleted image]

By #602913 at 08,Nov,19 19:11
Got caught by my sister when we were in our teens, super embarrassing!!!

By #462085 at 01,Nov,19 02:28
Yes,my sister several times and her girlfriend twice.

By #583549 at 31,Oct,19 22:36
When I was 14 I was caught by my sister and her boyfriend as they were watching through the mostly closed bedroom door,but not closed enough!They snickered and it made me stop cold!A real mood buster!

By #566722 at 09,Sep,18 03:03
I was caught few times.One time I was naked in bed with my hard on stroking my cock,when my mom came into my room silently and saw my hard cock.She got all confused and said sorry and left,but I saw that she couldn't keep her eyes off my hard cock.Then after a month I was jerking in a bathroom and forgot to lock the door so my mom rushed in and caught me again with my hard cock.She kept looking again at my dick said that I need to find a girlfriend and left again.Later that evening I heard silent moaning and breathing from my moms room as she was there alone.Then after two months I was masturbating in bed again with my door open and my mom rushed in my room to caught me again.Now she was craving for a cock as I could see that in her eyes and she licked her lips around.I asked if she could help me and she said just this one time and sat next to me on bed.I closed my eyes and felt warm mom's hands on my erection.She started jerking me slowly and suddenly her lips were on my cockhead.She started sucking me,taking my whole cock inside her throat.It felt heavnly so I started grabing her big tittes and rubbing her nipples.I said that she was the best and I will cum soon.She kept sucking until I exploded in her mouth with a load moan.She finished sucking,kept my cum in her mouth and rushed to toilet to spit it out.I came after her and said that I love her
By #275407 at 09,Sep,18 04:28
No way
By leopoldij at 13,Aug,19 07:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah, no way....

By DJS at 31,Oct,19 21:43 other posts of DJS 
I hope you typed that fking quick
Because it's a big No Way

By #603065 at 29,Oct,19 03:25
I was caught by my younger sister few months ago.I was sitting in front of my pc,watching porn, bottomless.I heard steps and my sis opened the door.First she didnt saw it, but then she noticed I was holding my hard dick.She saw it and looked at my dick for a while, told me something and left.

By jumbu at 16,Sep,19 03:25 other posts of jumbu 
i have jacked off most of my life and never got caught

By WHATSUPDOC at 31,Aug,19 06:32 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Yeah my aunt saw me jumping around on my couch in front of a large mirror. I was jerking off when I was like 15. It didn't bother me but I could see it disturbed my aunt.
By #583549 at 31,Aug,19 12:55
Did she ever say anything too you about it?
By WHATSUPDOC at 31,Aug,19 21:17 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
No I think I almost gave her a heart attack

By SluttySarah069 at 31,Aug,19 19:20 other posts of SluttySarah069 
My auntie caught me and my cousin having a wank together in the bathroom when we were teenagers.

By #537175 at 13,Aug,19 11:14
Mum almost caught me a few times but I have been able to cover up evidence as I heard her . An elderly neighbour caught me just as I was about to cum . I had house to myself and got a bit horny in lounge , the old lady from next door came tour back window to tell my mum it was raining and her washing was getting wet . First I knew she was there was when she knocked on window , she must have seen me as my cock is a decent size and I had loose trackies and undies pulled w ell down .

By #569279 at 13,Oct,18 22:00

By #568737 at 12,Oct,18 18:55
At home when I was about 14 and had been wanking about a year my bed used to rattle loudly as I tugged my cock. Once I overheard my mum telling my dad about me that “he did something in bed last night”. I guessed she knew I was wanking. That was the closest I ever got to being caught wanking. These days my woman knows I masturbate when I’m in the mood and she isn’t, and sometimes we masturbate together.

By #568390 at 12,Oct,18 18:38
Yeah I have been caught by my mom three times.Two of them in my bed naked jerking and one time in the shower naked.She said I really need to find a girlfriend.

By wycowboy at 15,Sep,18 17:25 other posts of wycowboy 
I've been caught by my mom, twice, both of my sisters many times and a couple of friends.

By #547532 at 14,Sep,18 17:31
Growing up my mom was an in the house nudist and unless we were having company or she was going out she never had clothes on inside. I also use to walk around the house nude, but I wasn't always naked like her. I feel sort of creepy admitting this but truth be told my mom had a great body & I would occasionally get hard seeing her naked all the time. No we never did anything that was a line we were never going to cross.

By #475107 at 14,Sep,18 14:48
My 27 yr old stepdaughter caught me last week. I was jerking off in the garage nude. I thought she was gone for the day. She walked in to go to the freezer right as I shot my load. She just smiled and laughed and walked over to the freezer and back out.

By cumaddik at 14,Mar,15 17:37 other posts of cumaddik 
My mom caught me masturbating a couple times...my older gay bro caught me many times and i caught him many times too and my mom caught me giving him a blow job...and another time, getting fucked by him

By firefox553 at 12,Mar,15 04:04 other posts of firefox553 
My mom caught me jacking off when I was 15 had my dick out going to town and she opened my door and just looked at me. Than at 16 she walked in on me just as I was getting out of the shower.

By #149019 at 11,Mar,15 05:44
[deleted image] no

By routemaster at 11,Mar,15 05:16 other posts of routemaster 
Never been caught wanking by my mum but my dad caught me once

By #479276 at 11,Mar,15 02:31
Thats ****

By #479276 at 11,Mar,15 02:30
My **** caught me this morning

By Odin_york_pa at 05,May,13 22:59 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
When I was young my friend had a ****,same age as me, that we would do the "show me your's,I'll show you mine" thing all the time. One time we kinda set her up. We were in the clubhouse in my backyard playing with each other, as we regularly did, and I asked him to go ask his **** and we can "pretend" you didn't know I was in there when she walks in and see me jerking. She fell for it, but wasn't surprised really. She just asked if she could watch me do it, which I very much obliged. I couldn't cum yet at that point but did have dry, boy orgasm.

By naked-porn at 05,May,13 22:17 other posts of naked-porn 
My mother and my wife many times

By cockbot3000 at 10,Dec,11 20:33 other posts of cockbot3000 
Never been caught but the thought of getting caught by my mom or **** turns me on. I used to jerk off with the door open sometimes for the added thrill. Don't know what I Would do if I did get caught though. I guess that's part og the excitment.

By #205979 at 20,Nov,11 07:50
When I was 13 a female cousin of the same age caught me.She theatened to blab unless I finished while she watched.She often demanded a "shoe" after that,but never touched me nor I her!
By Walker at 20,Nov,11 13:38 other posts of Walker 
After my sister and her friend caught me one time they made me show other friends. I was sad when they got older and stopped asking.

By Walker at 20,Nov,11 13:20 other posts of Walker 
Just the other day, ww were staying with friends in their house. I was in the bathroom wanking to SYD making cum tributes didn't realize the flash was noticed under the door. The wife opened it thinking it was her daughter taking nude pics again. She caught me in the act as i shot my load. She said Oh My, came in and shut the door. Keep going she said as she watched a second shot of cum hit the iPad. She squeeded my ass as I finished up. I took several shots as she watched. She gave my cock a squeeze and kissed me on the cheek whispered pervert, I love it.

By #69967 at 12,Oct,10 19:52
My Great Great Grandmother walked in on me once from beyond the grave..and just at the moment of cumming. Now that was embarrassing.. oh but of course we can laugh about it now when I go to a seance.. although the medium doesn't usually see the funny side.. Life eh
By #23212 at 27,Oct,10 03:55
Maybe you should use Whoopie G. next time for your medium. I'll bet she'll love it.

By Walker at 22,Oct,10 21:19 other posts of Walker 
You bet, first time was an accident. Jacking naked on the living room floor when the neighbor lady came up and looked in the window. I realized she was there but it was too late and I blew my load and hit the TV. I began letting her catch me and we played this game until I moved away. But I still have fun thinking about it when I jack off

By #3608 at 30,Jun,10 16:44
When I was about 13 I use to run around with guys around 18 or so because they had cars and knew bootleggers and could get beer. I loved beer a bunch. I got really drunk one night with a bunch of guys and was afraid to go home. My Dad would have busted my butt for that. I was just a bit on the fem side and the guys use to kid me about my cute little butt in gym practice and stuff. Anyway one of the guys named Tommy said I could spend the night with him and his friends at his house because they were going to camp out in the backyard. I was ready for any escape not to have to go home. I could hardly walk when we got there and the guys took off all my clothes and started kidding me about my cute little girly ass. I was so drunk I didn't care. It was about to storm, and it scared me because I'm afraid of storms. They told me to just get under the cover and I would be okay. They had a big Coleman light in the tent that cast shadows for sure. I know they coud see what was going in it from the house. I opened my eyes to look around And I was under the covers with Tommy. Tommy had a hard on an took my hand and put it on his cock. I was totally enthralled by the size. He said play with it and I will always get you beer. I started playing with his cock and jacking him off. Tommy's Mom came out to check on us and ask about me. Tommy told her I was under the cover because I was scared. I was so embarrassed and shocked when she pulled the cover back and I was holding her son's cock! She was such a nice undertanding person. It's okay he will be fine with you boys helping out and never said anymore than that,she just left. I jacked off all the guys and his mother never told on me for playing with guys. The news got around town. I got to play with a lot of cocks. Even some of the boys Dads cocks. I loved it.
By #3997 at 01,Jul,10 00:08
Nice nothing wrong with playing with cocks

By #33070 at 12,Oct,10 08:57
Too funny Great story

By #82616 at 28,Jun,10 13:49
My moms neighbor when i was younger i didn't bother to stop she just watched me until I came then said Ill see you later

By #3997 at 25,Jun,10 15:49
Never been caught by my mom or sister but growing up my sisters bedroom was right next to mine and her bed was on the same wall as mine but on the other side, I am sure she use to hear me masturbating in my room at night

By #5532 at 27,Dec,09 16:38
Funny you should ask this now. One of my girl friends just walked in on me yesterday. After the initial surprise, we took care of business together having never discussed anything like that before. My SO came in the door moments after and being as we were still feeling a bit 'frisky' we took care of him. A nice little holiday gift.
By #3997 at 25,Jun,10 15:48
Damn that is hott, what was your girlfriends initial reaction to walking in on you?? I am jealous of your SO

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