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moms hot lady friend

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Started by #280836 at 12,Jul,12 18:19
How do u go about Fucking ur Moms hot redheaded friend

Similar topics: 1.has your mom or sister or another woman close caught you naked or masterbating   2.Is your moms lady friend wanting your dick or just bein nice   3.i like this site but where are the ladys i get more men then lady's why i think its nasty please tell me wtf but hay comment pl   4.Girls fucking guys   5.HUMIDITITTIES  

New Comment

By #566722 at 09,Sep,18 04:11
One time there was a party at our home with my mom, dad, **** and a lot of guests.We drank a lot of alcohol then and there was my moms cousins with us.She was blonde,with a big tits,little bit of overweight.She was divorced and somehow she started telling me let's be a couple and we laughed.We danced that evening and it was around midnight so we all went to ****.There wasn,t a lot of beds so I found where to **** with other 2 people in bed.She was in that bed already sleeping so I lied right besides her.She was sleeping on her side.I slept right besides her looking at her back.I noticed she had a pretty big ass and I liked it so I got closer to her and started to rub my crotch right into her butt.We were wearing clothes and I rubbed trough them.Pretty fast I got hard in my pants and I felt she rubbing her butt to my cock as well.She had felt I have a hard on and kept rubbing her fat ass to my cock.Then I felt her hand sliding inside my pants and touching my erection.I started touching her butt as well and slided my hand inside her panties and her pussy was already wet.I said that I want her now and pulled down my pants and underwear so my cock was out.Then I pulled her panties down a little bit and started rub my cock trough her buttcheeks.She asked that she wants me too and I slided my hard cock in her warm wet pussy.She moaned silently and I slowly started fucking her pussy from behind.We were both lying on our side.
So I fucked her faster and harder with each thrust.I saw she loves it and started shaking and breath heavily.I wasn't using any condom and felt I will cum soon.Orgasm came so fast and I huged her and came deep in her pussy.After that we kissed and slept.In the morning she said she loved it and had to take a pill

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 07:13
I think you should try getting her to catch you masturbating.

By #68656 at 12,Jul,12 18:32
It is a breach of trust, shows contempt for your mother and is inappropriate.

By Ray10754 at 12,Jul,12 18:35 other posts of Ray10754 
I agree completly with you on this John!

By #547532 at 04,Jan,18 21:25
How is someone a pervert just because they are interested in their mom's friend sexually? BTW, mom's friend's sex life is none of mom's business, unless the son is ****.

By #482237 at 04,Jan,18 23:20
contempt for your mother???Pervert??? a little strong,,, what?? two people not related by **** or marriage want to be intimate and you put them down??? Oh, I forgot, this is the forum,,anything over a kiss is evil,,

By #485312 at 05,Jan,18 03:19
lol, what a joke ... perverts for wanting to fuck a hot older woman, what was this dick thinking, well maybe he wasn't thinking, the man was definitely not normal *lix*

By #556372 at 12,Jul,18 19:21
What???? You joke, right?
By #23212 at 13,Jul,18 08:37
No, JohnS never joked here.
By #556372 at 13,Jul,18 11:13

By leopoldij at 12,Jul,18 16:42 other posts of leopoldij 
First see if your mom's friend wants a fuck. Second, make sure your mom doesn't mind. Third, take her to your room and fuck her.

By leopoldij at 11,Dec,17 15:11 other posts of leopoldij 
You ask her if she's interested in getting laid. Most likely she'll say no, but you've eliminated the possibility this way.
By #482237 at 04,Jan,18 23:16

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