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Dildo or butt plug?

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Started by andrew999999999 at 10,Apr,14 19:49  other posts of andrew999999999
I'm considering buying either a dildo or butt plug, but I'm not sure which to get. Can anyone offer any advice?

Similar topics: 1.Butt plug   2.Butt plug in ass while riding bike!   3.anal play   4.Fox tail butt plug   5.Butt plugs in public  

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By #583549 at 05,Apr,19 01:39
Yes,I prefer butt plugs if want to leave them in for extended anal play.I have kept a plug in for the entire day! Dildos are great for riding them in and out while you cum from the pounding!!!

By leopoldij at 05,Apr,19 00:24 other posts of leopoldij 

By #554098 at 03,Apr,19 05:06
Both. But each is different. Start with a small butt plug, and just wear it, for a few hours, to relax your anus.
Dildos, are for later, when you want to feel more penetration, and in and out motions, when you have learned to relax your anal muscles.
Anal play, and even solo masturbation, anally, with a toy, can feel AMAZING, if you are relaxed, and ready, wanting it, and enjoying it.
A lot of guys tense up, with something going into their bottoms, as it seems unnatural, and 'wrong', but the Greeks and Romans did it, and it feels AMAZING, when you relax, and get it right, with a toy, or a trusted partner!!

By #294721 at 01,Apr,19 17:30

By cumonme1 at 01,Apr,19 10:54 other posts of cumonme1 
I had my large butt plug up my ass yesterday for about 4 hours

By #275407 at 30,Mar,19 00:25
You all keep using dildos, and later in life you'll need a butt plug

By #580715 at 28,Mar,19 02:48
Why limit yourself to one over the other, get both. (youre going to want to anyway, Ive found that putting different things in my ass is like potato chips....have one, youll wanna have more, )

By #485312 at 02,May,17 21:05
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this is neither *lix*
By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:21

By #56076 at 27,Mar,19 13:53
Try it from the fridge on a hot day!

By #583549 at 27,Mar,19 22:52
You go girl!!

By #580715 at 28,Mar,19 02:44
Excellent idea. Huge variety of sizes in the produce aisle and its a cheap way to do "test fits".

By #581484 at 27,Mar,19 23:00
a girlfriend with a strap on out ways anything but if you can't do that use her dildo

By *1dick* at 27,Mar,19 10:21 other posts of *1dick* 

A big fat Dildo is the best but the sensation of pulling your plug out after a long day is amazing

By leopoldij at 07,Nov,18 11:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Dildo is dangerous in the ass. It Can be swallowed in and then you need to go to the hospital.
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Buttplug is safe.
By #582785 at 26,Mar,19 01:06
If you don't know how to pay with dildos in ass, you need to stop playing as your NOT grown yet.
By leopoldij at 27,Mar,19 02:48 other posts of leopoldij 
What does my NOT grown mean?

By #583549 at 25,Mar,19 02:51
Get both.I have butt plugs in 1.5",1.75",2.0"These are great for opening the butthole,and can be left in for however long that you want.The dildos that I have are suction cup based and in sizes 1.5"x7",1.75"x9",2.0"x11" this last one really fills me up and gives new meaning to the phrase Deep Penetration!!!Talk about a hard prostate cum!!!

By #571688 at 10,Nov,18 20:50
Get both of them.You could use butt plug for scretching and walking around home.And dildo is for anal play, self fucking and riding.

By #571467 at 10,Nov,18 19:54
get both for sure

By #545468 at 08,Nov,18 03:55
Get both. Each has its purpose.

By shavedpubis at 22,Oct,14 12:52 other posts of shavedpubis 
giant dildo
By whatsupcocks at 07,Nov,18 07:31 other posts of whatsupcocks 
a friend of mine has a dilldo the size of a horse cock. I dont no how he dose it but he had soon o

By #485312 at 12,May,15 13:43
buy both, and get a few different ones, theyre pretty cheap, spoil yourself *lix*
By whatsupcocks at 07,Nov,18 07:14 other posts of whatsupcocks 
you should try a pump up but plug . one size fits all and hen you punp it up it fills great . makes a good trainer for the newbie but will make a pro cum again and again.

By whatsupcocks at 07,Nov,18 06:59 other posts of whatsupcocks 
i like the pump up butt plugs. You can start out small then pump it up and boy what ride. it pushes on your prostate and you start to cum and cum and cum. the lady at the porn store sed that is a very good pic. one of her faves and mine too.

By #559915 at 20,Jun,18 09:18
Yeah buy both toys.You will insert buttplug and could leave it there for a while to scretch you and you will use dildo when you get really horny and want to be fucked anally

By leopoldij at 20,May,18 22:54 other posts of leopoldij 

By onthelose at 19,May,18 16:27 other posts of onthelose 
I love to wear a plug when I am out in public . gives me the feeling I am getting away with something. It does dry out after awhile and I have to relube. I also have a large dildo that takes awhile to stretch out to fit. Just not like the real thing tho. I love the feeling of him cumming in me and knowing I gave him that much pleasure. Almost as much fun as cumming.

By #516354 at 22,Aug,17 02:06
Get both.You can have the butt plug in all day to get yourself horny then when you get home fuck yourself with the dildo.
By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:20
Totally true

By ps29211 at 18,May,18 21:10 other posts of ps29211 
both. no need to decide between them. Both are fantastic fun and feel great.
By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:20
I agree

By #476778 at 17,May,18 20:51
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I love a butt plug

By pipcock at 13,May,18 09:44 other posts of pipcock 
This is really good....

...but I also like a long cold steel dildo with a round head. Excellent grunty cums!!!

By leopoldij at 22,Aug,17 00:01 other posts of leopoldij 
whichever is available [deleted image]

By leopoldij at 06,Aug,16 16:58 other posts of leopoldij 
I've used both [deleted image]
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And in the absence of either I use whatever available:
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By #287359 at 30,Apr,17 23:16

By #102374 at 20,Jan,17 18:06
I have both. Dildo for ass fucking and butt plug for contant feel of filled ass.

By #503470 at 19,Jan,17 16:57
Get both!

By leopoldij at 07,Sep,16 16:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Whatever it is, be careful.
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By #174339 at 13,Aug,16 23:34
a dildo can be used for both needs it has more of a real feel to it 4 me

By cumonme1 at 10,Aug,16 12:17 other posts of cumonme1 
I like both just depends on what i want on any given day

By leopoldij at 08,Aug,16 12:12 other posts of leopoldij 
She's fucking my ass with a dildo here.
[deleted image]
By #435701 at 09,Aug,16 18:25
You are so lucky!!
By leopoldij at 09,Aug,16 18:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Not as much as I'd wish to. This doesn't happen all that often. My gf won't do that to me. This girl here used to be a friend of my gf's.

By #508917 at 08,Aug,16 18:59

By #486801 at 08,Aug,16 11:45
Plug...if u like a challenge and a stretch. But rewards

By leopoldij at 08,Aug,16 09:21 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 07,Aug,16 00:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Using an electric trimmer instead of a butt plug or dildo.
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By #194437 at 08,Jun,15 22:04
I only have Dildos
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By #358797 at 08,Jun,15 22:14
Woah. I like that one! All the suction cup ones I've seen have balls. Lol.
By #194437 at 08,Jun,15 22:25
I have balls by my self, I only need a cock
By #358797 at 08,Jun,15 22:32
Good point I'm gonna look around and see if I can find one without balls now. Lol.
By #507249 at 06,Aug,16 19:01
Arexa, if you find one; I'll need video of you using it. You know, just to make sure you're operating it properly and all. I'm all about safety!!

By BearBen_SYD at 05,Jun,15 15:09 other posts of BearBen_SYD 
Buy both Suction cup on the dildo is great ! I must agree with sexy Arexa

By #476676 at 31,Oct,14 21:45
dildo to play with, butt plug if your into the hot burn of having your ass hole stretched.

By #220845 at 31,Oct,14 19:33
I have both , but they are no substitute for the real thing, a clean warm cock rubbing your asshole feels incredible

By #311947 at 22,Oct,14 11:50
Depends on what you want to do with it. Get both if you can. I like either. I usually wear a plug through out the day. Work, chores, errands etc. The dildo I use for getting off when masturbating. I have had it in while on the riding mower though (my yard is bumpy )
By #476113 at 25,Oct,14 06:56
Wow I've done the same. Several years ago I was riding the mower naked with a plug in my ass. To my surprise a friend drove up and he wanted to suck my cock. He came by when he could sneak away to swallow my hot cum. We went in the house all the time he was all over me. He didnt know I had the plug in. He sat in a chair so I couldhave one foot on the floor and my other on the chair arm. This put my little dick in his face. He swallowed my dixk like a starved man. While he sucked me , rubbing my ball sack he realized I had the plug in. He drove that plug in and out of my ass while sucking my cock. I cum so hard it choked him. Use the plug to streach your hole then use the thickest dildo your ass can take. I had 4 different size dildos straped to a board which I secured to the foot support of my bed. I'd ride the smallest till I felt loose then I'd move over and ride the next, each dildo getting much thicker and longer. It was great
By #311947 at 26,Oct,14 16:44
Nice! ... Me, I just go right for the big one now

By cumonme1 at 21,Oct,14 13:29 other posts of cumonme1 
Buy both
By #311947 at 22,Oct,14 11:47

By brian at 20,Oct,14 17:17 other posts of brian 
I love big fat plugs stretching my anus😍love a huge gape

By pifad at 11,Apr,14 18:29 other posts of pifad 

By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 05:27
Dildo with a suction cup!
By #136427 at 11,Apr,14 11:48
Great idea! So you can stick it to the wall in the shower!
By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 12:14
My thoughts exactly!

By leopoldij at 11,Apr,14 11:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Just like in my favorite pic? /oqraczmsdzb8pic.html
By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 12:15
That's just a jelly butt plug.. . -_-

By #136427 at 10,Apr,14 20:02

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