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first time I showed my pussy... your experience seeing one the first time?

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Started by #173969 at 23,Jul,12 07:00
What was it like the first time you saw a pussy in person? Not like an accident walking in on someone changing, I mean the first time You saw one in person up close?

I was dating my first boyfriend and we went for a walk. Stopped by this playground as it was getting dark out and he touched me before but never saw me. So finally it was time and we sat on the playscape nobody was around since it was dark and I laid back and he had a flashlight keychain... he pulled my shorts aside and saw me the first time. I was nervous and shy but turned on. And finally he separated my lips and saw my clit. He was just there enjoying seeing me the first time and getting a good inspection.

Now just the thought of having my pussy in my husbands face as he is touching me really turns me on. I love him just watching as he rubs my Clie and opens my lips. Its such a turn on!! Just being exposed to him and showing myself.

Is there a name for This kind of fetish? Not exhibitionist... just love having my pussy close up in his view.

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New Comment

By #172995 at 24,Jul,12 02:09
My **** gave me a close up view of her spread apart labia and clit when I was about age 11 or 12. I only saw the external slit before that.

By #6568 at 23,Jul,12 07:45
I don't think it's a fetish,...more healthy positive attitude to sex!......that sadly is not as common as it should be.

I can still remember my first glimpse of a real adult pussy and wrote it up on my blog page here, so have a read and make a comment if you wish;


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