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Time required after first time sex ?

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Started by #218876 at 26,Jan,14 13:23
Time required to regain hardness after first cum or sex? actually I will be hard again but it hurts. I need to have sex again but i have paining feeling in the penis. Is it same for all? how to avoid it? any experience and idea?? thanks

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By #418812 at 07,Feb,14 20:55
take 15-20 mins to come back, did many times, few times 3 times a night, 2 times a night many times, like to fuck early morning, before leaving bed.
By #218876 at 02,Mar,14 08:22
i like to do that many times

By #333872 at 05,Feb,14 21:32
it depends... sometimes need a long time and also sometimes it's not even getting soft (it stays hard)...

By JeffinKS at 26,Jan,14 13:56 other posts of JeffinKS 
I can usually be hard again in 20 minutes. But if I take a supplement called Nitric Oxide, I can be hard again much sooner.. not to bad for someone in their 40's....
By #218876 at 26,Jan,14 17:13
me too can get hard again. I mean i need to know the reason behind that pain ?
By bella! at 26,Jan,14 17:20 other posts of bella! 
Have you considered asking a urologist?
By #218876 at 26,Jan,14 18:26
not yet I must ask. sometimes it hurts not most of the time.. i just wanted to ask is it same for all the guys?
By #388818 at 30,Jan,14 15:21
I have more or less the same problem. Meaning that it hurts a bit after the first time if I'm masturbating. If it's normal sex, no matter what type (oral, vaginal, titjob, never tried anal, though) it feels ok.
Regarding the time, it depends, but normally about 5-10 minutes between "shows. Once I even had the record of becoming erect right after the orgasm. Of course it was all due to that girl!

By #291618 at 05,Feb,14 01:40
yep Nitric Oxide takes an important part in male erections men have higher concentrations of NO than women but you should be using it before work out like gym work out i use it sometimes and it really gives a big boost never tought using it before sex

By #291618 at 26,Jan,14 19:42
from 10 to 15 minutes the third time is the best
By #218876 at 30,Jan,14 08:09
third time :0 I will try next time
By #291618 at 30,Jan,14 16:00
do it! youll enjoy it youll have a dry cum but it feels great
By #218876 at 04,Feb,14 09:03
now its not paining for me too

By #447862 at 27,Jan,14 12:02
Depends on the first fuck - sometimes if the first fuck is really horny, it turns me on remembering and I get stiff and horny again and we start all over...
By #218876 at 27,Jan,14 13:55
you don't feel any pain?
By #447862 at 28,Jan,14 10:09
no, can't say I do. When I was young I did have a monster session with a new girlfriend and we did it six times overnight. Was a bit sore after that. But it was worth it
By #218876 at 29,Jan,14 15:15
i must also try

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