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Anyone like me with a speedo fetish?

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Started by #287996 at 30,Jul,12 18:48
Anyone like me with a speedo fetish?
Who likes my pics in speedo?
Who wants to share their pictures with me?
Thank you.
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Similar topics: 1.Underwear and swimwear party   2.You like to show off in your SPEEDO ? How do you place u're cock in it ? Post pics   3.Speedo places and countries to wear speedos   5.Where do our fetishes come from ?  

New Comment

By casado at 11,Nov,24 15:48 other posts of casado 
Eu. Uso sempre na praia ou piscina.

By #457608 at 13,Apr,14 01:07
Wish it were mainstreem in the U.S to were speedos I love wearing them.
By spermkiss at 14,Apr,14 16:43 other posts of spermkiss 
I do too, and that's all I'll wear. There was a time back in the eighties and nineties when speedos were de rigueur for male swimming attire. Then those dreadful knee length shorts came along and that seems to be what most men wear.

One of the joys of going to the beach or pool is to expose as much skin as possible. Nude is best, of course, but that is not acceptable everywhere. I think every SYD member should take a pledge to never wear more than a bikini brief when swimming. Let's send those long shorts into history.

By #68656 at 31,Jul,12 17:42
Just me wearing my Speedos.
We Aussies are doing well in the swimming at the Olympic Games.

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By #218130 at 31,Jul,12 21:17
Your fellow countrymen and women sure are doing well. GO Australia!
By Speedo1 at 04,Feb,14 11:14 other posts of Speedo1 
Love speedos

Adult Discussion Forum