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Where do our fetishes come from ?

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Started by #623341 at 28,Oct,20 14:42
What starts a fetish ?
Whatever the fetish be from shoes clothes etc etc
Has it ever been studied as to what creates that fetish
For example mine is Converse All Stars wether worn by male or female they just make me horny
But where has it come from for such a specific fetish

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By #631189 at 27,Dec,20 23:32
Mine come from my younger years when I was still at school

By Dev01 at 23,Nov,20 01:11 other posts of Dev01 
The Womb, like 9 months getting out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in

By #upnorth6969 at 23,Nov,20 00:41 other posts of #upnorth6969 
I'm bi and I have a thing for feet and toes especially the soles, must be clean, soft and taken care of. Love doing a guys toes as much as women's. I have no idea where this came from I just know that as long as I can remember I've been into feet.

By #621517 at 01,Nov,20 13:16
I’ve had a thing about girls and women in one piece swimsuits since my teens. Drives me even more wild than seeing them nude! Is that a fetish? Don’t know where it comes from.

By #463848 at 01,Nov,20 10:06
It is to do with our sexual psychology. We gain it as we develop and certain characteristics of behaviour begin to appeal to us more than others.

By #516354 at 01,Nov,20 08:46
I guess my journey into b.d.s.m started when my mother used to punish me with a good slap across the bac k of my legs or the back of my hand.Then I joined the army and was ordered around by n.c.o's and officer's.When I got married my now ex wife would ask me to do something.Even if I did not like what she had asked me to do I still did it.Later on we experimented with b.d.s.m and it just seemed natural that I should be the submissive and she the Mistress.

By Jagtstein at 31,Oct,20 13:43 other posts of Jagtstein 
I am now 74years old. My modified penis is my fetish. Daily masturbation is very good for the penis and for the prostate. I have optimally modified the penis with a frenulectomy and a masturbation meatotomy. Through the frenulectomy, the foreskin is well mobile, so that I can take advantage of the entire stroke during masturbation. Despite the many masturbations, the foreskin rests well on the glans, optimally stimulating the glans. Through the Meatotomy I can also use the urethra with sounds to increase pleasure. You can see that in my pictures after 27 648 masturbations in 65years.
I am proud to be in such a large company of masturbators.

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By leopoldij at 29,Oct,20 21:10 other posts of leopoldij 
My fetish is every cunt I've never touched before.

By #6568 at 29,Oct,20 11:45
Providing it's a 'nice' fetish that enhances rather than damages your sexual relationship there is no need to worry!....It's the weird stuff you have to be concerned about. I saw an item on TV about a man who could only get aroused by being 'bubblepacked' in plastic sheet using a vacuum pump!?! On the same prog was a man with female foot fetish who carried around a rubber foot in his jacket pocket for quick feels during the day!.....he described how, when having sex the womns feet were how he reached orgasm...when he had had enough he pulled her foot up to his face and just came!!

By Toasty at 29,Oct,20 01:06 other posts of Toasty 
Probably sane way as phobias. Something minor happens while you're a little baby. Phobia might happen with something like stumbling when a dog barks at you

It's a mystery sometimes. Hidden deep in your subconscious area of memory that you don't remember

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