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Anyone disabled

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Started by #289052 at 02,Aug,12 22:21
Is anyone on the site disabled ( please...no jokes...)a couple of years ago I stepped on the wrong spot .I posted earlier about happier times ...Mile High Club.Not to confuse

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New Comment

By phart at 01,Jan,19 01:10 other posts of phart 
truck wreck, about 15 years ago.Tramatic brain injury,back injury,neck injury,lost 50% use of the right leg,left shoulder damaged can't lift arm very high.
To top it off I have had arthritis since I was 25 and burrsitis in my right elbow.Testicular torsion about cost me my balls as a k1d because noone understood what I was trying to explain till the er doc saw and I was rushed to surgery. 2 hours later and they woulda been removed! about 40 pounds over weight and sluggish. Doctors tell me I am moderatly to severely depressed. My response, "Well gee, get screwed up like I did in a wreck and can't work,I bet you would be depressed to Doc! "

By #573687 at 31,Dec,18 15:52
jepp. bone disease, hormonal disorder, neurogen disorders

By luv2lickpussy at 26,Oct,18 14:17 other posts of luv2lickpussy 
I'm a disabled Vet / paraplegic BUT I have no problem getting hard or having sex
By bella! at 26,Oct,18 23:08 other posts of bella! 
And a b!eautiful boner it is!

By onthelose at 25,Oct,18 03:51 other posts of onthelose 
There but for the grace of god go I. Sorry for your problems but it seems like you have the fortitude to move forward. My congratulations.

By #570258 at 24,Oct,18 18:40
Yup. Degenerative arthritis, morbid obesity, pedal edema, cellulitus of left leg, hyperlipidemia, and clinical depression.

But by god I can still suck a mean cock! Nice ones too.

If you ever get the opportunity to have any of these ailments, pass. Lots of pain everyday.

By #264288 at 03,Jul,13 11:42
My right foot was amputated after a car crash. I wear a prosthetic leg.

By #218130 at 03,Aug,12 07:02
Respect to all of you! I salute you all.

By #164428 at 02,Aug,12 22:52
Yes, I am disabled as a result of Lyme Disease (known as Tick Borreliosis in some countries outside the US) and Babesiosis, another tick-borne disease. It's like malaria and invades the red **** cells, destroying them and stealing oxygen. I've been fighting for my life, actually. I wish I could work again, but, right now, I'm struggling just to get through basic tasks each day. One day at a time.
By #285812 at 03,Aug,12 01:47
Soory to hear that Steffi....

By #218130 at 03,Aug,12 06:24
My thoughts, prayers and wishes go out to you I pray, hope and trust that you WILL see light at the end of the tunnel

By #7976 at 03,Aug,12 02:14
Not as disabled as some but I had an accident a couple years back on my bike and have a permanently fused let foot, crushed hand, and 20 broken bones. I walk with a rather pronounced limp without the proper footwear and I don't grip things well with my hands. The good news is, the plumbing all works even though the lifetime pain killers I'm on like to make it difficult. Hey, it could have been worse.

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