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What's the weirdest thing you have done with your cock ?

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Started by #285812 at 03,Aug,12 01:40
Guys, what's the weirdest thing you have done with your cock ? Here's what I did, ( of course I was in college at the time )
Painted a condom black, and put it on, along with a black studded cock ring, put two little holes for the eyes, and attach a leash to the fella. Hit the town, "walking Mr. Slave." Beat Mr. Slave when he doesn't do what's told.

Similar topics: 1.WEIRDEST!!   2.Weirdest place to masterbate   3.Awkward things said during sex...   4.craziest things used for sex   5.Weirdest fetish that you know.  

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By #289052 at 04,Aug,12 15:32
Spermkiss.I know you are gay and that is funny...
By spermkiss at 04,Aug,12 16:33 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm more than gay, I'm as queer as a three dollar bill. But that does not mean that I cannot perform with a woman and even take some pleasure in doing so. Hell, I've not only fucked pussy but I've also eaten pussy. When I told my husband that he said that he might not have kissed me if he had known that my tongue had been in a twat.
By #443664 at 06,Aug,15 21:29
How did you get into a situation to lick and fuck the pussy? Was it at a sex party or a different type of hook up
By spermkiss at 07,Aug,15 03:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, we gay men get a LOT of opportunities. Being gay is a Major Babe Magnet. So any of you straight men reading this who want to get laid more often (isn't that all of you?), let it be know that you'd be open to a bit of man-on-man sex. Let the ladies know you're a metrosexual.

OK, on to the licking and fucking pussy. There have been three, all of whom came on to me. Two of the three were casual hook-ups.

Then there was the third. When I was in my early thirties and had been an out gay man for ten years I had an affair with a woman. She knew I was gay and was totally comfortable with it. In our circle of friends, men and women, gay and straight, we were regarded as a couple. However, I never stopped thinking of myself as a gay man while it was happening and it was always an open relationship. As I was fond of saying at the time and ever since, she's fucking other men and so am I. And it was a rewarding experience. I felt a camaraderie with straight men I had never known before. To walk down the street or step into a restaurant with an attractive woman on my arm felt good.

OK you straight guys. If a fag like me can fuck pussy, eat pussy and have an affair with a woman, you guys can do a little man-on-man action. Step out of your comfort zone and try something different. You'll be glad you did.

By #211891 at 26,Jul,14 10:45
Probably the weirdest was when I was about seven. My throbbing cock fascinated me and, I don't know what compelled me, but, I put a BB in the tip of my penis and worked it in about an inch or so. Fortunately I got the BB out. Oh, the dumb things we do in youth. Maybe I am over-compensating for that experience because I am fascinated in getting all the cum I can swallow from every cock I can. That includes enjoying my own cum.

By leopoldij at 25,Jul,14 21:12 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #181785 at 07,Aug,12 04:15
I sound with different stuff. Check out my photos I use pens, eye glass arms, deer antler etc.

By cockbot3000 at 06,Aug,12 21:00 other posts of cockbot3000 
I used my hard on to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other day and ate the sandwich after I jerked off with the pb&j all over my cock and balls. cold jelly makes great lube btw

By #170689 at 05,Aug,12 22:08
got it pierced lol, was odd having three guys in there!
By spermkiss at 06,Aug,12 15:20 other posts of spermkiss 
It took three guys to do a piercing? Sounds like a sex party. Or did it take two guys to hold you down?

By #146744 at 04,Aug,12 23:12
I push my cock in, and the stretch my scrotum over the top so it looks like i partially have a vagina. sometimes i stuff it in aswell as putting other stuff inside.
By slipper at 06,Aug,12 00:28 other posts of slipper 
Post some pix!

By #166058 at 05,Aug,12 12:34
i use a cock pump i have sounded and i also use estim along with getting naked and jumping into a mud pool and covering my cock in mud and letting it dry

By #273227 at 04,Aug,12 04:19
Fucked a pot noodle awesome feeling
By #62682 at 04,Aug,12 04:22
Now that is weird

By bradyD at 05,Aug,12 02:40 other posts of bradyD 
ok..i'm guessing 'pot noodle' is a british term? what is it?
By #273227 at 05,Aug,12 06:54
Its a dehydrated noodle meal in a pot just add boiling water then wait for it to cool it is a great feeling saw it on a Japanese porn show try it and let me know
By bradyD at 05,Aug,12 12:09 other posts of bradyD 
Ramen Noodles? Are they the same thing? If it is, I'm so calling them pot noodles now. I understand that waiting for them to cool down is the critical part, but all you do is stick your dick in some cold wet noodles?

By #289052 at 04,Aug,12 15:31
Fucked a watermelon when I was 13.Put the plug back in when I finished .No idea who bought it .It was behind a farmers market
By bradyD at 05,Aug,12 02:41 other posts of bradyD 
Oh that's why that damn watermelon tasted so funny and why grandma kept licking her lips all afternoon!

By #264896 at 03,Aug,12 05:29
Vacuuming the pool and experimenting with giving myself a blow job by regulating the suction until I nutted. Once I got it figured out it didn't take long.
By bradyD at 05,Aug,12 02:37 other posts of bradyD 
hey, no extra cleanup needed! brilliant!

By spermkiss at 04,Aug,12 00:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Fucked a pussy, and I don't mean a cat.

By #62682 at 03,Aug,12 23:36
Stuffed it in a blow up doll ...

By #285812 at 03,Aug,12 16:55
With all of these experiences...we could probably write a pretty good book......

By bradyD at 03,Aug,12 03:12 other posts of bradyD 
The weirdest thing I do is I move the pee hole (or urinary meatus) up and down, as if it's a mouth, and have conversations with my penis pretending it's talking to me or it's chewing food not unlike a cow or I role up little bits of paper and stick it in the end and it looks like it's smoking a joint.

holy shit i'm pathetic.
By #285812 at 03,Aug,12 03:25
that's great man !!!! great story....as bad as mine...

mine is just as pathedic

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