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Started by #262214 at 04,Aug,12 15:40
I'm a bi 58 year old guy, in a straight relationship and have given oral to 5 different men over last 3 months or so, and discovered that I love it more than I thought I would. I've started an ad in a regional bi and gay service and its worked out pretty well, looking for straight men preferably guys who don't get that from their wives or girlfriends. They are the best and most appreciative. And I love the differences and similarities. Want to learn more from guys here with more experience, and on here hoping to and share experiences with similar men. Would like responses from members in this forum but especially in private messages. Will respond to all.

Similar topics: 1.Advice   2.Help/Advice uncut   3.Best sex advice!   4.Advice for a 22yr FIRST TIME   5.VIRGIN ADVICE FOR FIRST TIME!!!  

New Comment

By #280873 at 05,Aug,12 04:38
Sounds good but what about you're girlfriend does she know what you're up to and if not how would she feel if she found out is it worth risking that over cock I'm not being a killjoy but think bout it
By #262214 at 05,Aug,12 05:13
She doesn't know. Plan to keep it that way. How would she feel? Surprised, more than anything. I'm extremely discreet, do alot of traveling and never have encounters in my home. Yes I think its worth it, its been worth it so far. I do love women but I have this urge that needs to be satisfied.
By spermkiss at 05,Aug,12 05:56 other posts of spermkiss 
I know where you're coming from. See my Private Message to you.

Adult Discussion Forum