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Lets insult people!

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Started by #146804 at 06,Aug,12 16:08
No not really.

But seriously what is with this Skater guy? I don't comment one of his photos immediately after he asks me too (and even if I said no it's no excuse) and I get all this...

Aug 6, 11:08 skater319: strawhat ur ugly n fat just shut up u scrub

Aug 6, 11:12 skater319: strawhat ur fat ugly n dirty n ur mans dick has herpes n looks rotted

Aug 6, 10:43 skater319: im just saying ur both dirty as fuck n tht dick looks so gross like ur ass

Aug 6, 10:49 skater319: u fat ugly cunt

Aug 6, 10:49 skater319: ur mans dick is disgusting like ur pimply ass

Aug 6, 10:52 skater319: strawhat ur mans dick look like the skin rotting off like a zombie

Aug 6, 10:40 skater319: dont matter u both look like u live in the woods

Similar topics: pictures   2.So I was watching "This is 40"...   3.Will people insult my dick   4.Compliment or insult   5.So, you can't live in peace  

New Comment

By admin at 07,Aug,12 23:10 other posts of admin 
If you continue to fight instead of ignoring people you do not like I will add a reciprocal blacklisting without possibility of taking it off. Enforced by me on those members who fight with each other.

This concerns not only the topicstarter but all who recently complained to me about bullying instead of ignoring. If you can't get a grip on yourselves I'll do it for you.
By #164428 at 07,Aug,12 23:21
I want to get a grip on you, Admin! Couldn't resist!

Sounds like a good idea.
By #68656 at 08,Aug,12 09:16
The idea of such a list certainly has its merits and will be a deterrent to such inappropriate activity.
However any such system MUST be totally transparent and without any bias, that is to say it must EQUALLY apply to both paid and free members.
By #218130 at 08,Aug,12 10:08

By #89828 at 08,Aug,12 12:26
How would we prevent such a system from becoming another tool of members who randomly abuse people? I appreciate the intent behind the idea (and the fact that Admin is tired of being bothered with petty bickering!), but we have seen already how some members (and/or groups of members) attack folks who displease them like a pack of hyenas. Won't this be just another weapon in their arsenal? The ban/blacklist button DOES work. So does ignoring...
By admin at 08,Aug,12 13:01 other posts of admin 
Problem is that "****" people do not use it. Instead they are trying to "punish" those who **** them making complains to me, starting topics on forum, making conspiracies with other members.

By bella! at 06,Aug,12 16:52 other posts of bella! 
Maybe skater319's momma is on vacation and forgot to medicate him today. It's pathetic that skater319 has to solicit comments then be so nasty about it. Forget about him, you're a beautiful couple.
By #218130 at 07,Aug,12 18:40
Another Window Licker this skater319

By #59855 at 06,Aug,12 20:37
From Matt's Wife: Just ban his ass.

By #164428 at 06,Aug,12 17:25
I'm sorry you've fallen prey to such a person, my friend. There are far to many of them here and in life at large.

For what it's worth, I think you're hot, and I've enjoyed your input on the forum.

And what's wrong with living in the woods? I live 5.5 miles into the woods.

Like 2nice said, ban the fucker!
By bella! at 06,Aug,12 17:51 other posts of bella! 
Uh, Steffi, 2nice said "ban the loser". That's okay but if she says, "ban the fucker", that sounds like she really means it!

By #263974 at 06,Aug,12 17:03
There will be always these immature guys on this site. Something must be wrong in his head. Normal people don't act like him. Don't pay attention to him. He is not worth your attention. You and mr are both my good friends and nice people. I love you both and don't want anyone to hurt you ever.

Adult Discussion Forum