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hows the best way to shave your balls

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Started by #238293 at 19,Aug,12 23:50
I never have I need some tips

Similar topics: 1.Do i have to shave my balls?   2.To shave or not to shave?..   3.shaving it, how often?   4.Shaving   5.Should I shave all of my pubic hair off?  

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By #268591 at 02,Sep,12 21:01
be careful with the hair removal cream , some sting and your balls can be sore . i shave my balls every day , its easy once you get used to it . smooth balls feel great , i would never let the hair grow back , you could also get a friend to do it for you . i volenteer

By duncanidaho at 02,Sep,12 15:45 other posts of duncanidaho 
cut your pubes as short as possible first, then shave daily in the same way as you do your face - I use sensitive shave foam and a gillette razor. Dont shave off completey - just leave a small area above my dick - see more on my page

By #62682 at 20,Aug,12 04:33
Shave fairly short, then use hair removal cream, rinse off in bath or shower with soapy water gets your nuts as smooth as snooker balls, been doing it regularly for years, have a look at my pics, works all the time.

By #291618 at 20,Aug,12 01:53
well u take ut balls skin and strech it and really carefult shave it w a new razor do in after being wet for 5 minutes on shower so ur skin is soft thats how i do it

By dhk62 at 20,Aug,12 01:00 other posts of dhk62 
Bic lighter? Hot shower so your balls relax, gel foam, and new razor for the first time. Oh you have to trim as much hair as you can first. Any mustache trimmer will do. Then just practice. I can shave my balls and cock faster than my face. Enjoy...Douglas.

By #220845 at 20,Aug,12 00:16
Shaving section at walmart u will find a product called shave ****. Around women's shaving products.

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