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being so horny

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Started by steve8211 at 25,Aug,12 15:16  other posts of steve8211
You ever been so horny that when you masturbate and get off you are still horny and have to do it again another two times to get relief?

Similar topics: 1.WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR HORNY ALONE!?!   2.I am always Hard & Horny   3.HOW HORNY ARE YOU ?   4.Have you ever anonymously chatted with someone you know?   5.So fucking horny!!  

New Comment

By #485312 at 14,Jul,15 12:10
guess its different for dudes, l never can get enough of a good thing, orgasms are better than drUgs and the cheapest high l know of.. *lix*
By #7976 at 14,Jul,15 23:14
Damn... another female I'd love to meet and another female on another continent. I'd truly love to get you hi darlin.

By leopoldij at 15,Jul,15 02:31 other posts of leopoldij 
You said that before, and I totally agree with you.

By #323075 at 14,Jul,15 11:14
Yes, sometimes

By leopoldij at 13,Jul,15 23:56 other posts of leopoldij 
It's happening to me right now.

By #64328 at 13,Jul,15 19:35
Not recently....when I was young four five times a day was pretty normal for me

By leopoldij at 10,Jul,15 23:13 other posts of leopoldij 
I had no sex today. But I masturbated 4 times.
By #491031 at 11,Jul,15 02:54
TMI, Leo. TMI...
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,15 04:05 other posts of leopoldij 
TMI = ???
By bella! at 11,Jul,15 04:07 other posts of bella! 

By jayman73 at 09,Jul,15 23:37 other posts of jayman73 
Yes, like 20 years ago, I always had to do that. Nowadays, once a day does it for me.
By leopoldij at 10,Jul,15 18:37 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm older than you but I need to cum 3 times a day. I do have sex, but I also have to resort to masturbation.

By #460385 at 09,Jul,15 21:52
Must be that Tennessee water.

By leopoldij at 09,Jul,15 20:34 other posts of leopoldij 
Why are you asking?

By leopoldij at 02,Jul,15 12:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, it happens to me all the time.

Adult Discussion Forum