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Some more small changes

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by admin at 03,Nov,09 16:35  other posts of admin
One member asked me if it's possible to separate "cunts" from "dicks" on "who's on site" page. I'm not sure it's cool, but let's give it a try. If you do not like it - let me know, I'll roll it back.

Also, he said that he "discovered" a member search form, and I'm guessing he's not the only one who wanders in darkness. So I put a link to it onto YOUR member pages (which means you will not see it on other members pages as there is no much space already) in the upper row, near "upload a photo" button.

And a sex selection option has been added to the search form by the way.

Similar topics: 1.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   2.Small Penis Wannabes??   3.Small boyfriend?   4.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   5.Are some asses naturally so tight that it's impossible to have fun ass fucking?  

New Comment

By #10886 at 03,Nov,09 16:55
**== Flag
b-( beat up
) hee hee
^^ bow
:-@ yadda yadda
:x love
:-o surprise
(:| yawn
x_x no see
B-) cool

Just some "codes" for emotes. I have noticed that the positive emotes are used far more than the negative ones.
By admin at 03,Nov,09 17:03 other posts of admin 
Well, there are only 4 negative emotes out of 15...

By #22008 at 03,Nov,09 20:21
What about "my head is exploding"?
By slipper at 04,Nov,09 16:37 other posts of slipper 
Which one?

By #12853 at 03,Nov,09 17:19
Thank you, admin, for the newly separated "who's on site" page. Excellent idea!
By admin at 03,Nov,09 17:23 other posts of admin 
not mine

By #10886 at 03,Nov,09 16:36
Cool! More emoticons?
By admin at 03,Nov,09 16:38 other posts of admin 
Please, give me an example of what you want.

Adult Discussion Forum