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18 year old foreskin

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Started by binbags at 02,Sep,12 21:42  other posts of binbags
if you are 18 years old, show us your foreskin

Similar topics: 1.Christmas and New Year wishes   2.foreskin adhesion   3.Should I make cut my foreskin?   4.It's my one year anniversary on SYD   5.shape of a cock  

New Comment

By #219885 at 05,Sep,12 02:45
here is mine//

By bella! at 02,Sep,12 23:40 other posts of bella! 
Again, another topic that excludes the majority of the male membership. I'm curious, how much difference is there between an 18 year olds foreskin versus a member that is 25 years old or 65 years old? I'm sure I wouldn't know and I would wager to say, you wouldn't know the difference either.
By #297360 at 03,Sep,12 13:30
maybe he feels more comfortable with another guy who is his own age or of a similar age to him.
By bella! at 03,Sep,12 14:17 other posts of bella! 
Possibly but how much difference is there in the foreskin of an 18 year old versus that of a 25 year old? Do you know? Now that might be interesting.

By #81191 at 03,Sep,12 12:25
I am thinking its the age restriction on the site although there is the missing "over"

By binbags at 02,Sep,12 22:04 other posts of binbags 

By binbags at 02,Sep,12 22:03 other posts of binbags 

Adult Discussion Forum