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Started by #291491 at 03,Sep,12 08:01
Why on some men, does it look like an inch or two by the head is a different shade than the rest. Surgery maybe? Just wondering...

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By nekekal at 03,Sep,12 23:50 other posts of nekekal 
On myself any way, the shaft of my cock is a shade darker than my skin, then there is a real dark band where the foreskin was cut off. Scar tissue I think. Then the area that should be under the foreskin is real light pink. The head is yet another color. It does look two tone

By #287786 at 03,Sep,12 16:00
It can happen to uncut people too due mostly to the fact that some of the skin is unexposed and moisturized the other part is not so it is darker.
By spermkiss at 03,Sep,12 16:57 other posts of spermkiss 
I think you're right. I'm sure that this is a natural condition of some men's penises. Of course when a man is circumcised this different skin tone is made more visible, but I doubt it's anything to worry about. Indeed, I think it's rather attractive. But then a monotone dick is also attractive. I like dicks.

By #81191 at 03,Sep,12 11:31
circumcision for sure with scarring being quite pale. Varying degrees of it depending on the care being taken with the surgery

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