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Here is a weird personal attack.

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Started by #59855 at 05,Sep,12 20:54
From Matt's Wife: The following are private messeges sent to me by a member named buttnlegsguy. I have never talked to him and it is completely out of the blue. He also posted a comment on our page. Justthought everyone should know what a great guy he is.

Sep 5, 15:23 buttnlegsguy: i don't know what matt was thinking

Sep 5, 15:23 buttnlegsguy: how are you so fat and yet you still have no tits? that just doesn't make biological sense, you should be the focus of a scientific study

Sep 5, 15:21 buttnlegsguy: you have such a weird body, it's really squatty you're just a fat slut

Sep 5, 15:20 buttnlegsguy: i am definitely not to you, i couldn't even get it up

Sep 5, 15:20 buttnlegsguy: who would join a fan page for you? you're really fuckin fat

Similar topics: 1.Am I a weird guy?   2.Personal Request   3.Voting against pictures   4.I am straight but I love looking at cock.   5.Why do you ask such weird fucking questions?  

New Comment

By #88520 at 08,Sep,12 00:44
What an ass!

I would never dare to mess with Matt's wife

By #59855 at 07,Sep,12 19:20
From Matt's Wife: I am glad he is gone. I hope he doesn't come back.

I don't agree with everyone all the time either but I also don't waiver on my opinions. : )

By Arlo at 07,Sep,12 14:49 other posts of Arlo 
Dear Matt's wife:

There is no accounting or explanation for stupid and ignorant people. You know, and the support here corroborates it, that you and Matt are a great looking couple and great to have on this site. I like looking at your pics--gives me a rise--and your comments are usually on point.( I don't agree with ALL of them--but we can disagree soemtimes right?) Thank goodness most of the long termers on this site are here for adult fun and games. I love it and most of the people here. And, you are really hot!

By qhaos at 07,Sep,12 12:44 other posts of qhaos 
same results... and is a pity because i would have advised him for a good eye specialist!

By #59855 at 06,Sep,12 16:23
From Matt's Wife: You all or so kind. He has left me more messeges attacking me. This guy is pathetic.

By #280873 at 06,Sep,12 09:16
What a butt wipe just goes to show there are some very cruel people around I wonder how he would like it if everyone went to his page and wrote nasty messages to him
By #274357 at 06,Sep,12 11:19
By #274357 at 06,Sep,12 11:22
Loser doesn't even have pictures of himself on his profile. He is probably the fat one, 40 years old and living in his Mom's basement.
By bella! at 06,Sep,12 11:34 other posts of bella! 
Ha! You claim to be 40....what's wrong with being 40? Hmmm.....?

By #59855 at 06,Sep,12 04:50
From Matt's Wife: I just see his attacks as random and unprovoked

By #215672 at 06,Sep,12 04:18
dont let that idiot bother you.your very sexy i think you have a great body

By bella! at 05,Sep,12 21:25 other posts of bella! 
..... wow, SYD needs another wack-a-doodle! ? Mrs Matt you're fit, intelligent and beautiful. Clearly, the member is both blind and rude too.

Adult Discussion Forum