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You show a nice cock OUTLINE in your pants ? Have any pics ? Know any guys who do ?

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Started by #296237 at 09,Sep,12 18:38
You know a guy (friend, co-worker, acquaintance) that always shows a big cock outline in his pants ?

Any guys have pics of them in any kind of pants showing a nice cock outline ?

Similar topics: 1.Boxers or briefs   2.Guys with big cocks answer this ,or anyone   3.Grey sweat pants / trackies   4.You like to show a big cock outline in your casual pants, jeans or shorts ?   5.How well do ladies like to see a mans cock in his pants,do they like being able to see the head?  

New Comment

By smokieb69 at 10,Sep,12 19:55 other posts of smokieb69 

Photo of a ram rod from smokieb69

By spermkiss at 09,Sep,12 18:54 other posts of spermkiss 
There's a whole web site devoted to this very subject. It's called Visible Penis Line, address them at There are several photos available for free, but if you decide to join there are hundreds more. I was a member for a while and one of the photos is of President Obama with a hard-on very visible in his pants.
By spermkiss at 10,Sep,12 15:55 other posts of spermkiss 
And speaking of President Obama, isn't he a hot, Hot, HOT looking man. The best looking president we've ever had. Everyone talks about what a good looking man John F. Kennedy was, and I agree, he was good looking, but Obama is better.

By #299180 at 10,Sep,12 17:28
Hot website; I think if I joined that website I would not leave the house for a whole day and my poor dick would be sore from
By spermkiss at 10,Sep,12 18:10 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't it though? There is something really hot about a guy who is out in public with the outline od his dick very visible in his pants. It's almost more exciting than if he were nude.

Adult Discussion Forum