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You like to show a big cock outline in your casual pants, jeans or shorts ?

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Started by #296237 at 26,Oct,12 15:37
You like to show your big cock outline in your casual pants, jeans or shorts ? For those big dicked guys on here - do you show a nice cock outline on purpose ? You are aware of it ? You notice when guys look ? (straight, bi and gay) ?

Similar topics: 1. Penis shape/outline at the Swimming Pool   2.Bulge shots   3.You show a nice cock OUTLINE in your pants ? Have any pics ? Know any guys who do ?   4.Going commando in Jeans ?   5.Short Pants -- An Encouraging Sign  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 17,Jun,14 00:56 other posts of spermkiss 
Who doesn't? Most men like to show off their dicks.

And here's a little fact for all you straight guys. When you wear snug pants that really show off your cock, you might think you are doing it to impress women. But the truth is, most women don't notice. But other men do. And not just gay men. Guys like to check out each other's crotches. All guys do.

By #291618 at 16,Jun,14 23:08
well yeah i do like to show my cock outline even tough its not that big i notice the outline and people checking me out specially at the gym

By #311028 at 04,Nov,12 18:15
Hi, what do you guys say when you notice a lady looking. I noticed a girl staring at my package in jeans (at work)and at first I felt a little shy but I think she gave a little smile as well...and guess where it was- In a lift. Should I have said something quirky like you can look and touch if you want??
By WristThick at 04,Nov,12 19:10 other posts of WristThick 
No, make them blush by reacting similar to how a woman would if you were busted staring at her ass or tits

By WristThick at 27,Oct,12 19:14 other posts of WristThick 
Depends on what kind of pants and underwear I'm wearing, but yeah. I've said to women several times who were obviously staring, "I'm up HERE", pointing to my eyes

By #220845 at 27,Oct,12 18:26
Oh yeah

By jocstfr at 27,Oct,12 01:59 other posts of jocstfr 
i dont show my cock outline on purpose but it does show depending on the pants or jeans i am wearing. I have noticed girls as well as guys checking it out and i like it!

Adult Discussion Forum