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Prominant Circumcision Scar Lines? Post your pics

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Started by #295675 at 09,Sep,12 18:49
I like really visible circumcision scar lines. If you have one, please share.

Or a nice two color tone to your shaft.

Similar topics: 1.Lowest cut scar / highest cut scar   2.What is the highest circumicision scar? pleas post some   3.So why is it that straight guys...   4.i need your help!   5.Prominant circumcision scars  

New Comment

By cut5x5 at 27,Jun,18 14:29 other posts of cut5x5 
My scar line when hard.

By #518391 at 05,May,18 10:53
Mine is visible when hard, but fairly discreet
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By #539358 at 26,Jun,18 21:30
Yours is hardly noticeable at all.

By #560611 at 26,Jun,18 07:28
My circ scar is about as prominent as the grand canyon. Definitely snipped by some kind of lawnmower

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By #518391 at 26,Jun,18 09:06
It looks pretty good to me...I've seen much worse!
By #560611 at 26,Jun,18 09:21
As have I. Haha. Your's blends pretty well. Its hard to tell you were even cut.

By #539358 at 26,Jun,18 21:29
Ive seen a lot rougher cuts than yours on here, some look like they’ve been done with blunt garden shears!

By malecall4 at 05,Sep,13 08:34 other posts of malecall4 
fairly obvious[deleted image]

By skinb at 11,Jul,13 11:21 other posts of skinb 

By jocstfr at 27,May,13 16:46 other posts of jocstfr 
This pic shows my circ scar. As you can see they cut almost half way down the shaft which means I probably would have had a long droopy foreskin

By cockme at 25,May,13 23:50 other posts of cockme 
love being nude

By #292979 at 25,May,13 17:40

By Odin_york_pa at 19,May,13 23:50 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
[deleted image]

Is this what you're looking for?

By #119223 at 10,Sep,12 15:18
[deleted image]
By #255813 at 06,Mar,13 19:27
wow..gr8 cut and super tight cut

Adult Discussion Forum