Recent Posts of member cut5x5


Small Boners 30,May,16 00:03


By cut5x5 at 13,Nov,24 04:06

By cut5x5 at 21,Jul,24 16:18

By cut5x5 at 05,Jul,24 13:35
Thanks. Very happy that you think so!

By cut5x5 at 13,Apr,24 22:43

By cut5x5 at 17,Mar,24 02:43

Here’s mine!

By cut5x5 at 16,Feb,24 14:41
It’s small but mighty!

By cut5x5 at 15,Feb,24 15:26

By cut5x5 at 03,Feb,24 16:29

By cut5x5 at 23,Dec,23 15:51

By cut5x5 at 15,Dec,23 22:02

By cut5x5 at 11,Nov,23 16:34

By cut5x5 at 10,Nov,23 11:13

By cut5x5 at 04,Nov,23 02:53

By cut5x5 at 24,Sep,23 14:12

By cut5x5 at 01,Jun,23 13:06

By cut5x5 at 01,Jun,23 13:04

By cut5x5 at 09,May,23 13:27

By cut5x5 at 07,May,23 09:32

By cut5x5 at 05,May,23 05:44

By cut5x5 at 02,Apr,23 13:41
About 4.75 inches.

By cut5x5 at 19,Mar,23 13:46

By cut5x5 at 17,Mar,23 14:35
My circumcision scar soft and hard.

By cut5x5 at 09,Feb,23 15:28
Those jock pics remind me of those school locker rooms with all of us guys wearing our jocks. I still get hard when I slip one on. Your pics wearing your jock are quite sexy.

By cut5x5 at 03,Feb,23 15:32

By cut5x5 at 31,Jan,23 15:51

By cut5x5 at 12,Jan,23 15:56

By cut5x5 at 21,Dec,22 23:50
Same here

By cut5x5 at 31,Oct,22 19:19
I always lost at strip poker on purpose too. It was fun to show mu hard little penis first. The other guy couldn’t wait to lose after that. Always led to comparing and jerking off. We were about 13.

By cut5x5 at 30,Oct,22 16:35

By cut5x5 at 15,Oct,22 16:17

By cut5x5 at 03,Oct,22 16:58

By cut5x5 at 05,Sep,22 14:17

Cut but I wish I wasn’t.

By cut5x5 at 01,Sep,22 13:57

By cut5x5 at 03,Jul,22 13:29

By cut5x5 at 21,Jun,22 18:47

By cut5x5 at 21,Jun,22 14:22

By cut5x5 at 06,May,22 14:34

By cut5x5 at 25,Feb,22 15:32

By cut5x5 at 19,Jan,22 00:32

By cut5x5 at 15,Jan,22 16:08
My small hard one.

By cut5x5 at 14,Jan,22 15:49

By cut5x5 at 10,Jan,22 16:06

By cut5x5 at 12,Dec,21 15:00
Not sure what the shape of mine is. Any thoughts?
It is a bit wider than my shaft and is quite big relative to the size of my hard cock.

By cut5x5 at 01,Nov,21 14:58

By cut5x5 at 30,Oct,21 15:24

By cut5x5 at 29,Oct,21 17:37
Thanks! Hope it makes you hard and horny.

By cut5x5 at 10,Sep,21 20:23

By cut5x5 at 16,Aug,21 14:12
Mine is high and tight.

By cut5x5 at 29,Jul,21 14:10

By cut5x5 at 28,Jul,21 23:22