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Multiple negative voting

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Started by #290098 at 12,Sep,12 16:27
I don't understand why someone would vote against a pic more than once. I had someone vote against one of my pics 40 times today!!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but 40 votes against the same pic seems really uncool.

Happen to anyone else?

Similar topics: 1.Small change in voting system   2.MULTIPLE VOTING NEGATIVE   3.Anonymously voting down pictures   4.Voting is now non-anonymous   5.Voting against pictures  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 31,Dec,24 17:33 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By #149276 at 13,Sep,12 19:42
opps! corrected my error,and ended up with same post...

By #149276 at 13,Sep,12 19:35
i agree with minos. i also notice some member have unappealing gifts. i just lolabout it, if it happened to me. I am here for and

By #149276 at 13,Sep,12 19:19
i agree with minos. i don't let much get to me . i have noticed that some members have nasty gifts. if it were me, i wood just

By bella! at 13,Sep,12 14:37 other posts of bella! 
Did the member(s) respond to your query?

By #218130 at 12,Sep,12 20:51
Very sad and so unnecessary.

By #68656 at 12,Sep,12 17:50
Dear Mr. Slinky.
Due to the nature of this event I have written to you by PM appraising you of the situation.
By dhk62 at 12,Sep,12 17:54 other posts of dhk62 
Me too please.

By dhk62 at 12,Sep,12 17:53 other posts of dhk62 
I had 21 points taken from my best cock picture this morning. I have no idea why it was done. They have had plenty of time to respond to my inquiry. The Show Your Dick that did it is known, I understand. This person has over 1900 points so it's impossible to fight back! I'm confused...Douglas.

By bella! at 12,Sep,12 17:04 other posts of bella! 
Why don't you ask the person(s) that voted against your pic. Strange, a "nasty" member recently visited my page and voted negatively, twice. I'm invisible, I haven't posted a new pic in months so I wondered what the motivation is other than being shitty and mean. I did ask him "why" and he responded saying he must not have been paying attention. Twice? Whatever!

Adult Discussion Forum