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Started by #296945 at 13,Sep,12 16:36
My dick is little I dislike it and women do not want it or like it neither cause they want and like big ones. I have been this way and feeling this way about my little dick and women ever since the age of 16 and still do of course. I have been suicidal because of all of this with my size and women also ever since age 16 and almost died twice. If I had a big one I would be so happy in life. Feel free to comment on my pics and stuff.

Similar topics: 1.let's vote about "longdick" out or in?? i have a small dick average dick or big dick just curious?   3.Father and son - silimar dick?   4.first time getting my dick stroked and sucked by a guy   5.lunch time  

New Comment

By #303133 at 19,Sep,12 03:00
NOTE TO SELF: Never engage in conversations with guys who start by saying: "My dick is little". It can only lead to trouble...
By #268067 at 19,Sep,12 03:40
not with me cos I'd follow it you wanna see it?
By #218130 at 19,Sep,12 03:44

By #218130 at 18,Sep,12 06:14
I thanked him for his "kind" remarks. Just for the fun of it I added him as "friend" Would have liked to see what his response to that would have been

By #218130 at 17,Sep,12 15:31
Bye Bye
By #68656 at 17,Sep,12 15:39
Exactly, no great loss.
By #68656 at 17,Sep,12 15:49
I took the liberty of referring the spaceman`s obnoxious and slanderous comments about other members to the evaluation panel for their opinion and interest. Some of his comments were totally inappropriate, for example the comments directed at Littleunt on Sept. 16 and the tirade against 2nice.
I also received some PM`s from various people advising me that he had sent them abusive private messages, I received one myself.
So the fact his spaceship and his self-pity have gone into inter-stellar orbit is certainly no great loss to this group.
This clown would have been an ideal contestant for the Jerry Springer Show, don`t you just love the spelling and syntax in his last comment.!!!
By #218130 at 17,Sep,12 16:23
The space cadet sure had a way with words. Thanks John
By #68656 at 17,Sep,12 17:00
Hello Dreamer.
He certainly would have been the ideal contestant for Mr. Springer`s highly intellectual production. Let us trust the cadet remembered to take his flagon of moonshine before he was sent on his intergalactic sojourn.

Guest Application For Jerry Springer Show
Personal Information:
Name___________ Nickname______________ CB Handle______________
Yore Mama______________ Yore Daddy (if known)________________
Spouse's Name_________________
Relationship to spouse: __Sister __Brother__Mother__Father __Pet
__Aunt __Uncle ___ Several of the above
Occupation: ___Unemployed Mechanic ___Gun Show Dealer___Skinhead
Number of **** in Household___ Number that are yours___
Circle Highest Level of Education: 1 2 3 4 How many times each grade___________
How Far is Your Mobile Home From a Paved Road: ___1mi. __5 mi. ___?
Number of Times You Have Survived a Tornado: ___
Number of Vehicles Owned___ Number on Cement Blocks___ Number Repossessed___
Truck Equipment: ___Gun Rack ___Spit Cup ___Fuzzy Dice ___Rebel Flag
___Naked Woman Mudflaps ___NWO and/or NRA sticker
Weapons Owned: ___Tire Iron ___Pick Handle ___Beer Bottle ___Shotgun
Number of Dogs Owned: ___
Number of Homemade Tattoos:___
Which of the Following Appliances are in your Front Yard:
___Friggerator ___Heatin Stove ___Warsher ___TV ___Freezer
How Many of the Above Appliances Work: ___
Fav-o-rite Recreation: ___Drinkin ___Cow Chip Throwin ___Possum Huntin
___Crawdad Huntin ___Scratchin ___Watchin Wrasslin
If You Can Read, Which Magazines Do You Prefer:
___Soap Opera Digest ___NWA ___Rifle and Shotgun ___NWA
___TV Guide __National Enquirer ___True Confessions
Which Stinks Worse: ___Hogpen ___Outhouse ___Spouse
Can You Spell Your Last Name:___Yup ___Nope
Can You Remember Your Last Name: ___Yup ___Nope
Have You Ever Stayed Sober for More Than One Day: ___Yup ___Nope
Do You Know Any Words with More Than 4 Letters: ___Yup ___Nope
Which is Correct: ___"I Seed Him" or ___"I Seen Him"
How Many Cartons of Cigarettes Do You Smoke a Day? ___
Math Test: How Many Food Stamps Do the Following Cost?
___Six Pack ___Cigs ___Shotgun Shells ___Whore
Number of Times You've Seen: ___a UFO ___ Elvis___Elvis in a UFO
Health Questionaire: Which of the Following Do You Have?
___Head Lice ___B.O. ___Crabs ___Runny Nose___Boils
Can You Remember the Last Time You Bathed? ___Yup___Nope
Color of Teeth: ___Yellow ___Brown ___Black ___N/A
I hereby swear this is the trooth and sign my "X" on _________20__
By #218130 at 17,Sep,12 17:39

By #68656 at 16,Sep,12 14:32
With the greatest of respect to all concerned may I suggest we lay this topic to rest.
Any further discussion would just tend to be futile, labouring the point and nothing would be achieved.
By #218130 at 16,Sep,12 14:37
No problem, agree, it is futile.

By #218130 at 15,Sep,12 03:06
Ok, so what the FUCK do you want us to say? What would you love to hear? People are being nice to you then you treat them like shit with your rude remarks and swearing. Grow up. I for one won't waist any more time trying to make you feel better about yourself. Hope you find the answers you are looking for. Go in peace
By #296945 at 16,Sep,12 14:32
wow can these fucking fas read or are they blind from all the dicks they suck and look at. THOSE TWO FUCKERS STARTED THIS SHIT FIRST SO DON'T GO JUDGING ME AND JUMPING ALL OVER ME SO BACK OFF OR GET KNOCKED OFF. I swear I think all u fags thats jumping on me and taking up for them ya'll must be friends with these to low life bastard pricks who started this shit first. So u just came at me so what makes u even better? Thats what I thought cock sucking queer. So u go to hell with the rest and rot in pieces
By #218130 at 16,Sep,12 14:36
Aaaaaah! Thank You very much for your kind words, don't worry we still love you too

By #300590 at 13,Sep,12 16:43
You have a distorted view of your cock. Cocks are'nt big or small they are just different. Some of us really like small or average dick. That is what I prefer. Personally, I would enjoy spending time with your "small" dick. Cheer up dude you are fine.
By #222660 at 16,Sep,12 00:41
I totally agree ... your cock is perfectly normal and of average size. Remember a lady's clitoris is on the outer edge of her vagina ... not 12' inside her. women want erotic stimulation ... not a punctured lung. Go your hardest ... you've got more than enough tool there to satisfy any lady!

By staudacher at 15,Sep,12 18:07 other posts of staudacher 
Man you should be proud of that dick... if you want to see small just look at mine.

By #218130 at 15,Sep,12 12:22
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

By #68656 at 13,Sep,12 16:47
You certainly have a wrong view as the size of a man`s dick has absolutely NO bearing whatsoever on either his masculinity or worth as a man.
Any woman who puts dick size first is shallow and best avoided.
By #81191 at 15,Sep,12 09:03
Very true and couldn't agree more

By #220845 at 15,Sep,12 03:45
Listen to johns

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