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hotel room

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Started by #189686 at 19,Sep,12 15:18
On holiday recently in London i went back to my room in the afternoon for a wank, i'd just stripped off and was feeling my cock when there was a knock at the door not waiting for me to answer he just said "housekeeping" and walked in! i'd seen the guy before cleaning the rooms he was asian and very dark, he was faced with my full frontal nude with a semi hard on! a few minutes later i was a very happy guy having had him wank me off! he came back later that night when he was off duty and we had a great suck and fuck session mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,

Similar topics: 1.Setting up to be caught/video   2.Ever got a hotel room just to wank   3.public masturbation   4.Naked at a hotel   5.Former Gubernatorial Democrat candidate for Florida detained after third party meth overdose in his hotel room  

New Comment

By #568737 at 21,Oct,18 06:45
My best hotel room experiences are on my business trips to Germany. There’s lots of late night free porn on German TV. I’ve wanked bucketloads in hotel rooms in late night TV pornfests.

By #568296 at 21,Oct,18 00:58
My friend and his boyfriend took me to a hotel room where we got naked. The 2 of them made me suck their big cocks while fingering me. They then took turns kissing and fucking me

By #552392 at 18,Apr,18 00:39
Having my own room at a hotel meant that I was naked whenever inside and could do whatever I wanted. A group of guys I scouted came back one night and fucked me in turns.

By kebmo at 29,Oct,17 07:43 other posts of kebmo 
It’s all about the service! I’m sure you’ll return if you’re back and need a hotel.

By spermkiss at 19,Sep,12 15:53 other posts of spermkiss 
'Sounds like a dream come true. Why doesn't this happen to me at hotels?
By #454258 at 29,Oct,17 06:43
Sounds like a dream and nothing else.

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