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Started by #530663 at 19,Jul,17 06:58
Similar topics: 1.bicurious maybe????? 2.BiCurious in Rio Grande Valley in south Texas 3.Does anyone else in your family know if you are gay/bisexual/bicurious and how did they re-act when they found out? 4.Is the Brighton Sauna good for bicurious men? 5.CraigsList, Yey or Ney? New CommentComments: |
I would like to find a male friend to suck cock with on a regular basis. I have no romantic interest in men, but the idea of playing with cock regularly, well...
If you are here, and posting, it implies that you have some moments, maybe, here and there, liking seeing a penis, or pictures here.
It's TOTALLY normal, and a lot of guys here, are 'mostly straight' in that they are married, or love women. But sometimes, maybe, isn't it OK to like looking at others, like you, liking your own penis, and liking seeing others?
In todays society even if you admited your curiosity youd be labeled names if youre a male where as if you were female it would be considered hot and sexy.
It is a shame because theres nothing wrong with being curious and open minded and trying things without the fear of consequence.
Thanks to websites like this some of us who are curious and wonder can share fantasies and I have ran into a lot of people who are curious but affected by the stigma surrounding the topic by the outside world.
That quite often will be a situation that a married man will contemplate, especially as he gets older.
The vast majority of men would be open to some kind of sexual contact with another man if it were the right man and if circumstances were right and if the stars were properly aligned. These men may not be aware of this (though some are), and things may never fall in place for sexual activity to occur in many (perhaps most) men's lifetimes, but man-on-man sex between ostensibly heterosexual men does occur more often than most people realize.
Now, to address your point about more men than women checking out your crotch. Yes, of course this happens. The truth is that man, ALL men, straight, bisexual and gay, like to look at other men's dicks. Looking at other men's dicks is a guy thing, not a gay or bisexual thing. The popularity of this site proves that. And as you have observed, most women don't notice.
Perhaps you've heard that old rhetorical question: Do women dress to impress men or to impress other women? That's easy, most men don't notice what women are wearing, but other women do. The converse of this is when men put on snug pants that show a nice bulge in the crotch, they may think they are doing this to impress women, but the truth is that most women don't notice. But other men do. Checking out other guys crotches is a guy thing that all men do. They may do it discretely, but they do it.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with feeling something, even something new, unexplained, and just surprising! I feel like I am heterosexual, but sometimes, in the showers in the gym, or online, I get really excited by seeing, or imagines online, of penises, not hard, always, but sometimes. I really don't have any desire to be with a man, sexually, but having a 'Classical Education' and seeing some of the Greek art, the Frescos, of men loving men, I wonder, if there is something to that, maybe I am missing? Would I try it, sometime, just to see? Probably, and it doesn't make me anything but what/who I am! Some people know that they LOVE, ADORE, the same gender, and they should have that freedom! Others, maybe we wonder, and maybe, with the right person, trying something, just to see how it feels?
As for having a go at man-on-man sex, go for it. You'll be glad you did.
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this did not even post in the right place....not meant for you Scottbill69. Just my following post
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Crap...I don't REMEMBER what that censored word is!!!!
Being bi-curious does not make you bi or gay just that you wonder what it would be like to have sex with someone who is the same sex as you.And I imagine that everyone,men and women, have at some point in their lives wondered what it would be like.So I reckon we are all bi-curious.
All men are bi-curious.
Every single one.
They also all like sports and cars and drinking beer until they pass out.
For the record, my definition of bi-curious would be: wondering what it would be like to experience a sexual encounter with someone of the same gender as yourself. Pretty much the textbook definition of bi-curious.
Also for the record, if you DO have such an encounter, unless you weren't paying attention while it was going on, you are no longer bi-curious. If you go back for seconds, you are bi.
Your definitions appear sound to me.
There is sometimes a risk that people can take the view point that just because a man is interested to see other dicks, on a site like this, that they must have a 'bi' tendency. I really do not believe that is true.
We guys may like to check out dicks but that is just curiosity nothing more.
personally, I have never seen a man I was in the least part sexually attracted to, and I never even considered it or thought about it until coming to this site when I was already in 'advanced middle age'.
Put another way, I like most men, am quite interested in the male organ and enjoy viewing handsome specimens on this site......But, am yet to be actually 'turned on' by one! Compare this to looking at the SYC side of this site where it's still possible for me to get quite excited after looking for a few minutes!
The American sexologist Kinsey was largely responsible for the idea that sexuality is on a sort of 'sliding scale' from straight to gay and that 'all' men thus have a variable setting which is 'part gay', or 'part straight' depending on where one is on the sscale...... Personally, I have, like many straight men, always been at 'zero' on the straight side!