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Guy's ... does your Wife/GF know you're posting there pics ???

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Started by #19575 at 09,Nov,09 13:03
Just courious as I see alot of photo's on here of your significant other and the same question always comes up in the back of my mind ... do they know there pics are being posted ??? We all enjoy them none the less , but just wondering if they know !!!

Similar topics: 1.people not posting pics   2.Hottest Wife Contest   3.Are you addicted to posting pictures.   4.Help: Posting pics of my wife but can't categorize correctly   5.Question about posting mechanics  

New Comment

By Peke3047 at 25,Sep,24 19:57 other posts of Peke3047 
Not me

By BoneRanger at 25,Sep,24 08:55 other posts of BoneRanger 
Of course my wife and I have since split but she and I came to this site initially together.indony judge others but I feel like keeping secrets from your partner is strange. Had I lived that way I would build resentment for having to lie I think being with a woman and totally keeping it a secret that you like dick or fuck guys on the low is kinda fuct.bits 2024 is there really any reason to not live in your truth anymore? I am completely straight, with that said I can appreciate a nice looking dick. I don't ever find myself wanting to do anything sexually with a dick. When my wife and I had a couples page here we would get dm all the time from guys wanting to chat with her. One guy left a video of him jerking off, he was fit and had a nice looking long cock. He came in slow motion and seeing the video got me hard. I showed it to my wife when it came in an we watched it together. She saw my dick getting hard watching it and I didn't feel any way about it. I get aroused watching myself cum in videos. I think most men don't tell their women because they fear that their women will be turned off. Most guys probably wouldn't freak out if their woman was fucking another women behind his back, but if I woman found out her side was fucking or sucking a dude behind her back it would be a problem and I can see why double standards

By oldfartwatching at 03,Sep,24 15:43 other posts of oldfartwatching 
My wife does not know

By pipcock at 24,Aug,24 08:14 other posts of pipcock 
No. 😉

By Lickyourcum69 at 05,Jun,24 16:55 other posts of Lickyourcum69 

By SexIsLife at 02,Jun,24 19:36 other posts of SexIsLife 
No, she's unaware
By dgraff at 02,Jun,24 21:45 other posts of dgraff 
She better know it’s against the laws to post content of someone else without their permission just ask admin

By MoeJoe at 10,Nov,09 21:47 other posts of MoeJoe 
I think the only good answer to this question is yes she/he knows and is okay with it....otherwise it's not right. To post someone else's pics without their knowing is purely violates trust, and if they know and object then you should not do it...sorry, but that's my it or not.

By #3997 at 09,Nov,09 17:28
When i had pics of my wife up she knew about them, she would pose for me to take them, but for thse that their wife/girlfriend dont know its messed up

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