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Started by #14216 at 10,Nov,09 05:52
OK, I know I've had my say on this before and its also been done to death by others but I despair sometimes with these categories. I have just had 20 points deducted (10 each for 2 pics) allegedly being in the wrong category. When I checked they were pics of my dick, both taken on the landing where I live, and showed my dick only, no porn scenes in the background, nothing else, just my dick, so I put these in the Normal Dicks category but now apparantly that is wrong. I just don't understand this at all.

Similar topics: 1.THOSE CATEGORIES AGAIN   2.ONCE AGAIN WITH THE CATEGORIES   3.Categories   4.Categories   5.I need your opinion  

New Comment

By MoeJoe at 13,Jan,10 09:44 other posts of MoeJoe 
I understand your frustration Big Lou and it's unfortunate that this has forced you to withdraw some really great pics from the site. I have gone through the same thing and have considered withdrawing mine as well.

Adult Discussion Forum