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Started by #14216 at 23,Aug,09 13:43
I've just had 40 points deducted (10 points each for 4 pics) for allegedly being in the wrong category. They were pictures of my dick which I placed in the Normal Dicks category so I fail to see how these can be in the wrong category. This is not the first time this has happened and I have mentioned it before. As I said a short while ago on the request from someone to admin to have MORE categories, I always try to ensure I post in the correct categories so I am at a total loss to understand why the Normal Dicks category for pics of my dick should be regarded as the wrong one. After all, its not difficult to mistake a dick for an arse, is it???!!!

Similar topics: 1.ONCE AGAIN WITH THE CATEGORIES   2.CATEGORIES   3.Categories   4.Categories   5.I need your opinion  

New Comment

By #485312 at 12,Mar,15 06:31
can l just post everything in misc and be done with all this b/s.?...l get the cunt and cock thing but cunts don't have as many catagories and we have similar kind of shots to share...l see shots of dudes posting girls faces and not theirs on their pages which l find more offensive than seeing background porn..double standards shouldn't apply...lm sure if l posted the different faces of my lovers they wouldn't be impressed .*lix*
By bella! at 12,Mar,15 11:49 other posts of bella! 
Sure, you can post your pictures under the miscellaneous category. I want to say that I recall male members saying that they are put out when they go to view the "cunt" page that they are seeing vacation pictures OR a picture of another guy's dick in a tribute pic.
By #511804 at 17,Mar,17 01:06
a tribute pic.? ... now I do feel inferior. .

By #452993 at 16,Mar,17 21:04
when I upload my pics it doesnt let me pick a category and once uploaded I cant change the category so how do I fix it!!
By #485312 at 16,Mar,17 21:25
log into show your cunt *lix*

By **FlyingCum** at 16,Mar,17 21:31 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
Try logging in on and upload your pics there and chang the category. I think if you change pics that are more then 2 days old you'll lose 5 points.

By monday at 19,Mar,14 22:13 other posts of monday 
As I previously posted I got over one hundred points deducted for posting pics in the normal categories, but most of my pics were of cum shots from me and her, and plenty of insertion shots ! Should of these pics been posted in the miscalanious catorgorie. ?

By admin at 23,Aug,09 14:14 other posts of admin 
I can only repeat again - I do not monitor pics categories and I do not care at all about them. Members decide if the pic is in a wrong category and it takes several members to make a conclusion. Those members who abuse this feature get their vote strength diminished (up to nothing in case of multiple abuses).

If the pic is not a CLOSEUP of an entirelly visible penis without condom, pantyhose, pants or any other thing that covers it or its parts - post it into the main category on your own risk!!! If members like your photo they may not mark it as in a wrong category even if it is, but it's always your risk!

Explanation: CLOSEUP - means penis is a main part of the photo. If you post your entire body shot with a penis taking just 5% of an image - this is not a CLOSEUP.

Again, this is NOT MY rule, this is what I was able to figure out of members opinions.
By monday at 19,Mar,14 22:09 other posts of monday 
I posted about 15 pics most of them we're insert shots and a few were cum shots of me and her, so should I have posted these in the misalanios part of the site as I hot over 100 points deducted ?

By #318319 at 13,Oct,13 17:28
By fila1305 at 13,Oct,13 21:33 other posts of fila1305 
This is an internet error that occures when the connection between two servers is not working correctly. So the server of your internet provider and the server of SYD don't have the same conversation. One server does not provide the right answer to the other's request. In a lot of cases a refresh of the page should help to solve this problem.

By #162438 at 22,May,11 20:07
I agree with foreskins4ever. Because some people don't like certain kinds of photos doesn't mean that the majority doesn't like them. Some people just like to complain. Why not add categories that will cover various kinds of photos such as "licking up my cum" or "being fucked in ass" and other such goodies? They still have to do with cocks in various enjoyable ways.

I do want to thank you for what you have done/are doing here. Since I discovered this site I can hardly stay away from it.
By hytiger at 23,May,11 07:08 other posts of hytiger 
That's what the "misc. pics" category is there for.

By #21619 at 24,Aug,09 13:00
Happened to me too and there is no real way of defense against it.
I also report pics as wrong category but only if they're really wrong but since other member seem to be a lot more picky I'm more careful now.

Some people don't even seem to like seeing cum on the main category.

Don't know how the system works either, is one "vote" enough or does a pic need to get multiple "votes" to be moved ? Do the pics get reviewed before being moved?
By admin at 24,Aug,09 14:49 other posts of admin 
It takes several votes of different members. Some pics are reviewed, in order to control and prevent abusive use of this feature. If the member abuses this feature (i.e. votes on pics that are not in a wrong category) - his voting power is lowered, down to none in case of multiple abuses.

So far it works. Yes, there are some members who are unhappy with this (there are always some unhappy people, even in paradise), but categories kept more or less clean in comparison with what they looked like before I implemented this feature.

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