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Started by #14216 at 05,Sep,09 04:24
Similar topics: 1.THOSE CATEGORIES AGAIN 2.CATEGORIES 3.Categories 4.Categories 5.I need your opinion New CommentComments: |
Comments are moot
Maybe admin should create a new category called; "WHOA! I think I saw TOO MUCH"
It appears that recently more people use this feature, so some controversies are possible. I will probably increase "votes" count required to mark pic as "wrong" to lower a probability of incorrect outcomes.
And I actually told before, that posting photos with another image visible on your PC screen may raise controversies, so it's better to avoid posting such images.
Perhaps you already have, since your post was made 6 years ago
Fact of Web life: on any site where the public can have a say, e,g., bulletin boards, there will be the PITA -- Pain(s) In The Ass -- whose raison d'?tre is to annoy if not piss off the regulars. There are the Grammar/Spelling Nazis, the Fact Purists, etcetera. Here we have the Category Cops aka the Photo Police whose avocation (if not vocation) is to patrol the new arrivals and the archives for photos that do not meet their precise standards for the particular categories and to flag them at a cost of ten points and the fucking nuisance of reloading them elsewhere.
I had one whacked within twenty seconds of uploading it, and every one that has been flagged was done within a few minutes, even in the early AM hours. Coincidence? Ri-i-i-ight! IMO, it gives the CC/PP a sense of power in their pathetic lives to zap the submissions of others. Doubtless they jerk off about their great accomplishments. * insert rolling eyes smilie here *
I could suggest letting the victims know WHO cost them the points and the annoyance, but that, I fear, would rapidly devolve into a flame war that would undermine SYD/SYC. I try to be on my best behavior here, but on other boards (non-sexual -- don't ask which ones) where I post, I have a reputation as a bad-assed son of a bitch when I'm pissed. SYD is my Dr. Jekyll side. Elsewhere is my Mr. Hyde side.
Ergo, when I post an image now, if it has even the slightest variation from what the officious pricks of the CC/PP approve of, it goes to the miscellaneous category, and they can kiss my ass if they don't like it.
I understand indeed that there is a space for human wickedness. I thought about letting you know who marked the pics or even charge points for incorrect votes (now I simply decrease their voting weight) but I'm afraid there will be no one to do this job at all then.
For now I increased a number of required votes and will increase it more if it does not work. Honestly I'm surprised that someone could mark your pics right away after the posting, it cannot be done by just one member. However, you are forgetting that this is a multi-national site, AM hours for you may be PM for someone else. Actually a big part of action here going on when it's deep night in USA.
P.S. I hope that is not a sarcasm about "overwoked". I never complained here that I work too much. I do not have enough money, this is true, but then again, who has?
Not at all, good sir. You merit respect.
Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that any member could flag a pic and sink it, a view that having one killed within 20 seconds reinforced.
I do not want to go into details simply because I do not want some smart ass to organize several friends and exploit this system - when no one knows how exactly it works, it's harder to cheat it. And I cannot supervise everything that happens on this site.
Just trust me, usually 3 to 5 members were required to flag a pic. Now it will be more, which is probably correct as a number of active members has grown essentially comparing to what it was when I made it.
Problem is rather that some members take it too personal. Most are just happy that they can see on this site exactly what they want. But they do not write here. In fact, most of them even do not think about this, because most of current members came here after I introduced the categories and posting limitations and cannot even imagine what it looked like before that, when some stupid could post 500 VERY similar VERY poor quality pics from his cellphone into main category, and all people have to watch them untill I come and ban him.
I cannot set solid rules on categories. It's simply impossible. If you post an ass - it's an ass, if you post a dick - it's a dick, but if you post a shot from the side - half dick half ass - who is to decide if it's an ass or a dick?
Even if I could write rules about every smallest nuance - they would be that big that noone would read them. And if I moderate images myself with so complicated rules I would be forgetting them all the time and make errors myself. I could only use my common sense.
Another thing - if I was responsible for the categories, I would have to argue with a lot of people who think I'm not right about where their pics should belong to. And I would also have to argue with other people who do not wish to see some pics in certain categories from another side.
With the current system it's common sense at it's finest, because it is common - not one person decides who is right and what images should be here or there, but active majority decides this.
And people, when do you finally realize, that I do not set rules, I'm only trying to make it self-regulating.
I'm trying to explain when you ask questions, indeed, but I'm not the one who is voting against your pics, so I can only approximate what those people think from their comments here and there.
If you get votes "wrong category" from different separate members - this means members do not wish to see your pics in that category. As simple as that.