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accidental have an abortion or not???

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Started by #232748 at 02,Oct,12 14:46
i know how unfair it must be to f-o-r-c-e an unplanned baby move to the world full of competition,and it's high time that you guys helped me make this difficult choice.maybe i will have very hard time raising it,let alone providing a chance for it to stand out in future.what's worse,i am not sure of it's biological father yet.however,i also know it can't be more cruel to deprive it of the right to live in this world...

Similar topics: 1.Exposing Yourself " accidentaly"   2.i fucked my girlfriend 3 days after her menstrual period and we have forgot preventing conception.can she be pregnant?   3.Exposing in Public   4.Accidental emparasmends   5.The democrats cannot define a woman until...Look below...  

New Comment

By #68656 at 02,Oct,12 16:15
Please be aware that this is the latest incarnation of the chinese pussy. The account is fake and this person is regularly referred to the evaluation panel.
Ignore the message about the pregnancy and do not respond.
The account has again been referred to the panel.
By #218130 at 02,Oct,12 18:24
Thanks for warning John

By #6568 at 02,Oct,12 15:39
'She' does NOT want your comments or even care about your thoughts.....

.....'SHE' is a chinese cyber gang trying to tie up the site with pages of comments...

...'SHE' has been here before and tried to do the same along with the other members of the gang who will doubtless show up soon,...along with the competing gang which will try to gain site control for their own ends....
By #218130 at 02,Oct,12 18:21
Noted, thanks for warning

Adult Discussion Forum