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how to post pictures

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Started by #303778 at 08,Oct,12 17:28
do you know to post a picture on the forum boys and girls

Similar topics: 1.Should I Post More Pictures ??? do you post pictures   3.18cock - Where did he go?   4.*PHOTOSHOP*   5.Post a favorite of your pictures  

New Comment

By bella! at 08,Oct,12 17:40 other posts of bella! 
You use the "search" option and choose a word or 2 that describes the issue you're having. Chances are, if you're having an issue, someone else may have had the same issue. Please be considerate, let's not pepper the forum with the same stuff.

I chose the word UPLOAD and found a number of topics however you're looking for the thread titled; HELP UPLOAD PICS dated 21, Apr, 11. Please see admin's response. I would have attached the link but I have limited capabilities using my phone.
By fila1305 at 08,Oct,12 18:57 other posts of fila1305 
Had some trouble finding the thread you refered to, but finally found it:


By fila1305 at 08,Oct,12 18:51 other posts of fila1305 
Under the button 'Membership' on your page you will find 'Member Support'. Pushing this you will find the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). There it states the following:

Question: How to insert image into forum or blog?

Answer: Go to the image page, look for button under the image that says "post it in blog or forum", hit it, copy the code that says "ubb for most of forums" and then paste it into your message that you are going to post into forum or blog.

Adult Discussion Forum