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Started by #444014 at 18,Feb,15 00:41
As a lot of people will have noticed,there are guys who like to get creative with the pictures they post.

Manipulating the size of their stuff.

When they are questioned about it,they get defensive..

Post the pictures you think are 'manipulated/photoshopped'

Let the members decide if what you post is really you.

Similar topics: 1.PHOTOSHOP FAKES   2.Photoshop?   3.Photoshop my Pussy?   4.Photoshop you and me   5.Photoshop  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 31,May,21 14:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The Saggy Granny uses photoshop and a time machine to relive her better days... back in 1974
By #642199 at 31,May,21 15:22
Maybe she can lend it to Tecsana so she/he not sure what it’s preferred pronoun is can relive its glory days at the Waffle House.
By PITBULL at 31,May,21 16:07 other posts of PITBULL 
Agree with Skittles. Most of twowarmtts3 a/k/a saggy granny pictures here are photoshop. Also, she claims she is 67. She really is 77.
By #642199 at 01,Jun,21 03:04
No, 67 is just the amount of inches her tits sag below her belly button.

By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 15:54
[deleted image]

By PITBULL at 20,Jul,21 16:50 other posts of PITBULL 
is that best forum comment of the day you can offer?
By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 17:26
Yes asshole, it’s truthful and it’s like an inappropriate gift so you can’t complain
By PITBULL at 20,Jul,21 17:59 other posts of PITBULL 
you deserve those gifts for winning the Worst Member of August. Don't be so ungrateful. It's not good for the heart
By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 19:41

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 18:57
Fuck You.

By phart at 25,Jul,21 15:50 other posts of phart 
That picture is photoshopped.!
By #623135 at 25,Jul,21 15:51
Yes, baby. It comes directly from my gift banner. That makes it my property. So, I photoshopped it. What gave it away? Are you an expert on shit

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 14:00
Hey, Pa-Freddy, you retard, you can’t even read. I posted my DRIVERS LICENSE and you still got it wrong. Your mama should be jailed for repeatedly dropping you on your head
By PITBULL at 22,Jul,21 14:10 other posts of PITBULL 
yes a photoshop driver's license just like your pictures here you nasty cunt.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 14:14
You can’t fix stupid. The drivers license won’t let you photoshop it. Look at the background. Ask your buddy Sir-Skittles. Or better yet. Keep saying stupid things so the whole site knows about your mama
By PITBULL at 22,Jul,21 22:09 other posts of PITBULL 
fucking nasty retard; anybody can photoshop a copy of a driver's license from the original when is copy into a machine. That's what you did you wrinkle rat.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 22:11
Not if it has an imprinted background.
By PITBULL at 22,Jul,21 22:12 other posts of PITBULL 
go fool your fan club of wrinkle muppet rats

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 22:16
Florida’s driver license and ID card is uniquely Florida! The card front incorporates a pastel-colored linear rendering of the Florida state seal and a large orange “FL” over a stark white base. On the card back, an image of the state of Florida rests among ocean waves and the year 1845 is displayed, referring to the year Florida became the 27th state in the Union.

Photograph images will now be printed with a transparent background and appear in four locations on the credential.

Fraud Protection

FLHSMV is committed to ensuring Florida’s credential remains secure. The new credential design incorporates nearly double the fraud protection measures compared to the previous design, including redundant data, tactile security features, ultraviolet (UV) ink and optically variable features.

Sometimes dumb asses need more attention
By PITBULL at 22,Jul,21 22:36 other posts of PITBULL 
It's the way around. Sometimes saggy grannies with dementia and suffering from delusions need all the attention to get more points to their profile.
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 00:01
Que boludo. Not even in your mother tongue. Go away little girl.
By PITBULL at 23,Jul,21 00:24 other posts of PITBULL 
go wrap that wrinkle cunt on aluminum foil

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Dec,24 20:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Has anyone seen Charlie AKA Woody?

cat52! you dumb bitch! Post your DL again!

By #623135 at 31,May,21 15:58
Skittles You know, I try to be nice to you and you still look for a fight.'

[deleted image]

This pic is from September 2020. As you can see, it's recent and not photoshopped.

I don't think I have to respect you anymore. You are a FATHER DICK sucker with strong HOMO tendencies. You live in your mom's condo in Manhattan. Your bedroom is the broom closet. That's where you dream of sucking Freddy. You just love it when Bella! gives you an enema and you shit your frilly panties. Your Momma gave up sucking your dick. It was so small she started using lollipops. Take a bath or shower sometime. I can smell you all the way to Florida. Tip for you. You can have your asshole surgically resized to normal. It's not cool to have brown patches in your pants. How does it feel to have Papa ream you twice a day? Keep being an ASSHOLE. It's good to have someone other than Freddy to hate.
By #592419 at 17,Jul,21 00:47
photoshop or any other tactic,,, a cunt is a cunt..As long as you behave like a fucking turd that you do you will continue to stink up the place... You just don't get it do you? C;mon,,, call me a stinking homo jew.. that should make skittles like you..
The site loves you.. Better get your credit number out again,, you're liable to need more points..
By #623135 at 17,Jul,21 11:49
@SrCums are you advising me to be a good little girl and let members like you verbally abuse me? You sent me several piles of shit. Should I be grateful and ask you for more? Would it be better if I didn’t call you a dirty little Jew but say you are identical to Freddy and Skittles? You say I’m a cunt for being so combative yet, if we follow your logic, you are a cunt too. You consider yourself a cunt?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

BTW, if I belong to SYC, I must be one to qualify.
By #592419 at 17,Jul,21 13:50
I'm a counter puncher... Before you started with your shit have continuity through mutual respect..I have never attacked you,,, ever UNTIL you started in with the insults then its GLOVES OFF,, I'm relentless and it doesn't stop until I've made my point.
A cunt is a cunt. You called me a dirty Jew because I don't agree with your bullshit.. You can do and say what Beyou want but there is consequences for all choice. I will make your life miserable and I'm relentless.. Skittles is relentless too.. We've known each other for many years and respect each other.. Don't fuck with us..Behave yourself and hopfully things will sort... Don't test us.
By #623135 at 17,Jul,21 14:09
You are full of shit or have a poor memory. I'll let the long time members decide that. Your multiple personalities, have, through the years, attacked me continually.
why do you think my description of you
"A dirty little Jew WITH A CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER" means? I can disagree with another member and stay relatively civil. When a member like you (and especially you) start to hurl insults instead of reason, I too can be relentless and it doesn't stop until I've made my point.
BTW, Fucking with you or Skittles makes me vomit, but, thanks for that last one. Now I can refer you to the board for threatening me.
By #592419 at 17,Jul,21 14:42
You're so fucking dumb I cant believe it.. Make sure you have your credit card ready.. It's comin
By #623135 at 17,Jul,21 14:58
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m so dumb, that’s why you come after me. You don’t have the intellect or the balls to go after someone else.
By #592419 at 17,Jul,21 15:30
Very dumb.. The abuse panel was a very bad decision.. You'll see..

The best thing to do is to stay away from me.. You won't win.. I'm smarter than you and relentless.. you are not prepared.. Not go in peace and don't mess with me further.

By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 17:35
@Sr-Cums@ or is it Seniorita Cums....Don't wet your panties, little girl.

[deleted image]
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 17:41
Oh will you just shut up already? Keep talking,, give me more points.
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 17:44
I don't mind giving you points, but, I did warn the site that I was declaring way on all assholes and their comment.
You don't like it, do you. I don't either, but, If I'm anything, I'm relentless.
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 17:51
to you,, relentless stupidity... I really don't have anything else to add. I'm relentless in making you expose you through your own stupidy. NOw if you excuse me I have to make coffee and focus on things more important..

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 16:12
But you did call me that. Did you really think I was just going to sit and take it? I don't give a shit,, only to you I shit on.. The shit piles are endless,,, are you ready for round 2?

By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 15:57

[deleted image]

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 16:10
not just one... [deleted image]

You want more???? That can be easily arranged...
By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 16:14
Bring it on you dirty little full of shit Jew.

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 18:57
Fuck you
By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 20:48
I’ll see your “FUCK YOU” and raise you “RAMBLINGS OF A DIRTY LITTLE JEW”
By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 20:57
You mean your mother? Oh ,,, you don't know who she is? Just point the direction to the pig sty by the shit house..You're mothers not jewish but I bet she called you that all the time.. YOu're practiced
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 00:26
No, not my mother.

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 21:09
There is no doubt that you hate Jews and Trump. I bet you want them dead. All of them or just the ones that disagree with you? Do you hate blacks too or not as much? How about conservatives in general. Do you hate indians or do you praise the Nazi party..Do you hate Muslims? How about Aussies?
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 00:27
I hate assholes. I don’t discriminate
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 02:23
The only asshole is you. You've desicrated the Jewish religion many many times. So by calling me these names you denounce Jews as a whole. Personally I don't care what you think about me but I'm not the only Jew on this site.
So yes, you discriminate. Not only by being Jewish but by being pro-constitution. I told you not to fuck with me. I left you alone but NOOOOOOOO you had to attack again.. You stupid fuck.
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 11:53
I see you like to extrapolate. I hate it one Jew so I hate all Jews? Some of my best friends, are Jews. Well, this stupid fuck thinks you are a little AMOTHER FUCKING DIRTY HOMO JEW.
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 17:00
When you use a religion or group of people to mock and demean it is in its whole and the entire group is affected and there is backlash.. You did a bad thing. You also mock homosexuals. That's a no no on here so you've demeaned 2 groups. AND AMOTHER is spelled another. This mocks you as a low life hateful spoiled stupid selfish low life that has no compassion for anything that is not you. You are a left wing democrat. That says it all..
Again,, the best thing you can do without causing more damage for yourself is to make a 180 degree turn and walk away. You are already disliked by many people here based on your nasty gifts then you blow them up and put on your page for what purpose only to reinforce how people feel about you. Again you've proven you are your own worst enemy.
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 17:04
YAH YAH YAH Get over it
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 17:16
Its not about me. You just can't connect the dots. You're stupid. There is nothing I can do here.
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 17:17
[deleted image]
By #592419 at 21,Jul,21 17:33
Yes,, a work of art.

By #592419 at 20,Jul,21 21:19
That is one filthy disgusting gross snatch
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 12:51
Your wife’s pussy smells like an open jar of Gefilte fish and you put mine down? Cool

By #623135 at 20,Jul,21 15:53
[deleted image]
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Jul,21 02:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
What did they serve for dinner at the soup kitchen tonight? Or, was it Meals on Wheels? Poor rats!
By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 11:56
[deleted image]

Skittles. Does anyone give a crap?

By #623135 at 21,Jul,21 18:30
7/21/21. Asshole sent me

just recently Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

just recently Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

just recently Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

just recently Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

Go ahead, asshole. You know sooner or later I’ll reciprocate

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 13:42
Looks like you need a change of panties. Getting pissed like that. I thought you were a big girl.

[deleted image]

By #652316 at 17,Oct,21 09:06
It is so poor this male competition for cockseize... and boring as hell.

By ThickBigDick at 13,Aug,21 16:47 other posts of ThickBigDick 
There are more than a few phonies here. SYD is FLAKE central. Lots of talk and never action.

By #610414 at 13,Aug,21 13:06
You can see at the base where the replacement occurred.

By #623135 at 04,Aug,21 14:15
Fatmexicancock just sent me the miracle of Mexico City.


By Sucklove at 25,Jul,21 15:12 other posts of Sucklove 
ManFromNantuck - The shot he in his underwear is real but the others i dont think so. I started writing my blog about this this morning and was about to post it when I found this one. Heres my take on it.

Its getting ridiculous, the amount of Photoshop dick photos uploaded to SYD. It surprises me how many SYD members buy into and compliment these cartoon sized cocks. Where were all these abnormally sized cocks before photoshop became known to the masses. And with this many horse cocks out there non of them thought I would be great in the porn industry. We would have seen an influx of monster cocks hit the porn scene. Porn has a few truly massive cocks. Check out Shane Diesel He stretches pussy to the limit.

Photoshop has always been the art and design industry standard for image augmentation and color correction.

Ive started using Photoshop in 1992 and mastered it and used it professionally till 6.0 Photoshop 6.0 was truly ahead of its time in 2001 I developed, created my own curriculum for Photoshop 6.0 classes from beginner to advance. I can’t even imagine the power of photoshop today and as computers savvy everybody is these days It wouldn’t be hard to get good enough to fool people.

The filters and other special effects, selection tools, channels, and such. It wouldn’t surprise me if a plug-in, filter or some custom editing tools some "nerdvert” A code head that creates the freaking awesome world of XXX 3d Animation. Created that auto finds the cock and sizes it however you want while maintaining perspective and blending seamless with the back ground.

As for calling out all these cartoon cocks, have them post a video. A video a little harder to alter but can be done too. Better yet zoom, Skype or equivalent.

Stay naked and horny all you sexy perverts out there in SYD land.
By bella! at 25,Jul,21 15:43 other posts of bella! 
If you feel that you have something to share, make a post in the forum and in blog form. Some folks that read blogs don't visit the forum and vice versa.

By #535408 at 25,Jul,21 16:15
Do you mean pics like this?


[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By soulpioneer at 27,Jul,21 23:39 other posts of soulpioneer 
Major photoshopped, - definitely needs an EGO boost, nice try.

By bella! at 25,Jul,21 17:11 other posts of bella! 
And another reason to blog along with some forum posts, often times something interesting or of importance is often buried under stupid bullshit.
By #535408 at 25,Jul,21 17:27
Isn't THAT the truth
By bella! at 25,Jul,21 17:32 other posts of bella! 
Sadly, YES!

By #485312 at 26,Jul,21 00:52
check out horsebull, his photo shopping is crappy, you can see he just crudely cut around his cock, enlarged it and plopped it back on.. and they buy into that one ??? Im not sure why either, and its not only the male pics ...
only registered users can see external links
this goes one all the time, and taking still off the porn vids to fool the viewers.. you can tell immediately from the colours and the lighting.. but with everything here, the fakes know the formula and just work with it... men dont care if its pro or amateur, so long as there is cock and cunt, thats all that matters *lix*

By #647108 at 27,Jul,21 19:37
This site is a pain to navigate. Looks like its from the early internet.

I've been trying to find you to explain - my photos are NOT photoshop. If I knew how to post videos on this site I would, but I've no clue how... even GIFs just appear as still images when I tried. The only "photoshop" thing I do is attempt to blur backgrounds and stuff lioe that for anonymity. I've measured the way the internet told me to: Bone pressed length from on top pressing a solid ruler into the pubic bone and a fabric measuring tape pulled around the thickest part of the shaft.

If I press FIRMLY on the ruler it says 8 inche length, but without pressing it says 7.5". Girth around the thickest part of the shaft is 6.5" Flaccid length varies (of course) between 4 and 5" but I'm guessing under certain conditions it's been smaller?

Thing is I dont like how most dick pics are straight from the top looking down. Its been done a hundred million times. For my photos I try to find alternative ways to look at things - underneath, through shadow/silhouette, slow motion video, etc. Hell, I even play with lighting and timelapse. Whatever makes a dick pick more interesting.

The most popular photo in question was a simple standard photo with me holding the phone on one leg and a table lamp lying down near the other. Not photoshop... just gotta know how to work those angles. If you search [REDACTED] on reddit you can see my profile's videos and other photos I aint bother uploading. Otherwise, videos here wont exist for me until I can figure out exactly where to go to upload them, because I'd love to share.

As for the underwear pick it isnt even special underwear. Its simple David Archy underwear but I tucked the fabrick underneath to enhqnce the shape of the subject in the photo. GET CREATIVE FELLAS, top down has ben done to death!

***I Redacted my reddit username because there is no need to go there. I have figured out how to post videos here. You can find them on my profile here.
By notynyt at 27,Jul,21 23:17 other posts of notynyt 
I checked your profile on reddit. There is a difference between the photos of reddit and showitoff. Photos have been edited and uploaded here.
Well nice photos ..
By #647108 at 28,Jul,21 02:37
There is no difference because I downloaded my photos from Reddit to post here.

Also, you made this comment 3 hours after I had already edited out my Reddit username from the original post.

You can't hide a compliment behind a deceitful take you just made up 3 hours after my username was removed and expect either to land.

People can also go check my reddit right now to see that you saying, "There is a difference between photos on Reddit and showitoff," is lying because I'm about to post my Reddit profile again.

So for anyone else who wants to see for themselves, I'll bring it back to it's roots.

Reddit: u/-ManFromNantuck-

Timestamps on Reddit are older so you can tell I didnt just reupload to win an argument. Videos have also been added to my profile 6 hours ago, 26 minutes after this post was made. Those same videos are also on Reddit, RedGifs, and elsewhere.

Listen dudes, I dont need to photoshop myself a bigger dick. Im confident in my size. I know what I got. If any of you cant handle that, thats on you - your insecurity.

Bigger doesnt mean better. This is not a "you have a larger-than-average dick so you're just saying that," thing either... I aint have sex in a decade. I dont care. I aint ashamed of any of it.
By notynyt at 28,Jul,21 13:27 other posts of notynyt 
Coool .. I am just stating what I found earlier on your profile. Well you are very hot and sexy .. thank you so much for showing us .. hope you will enjoy here 😎

By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Jul,21 11:48 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
This guy takes Photoshop requests and delivers great results:
only registered users can see external links

By #485312 at 27,Jul,21 20:32
only registered users can see external links
this is one that graces our pages as we sign in
and fake as fuck, but is a paid member, and
can hold that position even when he hasnt been
here of a month *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

only registered users can see external links
By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 20:36
This guy has been making the rounds forever.
By notynyt at 27,Jul,21 23:04 other posts of notynyt 
All photos are fake.. And he also wins by submitting the photo in the competition. Even after being offline for several days, it remains at the top of the top member list. Points keep increasing instead of decreasing. I don't understand what is wrong.

By notynyt at 27,Jul,21 23:06 other posts of notynyt 
Members enjoying his gallery ..
By #485312 at 28,Jul,21 00:52
who knows any more??? its fake paradise .. *lix*

By #623135 at 25,Jul,21 14:50

[deleted image]

By donkeyuncut at 25,Jul,21 03:19 other posts of donkeyuncut 
Bigballeyboy18 is 100% 6" not bigger mirror images on cock he blocked me
By #485312 at 25,Jul,21 04:08
not as good as horsebull. *Lix*

By #485312 at 24,Jul,21 03:15
only registered users can see external links

By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:57 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 23,Jul,21 11:50
well done Leo. nice to see some real works of art!~ something hot and sexy instead of all the childish crappers filling the thread... post some more *lix*
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,21 12:34 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you.

BTW, childish crappers = crap artists.

By leopoldij at 06,May,20 19:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Does collage count as photoshop?
I glued together 10 pics,
of 10 different girls,
directly from original pics
that I took myself.
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 23,Jul,21 11:51
yeah, it counts and its hot ! *lix*

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 14:15
[deleted image] Do you think she wears panties?

By #623135 at 16,Jul,21 13:43
By #535408 at 16,Jul,21 23:07
Well, it's good to know you'll be spending your time... constructively?
By #623135 at 17,Jul,21 14:29
HotFuckerBoy more like entertained. The shit that goes to make this site is laughable and that, Sir, makes it worthwhile.

By #592419 at 17,Jul,21 00:44
I bet you asked to raise your credit card limit.. You are too smart for me..
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Jul,21 02:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Well, Admin doesn't take SEARS here... so she is fucked!

By #623135 at 17,Jul,21 13:34
Fucking asshole is at it again

[deleted image]

By #485312 at 10,Jul,21 11:15
[deleted image]
heres one with a hogtied theme to it *lix*
By #535408 at 10,Jul,21 21:02

By leopoldij at 17,Jul,21 12:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Excellent job. I can't tell if it's real or not

By #485312 at 05,Jul,21 20:50
[deleted image]
more from the frankenhead files *lix*
By #535408 at 06,Jul,21 00:20
Apparently her tits change size by several cups from day to day too lol

[deleted image]
By #485312 at 06,Jul,21 01:52
I wonder if she knows where her head ended up ??? *lix*
By #535408 at 06,Jul,21 01:56
Probably not

By #485312 at 05,Jul,21 20:47
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 35 minutes

Nivzshank is another that fakes shots

By #535408 at 10,Jun,21 20:04
I could be wrong, but something seems a little "off" with these pictures /member.php?w=644109
By bella! at 11,Jun,21 00:57 other posts of bella! 
Although you spotted it and questioned the validity, talktomr1976 reported it and it looks like he will collect the 50 point bounty.
By #535408 at 11,Jun,21 01:50
Yeah, hahaha , I seen it's gone. I was just laughing about the bad photoshop.

By #485312 at 28,May,21 06:57
[deleted image][deleted image]
one head on all these pics, not a bad hair day, a bad shop day *lix*
[deleted image]
By DJS at 28,May,21 10:01 other posts of DJS 
Notice as soon as I checked their page,
By #485312 at 29,May,21 06:20
[deleted image]
yeah, same profile, says she having a bad 'hair' day,
I'd say she's having a bad 'head' day, very badly done *lix*
By DJS at 31,May,21 06:01 other posts of DJS 

By tecsan at 24,Nov,20 04:30 other posts of tecsan 
By #535408 at 24,Nov,20 22:26
What Sucks***༼☯﹏☯༽ ?
By #551147 at 24,Nov,20 22:53
What's with the ***'s? LMAO
By #535408 at 25,Nov,20 00:08
I'm awaiting the answer myself ༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 26,Nov,20 06:44 other posts of tecsan 
That is not me and I promise you...He is trying to portray something like me...There are two things the ass did wrong...Ask me in private if you doubt me...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #535408 at 26,Nov,20 13:00
Oh, for fucks sake... all I did was simply copy pasted this thingy you're so fond of ༼☯﹏☯༽ Here's more ༼☯﹏☯༽ ༼☯﹏☯༽ ༼☯﹏☯༽ ༼☯﹏☯༽ ༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 at 27,Nov,20 01:46
I like YOUR 1st response better...

Ole softie, you!
By Dev01 at 27,Nov,20 01:50 other posts of Dev01 

By tecsan at 27,Nov,20 04:38 other posts of tecsan 
And here is more fuck off and suck a dick...Meaning you know who to go suck that dick...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Dev01 at 27,Nov,20 05:28 other posts of Dev01 
I want a meal ass tickler, not a fuckin snack ༼☯﹏☯༽
Is that an extra bellybutton or a brain prolapse ༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan at 27,Nov,20 05:33 other posts of tecsan 
Really that is all you got...No threats like the last time bitch...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Dev01 at 27,Nov,20 05:36 other posts of Dev01 
Ladidadida, fuckin mutt.One stolen pic legend. Your life don't matter at all dick cheese motherfucker ༼☯﹏☯༽
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Don't know why you have Troll status, can't even spell it yet afford to live under a fuckin bridge you semantic blockage. Eat a gun cunt.
By tecsan at 27,Nov,20 06:23 other posts of tecsan 
Does the word cornhole mean anything to you ... Now get lost...No threats here like you...Go on your way...

By #535408 at 27,Nov,20 20:22
Dev01 I would say tecsan is just another 40+ year old virgin living in his mother's basement, but somehow I don't think so. While still a pathetic virgin, I believe this sad keyboard warrior is much, much older. In this case, age clearly does not denote wisdom.

By #535408 at 27,Nov,20 19:25
@ tecsan I seriously doubt anyone can understand your nonsensical babbling, but I'll give it a shot.  So, what you're tying to tell us is that you know where to go to suck cocks? Okay, not much use for me, but you have fun with that big guy.

Or perhaps you're trying to tell me how much you want to suck my cock? I guess I can't blame you after seeing how much time you spent studying my pictures of my penis on my page. Normally I prefer to be serviced by women, but, in your sad lonely case, I'll make an exception. Aren't I a nice guy?

I must warn you though, I'm a deep seeder so don't be surprised when I push it all the way in your mouth to have my ejaculation. Lucky you, my cum tastes sweet and you'll love the tasty, creamy treat.

Almost forgot this... ༼☯﹏☯༽ and here's a custom one just for you kiss my ass
By tecsan at 28,Nov,20 06:53 other posts of tecsan 
Damn you are a twink to...Please get lost...I do not care to be around or associate with twinks like you...Gays are ok as friends...But you can take your gay twink ideas and put them in your gay ass...Keep copying me...I know I am your idol now little twink...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #535408 at 28,Nov,20 21:28
Here we go with more of tecsan's nonsensical babbling... (insert eyeroll) Good god, Man, is English really your first language?  If so, perhaps you dropped out of school too early, like elementary? Anyhow, I guess it's up to me to try to decifer this garbage you posted.

So, you're into something called "twinks"? To be honest, I had to look up the term because I was not familiar. Once I did, I saw why it wasn't known to me. Apparently it's a prevalent term within the gay community,  something you obviously know much about.

Your lack of coherent communication skills gives an average person a headache, perhaps it’s time you run along now little man. Pop open your laptop, or whatever you use, and pound your pud (that means to jack off) to young guys in the nude you enjoy so much, I won't judge you. To each thier own, they say.  I now see why you enjoy looking at my penis so much, you idolize it.
By tecsan at 01,Dec,20 03:21 other posts of tecsan 
Hate it...But, ruffled your twink feathers did I not...Someone admits it in they're page what is the problem???I do not mind twinks...More females for me...Wow, what is to understand there...Figure out which side of the fence you are on...I do have two gay friends and think they would laugh at this crap...They know I am not, but why does that matter...Can we still just be platonic friends???Go figure your stupid reasoning...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #610414 at 01,Dec,20 14:48
A vacuum cleaner

By curvy8 at 28,Nov,20 13:28 other posts of curvy8 
I had some fun with Photoshop. Imagining my 8" becoming a 12" cervix slayer
[deleted image]
By #535408 at 29,Nov,20 17:15
I like that you're having fun and admitting its photoshoped. It’s the goofballs that try to make us believe they really have some sort of 13" monster cock and then deny obvious photo altering that's hilarious to me. Keep having fun, that's what it's about

By #610414 at 29,Nov,20 14:35
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 48 hours

BIDEN 2024

By #485312 at 24,Nov,20 19:21

horsebull pics are all photoshopped, yet people still cant see it.. he's be the worlds most wanted pornstar, but I don't see him on any 'extremely huge horse hung cock men' porn *lix*
By #535408 at 24,Nov,20 22:24
In some of these his cock is bigger around than his arm I swear, the time some people put into trying to make themselves more endowed. Major insecurities...
By #485312 at 26,Nov,20 00:02
yeah, he should have shopped some muscles on those puny little arms, he'd need them to hold that 25 kg slug up, his wrist is half the size of his cock, and it would break trying to hold it up *lix*
By Dev01 at 26,Nov,20 00:10 other posts of Dev01 
Looks like off some playstation game. Throne of dicks. I bet some think they are legit
By #485312 at 26,Nov,20 03:54
that would be one hell of a great throne... and going by the comments, many do !! *Lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

only registered users can see external links
By Dev01 at 26,Nov,20 04:28 other posts of Dev01 

By #535408 at 26,Nov,20 02:42
You're right about that. One would jacking that "big thing" off would build some muscles too
By Dev01 at 26,Nov,20 03:31 other posts of Dev01 
Lix was right about arms too
By #535408 at 26,Nov,20 13:07

By #610414 at 29,Nov,20 14:20
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes


By #551147 at 27,Nov,20 01:53
Unno, some have speculated that the picture below is "photoshopped". I just! I just don't know...

[deleted image]

What do YOU think?
By Dev01 at 27,Nov,20 01:56 other posts of Dev01 
No... that's legit

By *kmadeau* at 27,Nov,20 02:32 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I think it is! If not, then China gonna fuck us all the way deep!
By #551147 at 27,Nov,20 08:46
I think YOU'RE on to something...

By #624169 at 27,Nov,20 02:37
No the China guy is to old.
By Dev01 at 27,Nov,20 02:40 other posts of Dev01 

By #574505 at 27,Nov,20 22:43
Is that our new president with a China president

By #535408 at 23,Nov,20 23:21
Maybe its time to revive thus thread, been seeing a lot of "artistic creativity" these few days

I noticed that part of the floor seems to be making the jump to light speed in this one. Some sort of a space/time continuum issue going on

[deleted image]
By #574505 at 23,Nov,20 23:34
The paint job on the wall looks fuck up
By #535408 at 23,Nov,20 23:47
Yeah, it's kinda wonky
By #551147 at 23,Nov,20 23:48
That's caused from the fumes emanating off that bullshit...

By bella! at 24,Nov,20 00:53 other posts of bella! 
What do you think is going on in this picture?

By #551147 at 24,Nov,20 01:32
I would caption that as "when your cocks being sucked into a black hole".

I just looked through the rest of his gallery, EVERY pic involving his wiener is manipulated. Must be insecure or something.

Couldn't resist, I sent him a nice, bad gift.
By #535408 at 24,Nov,20 01:53
Looks like when they distort movies or shows to emulate what a character sees on an acid trip
By #551147 at 24,Nov,20 01:55
Lol that too!

By #551482 at 24,Nov,20 20:20
maybe the camera slipped
By #535408 at 24,Nov,20 22:25
"Something" happened here
By #551147 at 24,Nov,20 22:55
Yeah, the poor thang is in denial of his manhood. One the comments on his page, he says - "those aren't photoshopped". 😄😆😂🤣

By #485312 at 20,Nov,18 02:03
[deleted image]
aussieman getting creative *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Nov,18 02:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Lix, be careful!
I warn you!
This is NOT photoshopped!
This guy is the devil.
Beware of him!
By #485312 at 25,Nov,18 02:56
mmmm yeah he's devilish delicious and so damn irresistible .. *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Nov,18 07:11 other posts of leopoldij 
He'll burn your pussy.
By #485312 at 28,Nov,18 03:16
he sure has, lm scared for life, with a permanent smile plastered on my face lol, *Lix*
By leopoldij at 28,Nov,18 08:10 other posts of leopoldij 
You're both perverts.
By #485312 at 28,Nov,18 08:46
yeah, we cant help it

By #562152 at 02,Dec,18 14:51
WOW, baby,,I thought your "horns" were in your head,,,

By #551482 at 24,Nov,20 20:22
must have fireproof hair on his bollix

By #535408 at 04,May,20 23:41
[deleted image]

Something is a little off here. The face and pussy look rather flat and pasted on

By DarkMax at 01,Dec,18 22:32 other posts of DarkMax 
I photoshoped this for fun

the doubled length
By *kmadeau* at 02,Dec,18 04:54 other posts of *kmadeau* 
that's Okay, when just for fun
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

would you like to comment this member


By #559941 at 14,Nov,18 23:09
By #562152 at 17,Nov,18 18:49
and raise you
By #485312 at 20,Nov,18 02:02
and a suck for good luck
By #551147 at 20,Nov,18 03:49
I'll see your and raise you a

By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 16:38
I call,,,

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Is this photoshopped you think?
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 25,Nov,18 01:52
no way, you only fuck real girls Leo *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Nov,18 02:00 other posts of leopoldij 
You're right. Some have tried to find my pics on the internet. Ha ha. Try as hard as you like and you won't find them.
They're original.
--------------------------------------- added after 81 seconds

BTW, I don't fuck models or pornstars. I fuck real ordinary down to earth women. I like them a lot. I h.a.t.e. pornstar types actually.

By DarkMax at 18,Nov,18 07:50 other posts of DarkMax 

By 2nice at 01,Aug,18 12:44 other posts of 2nice 
Really? I mean this picture is obviously shopped, but who would want a dick that big? You wouldn’t be able to have sex with anyone.

[deleted image]
By #491031 at 01,Aug,18 13:20
He just has to find someone with a proportionately shopped hole...
By #460385 at 01,Aug,18 15:34
Yeah, like a Walrus.

By DeepThroatThis at 01,Aug,18 15:52 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Anybody KIK him yet

By #550094 at 01,Aug,18 16:13
At least, a Thigh job with that would feel nice.

Without penetration- who Wouldn't want that big cock
rubbing between his or her thighs, from behind,
from front, cowgirl position, doggy, face-down with that
big thing rubbing between the cheeks, oily tit-fuck,
even spooned by it!

At most, he'd get a handjob (two hands) with that.
Strap him down, I'll lube my hands and edge
dafuq outta him for several hours!

By #545929 at 01,Aug,18 16:20
Maybe it is just a really, really, small coffee cup.

By #562152 at 17,Nov,18 18:52
he reminds me of Razzle

By bella! at 07,Sep,18 16:49 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps the members that voted and/or commented on this picture could convince me that this picture is not Photoshop'd. The young man's bio says he 10.5 inches yet in this picture he claims to be 11.5 inches. Wow! It must have been a good day for pictures!

[deleted image]
By #562152 at 17,Nov,18 18:51
We have to give him the benefit of the doubt,, just because it looks like a Genoa Salami with ridges does not mean it's photo shopped

By leopoldij at 14,Nov,18 22:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Real or not?
By #485312 at 15,Nov,18 02:57
lm going out on a limb and saying its real, just the angle of the pic, if it is shopped, its a very good job *lix*

By _avg_ at 17,Nov,18 05:45 other posts of _avg_ 
Dude has several other photos from this and other angles that all appear consistent, and my practiced eyes don't see any obvious signs of manipulation.

So let me turn the tables a bit and ask, what gives you reason to think this might be 'shopped?
By leopoldij at 17,Nov,18 05:51 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm just wondering...
By #562152 at 17,Nov,18 18:48
me too,,,i'd love to do study,,

By #550094 at 01,Aug,18 16:18
I'm still waiting to see smurfs jump out from
hiding beneath that head...

( surprise! ) BOO!

By leopoldij at 27,Feb,18 00:24 other posts of leopoldij 
How about this one?
Its owner claims it is real.
--------------------------------------- added after 80 seconds

[deleted image]
By #552392 at 23,Jul,18 16:30
Hard to tell

By #194437 at 23,Jul,18 10:47
[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 10:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Which of the two cocks is photoshopped? Yours or his?
By #194437 at 23,Jul,18 11:00
It was a pic of me. He is Photoshop
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 11:01 other posts of leopoldij 
I know. I was joking

By #194437 at 23,Jul,18 11:01
Do u like it?
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 11:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. But it's unfair to you. Don't make comparisons. Just USE whatever you have.

By leopoldij at 21,Jul,18 11:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Photoshopped or not?
[deleted image]
By 2nice at 21,Jul,18 14:54 other posts of 2nice 
Looks genuine to me.
By leopoldij at 21,Jul,18 14:57 other posts of leopoldij 
But so thin??? Never seen anything like that
By #23212 at 22,Jul,18 02:24
'ADS'. 'Anorexic Dick Syndrome'.

And now he's gone, maybe to a SPH site?
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,18 05:41 other posts of leopoldij 
SPH = ???
By #23212 at 22,Jul,18 06:05
Small Penis Humiliation.
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,18 06:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh I see. Thanks.

By #485312 at 22,Jul,18 10:08
l reckon that could be real, lve never seen one so out of proportion but it looks legit *lix*
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,18 15:26 other posts of leopoldij 
The image was stolen, the account was deleted.
The original image WAS weird.
I've never seen such a thin cock before.

By #485312 at 22,Jul,18 08:09
[deleted image][deleted image]
this one claims its all his, but my shopping senses are tingling *lix*

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Apr,18 18:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Where is Razzle?

By leopoldij at 16,May,17 19:10 other posts of leopoldij 
The biggest cockhead/shaft ratio I've ever seen. He surely must be in the Guinness Book of Records:

The same member has a pic of the smallest cockhead/shaft ratio I've ever seen:

What do you think?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

As for the pussies on that page, they also seem to be on the large size:

It's a page of extremes.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 hours

Any comments?
By #485312 at 18,May,17 05:48
first one is definitely shopped, and the second looks a tad big for 6 and half inches around.. as for the pussy, l think that's real *lix*
By leopoldij at 18,May,17 18:55 other posts of leopoldij 
I agree with you. I just thought that the pussy is enormous. It's from the same page however. So i thought that the particular member likes things big and, in case they are not that big he enlarges them artificially.

By t-rex at 28,May,17 02:49 other posts of t-rex 
I love that big cockhead, that is hilarious 😁

By DJS at 16,Jul,17 08:53 other posts of DJS 
that cockhead could be a new design for a umbrella,
By leopoldij at 16,Jul,17 12:36 other posts of leopoldij 
Ha ha ha
By DJS at 15,Aug,17 08:32 other posts of DJS 
just waiting for the patent mate
By leopoldij at 15,Aug,17 14:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Unless you make money from it, it's not worth waiting!

By #550094 at 11,Apr,18 14:04
DAYUM! That dude's cock head is so big he could
steer cars with it!

By leopoldij at 11,Apr,18 12:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Photoshopped or not?
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Is it?

By leopoldij at 25,Feb,18 12:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Photoshopped or not? [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours

maybe not...
By #551226 at 26,Feb,18 20:05
Holy shit I just found my car keys.
By leopoldij at 26,Feb,18 23:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you have to shove your arm all the way in to find them?
By mr_blue at 26,Feb,18 23:31 other posts of mr_blue 
Looks like she had a cunt punt leo
By leopoldij at 26,Feb,18 23:37 other posts of leopoldij 
Do You suspect it's Photoshopped?
By mr_blue at 26,Feb,18 23:40 other posts of mr_blue 
Yeah,you can see the blurring when you zoom in.. and it looks like a screenshot.
By leopoldij at 26,Feb,18 23:42 other posts of leopoldij 
It's professionally done though.

By #536760 at 19,Oct,17 06:15
Did anyone else notice? somethings looks fake.
[deleted image]
By #23212 at 20,Oct,17 02:51
Of course! Nobody really has a paint roller under their chair.
By #536760 at 20,Oct,17 04:18
If you mean my goaty ? I'm very sensitive about my stylish look.)
By #23212 at 20,Oct,17 04:50
No, I actually mean the real paint roller that 'souta' has under that chair in this pic.
By #536760 at 20,Oct,17 08:04
Oops didn't see it. Like I said very sensitive about paint roller comments. Or maybe I didn't say that. Wish I had though. I'm shore you understand.

By #485312 at 07,Sep,17 00:11
[deleted image]
loving this double dick *lix*

By #485312 at 27,Aug,17 01:17
[deleted image]only registered users can see external links
hahahaha, gotta love the haters, so l'll add it here just to add some more speculation for them, now guess which part is photoshopped?? lve added the original just to help you *lix*
By leopoldij at 27,Aug,17 04:21 other posts of leopoldij 
I heard you spend hours daily applying makeup and mascara and creams and stuff on your ass to hide your skin imperfections. But then that's what all OZ women do I was told. You're all so vain. All you care about is dick. Shame on you all!
By #485312 at 27,Aug,17 13:12
fuck yeah, l got nothing better to do than make my arse look like some ones face.. you can see the eye liner on my arse hole, makes its heaps better to fuck too, like a target for cock.. better get me one of them filters too, to make it look like a movie star arse.. with sparkles and orbs *lix*
By leopoldij at 27,Aug,17 16:25 other posts of leopoldij 

By #536760 at 27,Aug,17 02:40
That Platycodon grandiflorus in the back is not native to australia.
By #23212 at 27,Aug,17 05:55
?? I don't see any blue flowers. ??

By #485312 at 02,Mar,17 02:23
only registered users can see external links
my attempt at photo shopping me a twin and in church, two deadly sins *lix*
By #43094 at 09,May,17 15:24
very nice and exiting picture among all picture

By #61033 at 09,May,17 18:24
Interesting pic that... I have done a few similar ones of my own that I have never posted. I sometimes fantasise about having a twin of my fuck buddy - she is bisexual and two of her would be awesome!
By #485312 at 10,May,17 04:02
l tried to add aussieman in it but l got it all wrong so this was the best l could do *lix*

By #497961 at 17,Jun,17 08:03
Two of you? I'd be in heaven
By #485312 at 22,Aug,17 05:21
they broke the mould when they made me lol, *lix*

By #485312 at 21,Aug,17 04:30
[deleted image]
might have exaggerated a little l think *lix*
By leopoldij at 21,Aug,17 15:52 other posts of leopoldij 
No!!! What makes you think so????
By #485312 at 22,Aug,17 00:57
because none of these big cocked blokes will do it live on cam... if l had a cock that size, l would be flashing it all over the place, if every man and woman wanted to fuck me, ld have a line up around the block, the line would be visible from space.. they should let me be their manager of their big cock... it would get tired from being hard all day and fucked so much *lix*
By leopoldij at 22,Aug,17 04:43 other posts of leopoldij 

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