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Name that Dick!

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Started by #284666 at 09,Oct,12 03:12
Idea I stole from the morning show on my local radio station. Describe a famous Richard, or Dick and see if any one can guess who the dick is. The person who guesses it correctly will describe another dick and so on.

This Dick is famous for his extremely short shorts, his fugly afro, and helping women get slim. Who is he?

Similar topics: 1.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   2.do i have a small dick average dick or big dick just curious?   3.Father and son - silimar dick?   4.first time getting my dick stroked and sucked by a guy   5.lunch time  

New Comment

By #647707 at 29,Dec,22 16:29

By #454258 at 28,Apr,14 05:12
heres any easy one.
he was on futurama a few times
US President for two terms
and was kind of an asshole.

By #284666 at 09,Oct,12 05:38
This dick is fond of bush, and shot his buddy while hunting.
By #218130 at 09,Oct,12 11:05
Dick Cheney

Adult Discussion Forum