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Started by smplcsms at 10,Oct,12 19:44  other posts of smplcsms
Is cock size genetically determined? In other words: does a guy inherit a cock similar in most respects to his dad's? Does your length, girth, head, shaft, balls, etc closely resemble your brothers' or father's ?

Similar topics: 1.what boosts or eats a man's confidence?   2.Thick or long? Which do you prefer?   3.What, in addition to size, is important in a good cock? How important are dimensions, looks, etc. How does mine stack up, ove   4.perfect cock   5.multi-dimensional beings/entities?  

New Comment

By #497509 at 14,Sep,15 22:26
I have almost similar dick as of my father except that he had more thick. One of my **** dick is almost same as my father.
By bella! at 14,Sep,15 23:01 other posts of bella! 
Aren't there other things to do in India other than fu@king your relatives and looking at your father and br0thers penises. Surely you could do something more constructive with time, perhaps you could be a greeter at a local McDonalds or something......
By #497509 at 15,Sep,15 22:46
In earlier days , joint family system existed commonly. And sexual relation with **** in considered offence now also. But it happened sometimes now also. Sex with wife si ster is still happening but it is decreasing.

Adult Discussion Forum