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wearing tight jeans

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Started by #304671 at 11,Oct,12 20:54
My skinny jeans show my cock off . Is this sexy or yuck ? I feel good in them but do i look silly ?

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By *kmadeau* at 25,Oct,12 07:51 other posts of *kmadeau* 
You don't look sexy in tight jeans, sorry man. You have to workout your body a lot to be sexy! Mr.Drifter looks more sexier and he could wear really skinny jeans. Nothing lost, go ahead to the Gym. Often!

By jocstfr at 24,Oct,12 12:30 other posts of jocstfr 
I wear both tight and loose fitting jeans. I have found that even with the loose fitting ones, when sitting down my cock bulge is clearly visible. I was sitting on a bar stool once and a girl commented that she could tell that I was circumcised.

By #285834 at 20,Oct,12 23:47
Na-h ... to tight man. Like jeans but a bit loose ...more like this ..
[deleted image]

and like this

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 21,Oct,12 00:04 other posts of spermkiss 
Both tight and loose have their advantages. Tight shows things off, while loose gives a lot of room for someone to put a hand inside.

By #301027 at 11,Oct,12 21:54
Well mate I think you look great in the tight jeans, you look sexy in them. I would not be able to take my eyes off that nice bulge.
By spermkiss at 13,Oct,12 00:38 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree. I'd have more than my eyes on your bulge. My hands would be all over your crotch giving you a good feel. That IS what you want, isn't it? I personally really like it when I'm in a crowd and another guy gropes me.
By #304671 at 20,Oct,12 23:39
Thats what i want mate
By spermkiss at 21,Oct,12 00:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't it fun to be in a crowded gay bar when all the guys start feeling each other out. There is a real camaraderie in knowing that every guy is getting a good feel of every other guy's dick.

By #161395 at 19,Oct,12 19:35
Tight clothes squish my balls and hurt, I won't wear them.
By #218130 at 19,Oct,12 19:45
very uncomfortable indeed. Love hanging loose

By #220845 at 19,Oct,12 02:02
I like them too, but I am getting older and I've put on a few pounds

By #291618 at 14,Oct,12 07:36
Yep it ok to wear whatever u feel comfortable with and if u think it looks nice then wear them
But i dont like wearing tight jeans

By bella! at 11,Oct,12 21:04 other posts of bella! 
With all do respect, skinny jeans are made for younger wearers. I took a look at your page, your jeans look uncomfortably tight.

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