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"Board Game"

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Started by CreativeOne at 11,Oct,12 23:32  other posts of CreativeOne
Here is a good discussion for the "DF" ... (I think) , So what is your favorite Board Game ? Mine is actually Scrabble or Monopoly ! .... How about You what is your favorite board game out of all of them out there ??? Also ... are there any cool Sex board games out there ?

Similar topics: 1.Pick-up bingo and other "sex games"   2.Word Chain Game   3.King of the Mountain game rigged??   4.Game Changing Films   5.Looking for dick-pics for a new boardgame  

New Comment

By bella! at 12,Oct,12 14:53 other posts of bella! 
Backgammon is my favorite board game however I like cards. You name it, pinochle, euchre, poker, hearts, spades.....
By CreativeOne at 04,Mar,13 15:07 other posts of CreativeOne 
Mmmmmm , I love most games too "Bella" ! Thank You for your comment here !!!

By #139037 at 14,Oct,12 01:17
Four different games that deserve a mention:

1: Colonists of Catan. I've got so much history with this excellent board game that it actually feels like the other way around.

2: Chess: I don't play it very often due to time and concentration required, but if I do it's priceless!

3: Poker Texas Hold'm. The best regular card game out there. It's got all: excitement, anticipation, tactics, bluffing, outsmarting and sheer luck. Sucks when your drunk, money wise, but excellent when the others are drunk .

4: Dungeons&Dragons. The geek in me loves this game. It's the most free, most fantastic, most mentally challenging game out there. I do play it with a group of friends every now and then, but not often. Though a life changing experience when first played. Forget LotR or WoW: this is the real thing.

Edit: maybe just for the sake of it, but both Risk and Cluedo deserve a mention too.
By CreativeOne at 17,Oct,12 13:19 other posts of CreativeOne 
"Thank You" all of which are Outstanding games !!!

By #201583 at 18,Oct,12 22:08
D&D is great but I lean more to BattleTech.

By #305812 at 12,Oct,12 00:35
You can make almost any board game into a sex game by using your imagination. My favorite is checkers and Monopoly

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